Maypole Fund Application Form - 2018

The Maypole Fund Application Form

Guidelines for Maypole Fund Applications

Please read these guidelines carefully before filling out the application form on the following pages. Your application must be for a project which falls within our AIM/S and fulfil one or more of our CRITERIA. Much as we would wish to support all worthwhile women's projects, our funds and constitution do not permit this. As we receive more applications than we have money to fund, we are especially looking for imaginative, non-violent and politically expressive projects.

We welcome applications from women for projects and activities that meet the following MAYPOLE FUND AIM/S:

  • anti-militarism;
  • action against the arms trade;
  • action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems;
  • creating a culture of peace and non-violence and the prevention of conflict and war;
  • action to support disarmament policies, processes and related initiatives.

We have chosen the following CRITERIA to help us prioritise and decide between applications - you should clearly explain how and why a particular criteria is relevant to your application:

  • Young women’s groups/individuals and lesbian groups/individuals;
  • Activities or projects not yet started;
  • Women who do not have access to other sources of funding or whose projects find it difficult to attract funding from elsewhere;
  • Imaginative/creative activities;
  • Individual and small women’s groups over larger established women’s groups,

PLEASE NOTE: We do not make contributions to general funding, and we do not give grants for individual women living in the global North to attend courses/conferences or to travel for personal interest. We only fund women.

Please fill in the application form and send it by email. When filling in the application form, please:

  • Describe clearly the activity you would like the Maypole Fund to support.
  • Show how your activity fits in with Maypole's AIMS and say how the CRITERIA listed above apply to your project.
  • State clearly the total amount you need. Our maximum grant is £750.
  • Give a breakdown of the costs.
  • Do not exceed four A4 pages.

Deadlines for funding applications are: 31st January and 30th June of each year.

Maypole Fund Application Form

Part 1: You and/or your group

Name of contact person:
Name of your group (if a group is involved):
If applying on behalf of a group, is your group women only? *
* We will not fund a project if this question has not been answered
  1. Your email address (so that we can contact you if we have any questions or need additional information):
  1. Your telephone number (if possible):
  1. Your postal address. However, we prefer to communicate via email where possible:

If you or your group are awarded a grant, please note:
  • If you are not based in the UK, the grant will be made by electronic bank transfer
directly to your bank account;
  • If you are in the UK, the grant will be made by cheque.
  1. FOR NON UK APPLICATIONS: What are your bank account details?
(Please provide all of the details listed below. Failure to do so can cause delays.)
Bank Name:
Branch Address:
Account Name:
Account Number:
IBAN or Swift Code:
2. FOR UK APPLICATIONS: To whom should a cheque be made payable?
How did you hear about the Maypole Fund?
What does your group exist to do? (no more than 1 page)

Part 2: Your project/activity

Please describe the project/activity that you would like Maypole to support (no more than 1
AIMS: Please state which of Maypole’s aim/s (see guidelines) is/are most important to your
project/activity – choose the relevant themes from the list below and explain why (no more
than 1 page):
  • anti-militarism;
  • action against the arms trade;
  • action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems;
  • creating a culture of peace and non-violence and the prevention of conflict and war;
  • action to support disarmament policies, processes and related initiatives.

CRITERIA: Please state which of the following criteria relates to your project and clearly explain
how and why it is relevant to your application:
  • Young women’s groups/individuals and lesbian groups/individuals;
  • Activities or projects not yet started;
  • Women who do not have access to other sources of funding or whose projects find it difficult to attract funding from elsewhere;
  • Imaginative/creative activities;
  • Individual and small women’s groups over larger established women’s groups.

How much money are you asking for?
Please give a breakdown of your costs for the project/activity (add as many lines as needed):
If you have included a breakdown in your national currency, please provide details of the
exchange rate you have used and the equivalent in GBP£.

Email your application to: