9th grade Syllabus /
Ms. Teryn Kravitz email: phone: 510-618-4600, ext. 2356
Visit our class webpage often at (click “Academics”/”AVID”)
AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) is a course that will prepare you for entrance into a four-year college. In AVID, you will participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading to support your growth academically. In this program, you will:
Apply AVID skills including note taking, organization, time management and goal setting
Participate in tutor-faciliatated, bi-weekly tutorials to receive support in academic courses
Participate in reading and writing-to-learn activities, including note taking, learning logs, and essay writing
Improve inquiry and communication through a variety of activities, including presentations and Socratic Seminars
Volunteer in the community (at least 15 hours a semester) and become actively involved on campus in clubs and/or sports
Prepare for college entrance exams
Research college and career opportunities and develop a portfolio
Necessary Materials:- 2 good quality 2 – 3” 3-ring binders (one for their daily use for ALL classes, the second for their portfolio)
- 10 or more dividers (for the binder AND portfolio)
- Plastic sheet protectors
- Zippered pouch or pencil case to store supplies such as pens and pencils (a 3-hole punched heavy duty Ziploc bag will also work)
- Two or more pens (blue, dark purple, or black ink only)
- Two or more #2 pencils
- One eraser
- One or more highlighter pens
- College Rule loose leaf lined paper
- Liquid Paper/white-out pen
- Calculator
- Ruler
- Pocket dictionary (VERY important for advanced class readings which are very challenging!!)
- 3-hold punch (the kind you can keep in your binder)
Typical weekly schedule
AVID Curriculum includes reading and writing-to-learn strategies and exercises, time management strategies, goal setting, test preparation, college exploration, and oral language / public speaking activities. This schedule may change.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAVID Curriculum / Tutorials / A.V.I.D. Binder Checks
IRC & A.V.I.D. Coursework Checks (alternating every other week) / AVID Curriculum / Tutorials
Grading Scale / Policy
This course has an ongoing grade for the whole semester (not quarters), and is weighted by priority based upon the following criteria:
- 25%: Binders
- 25%: Assignments/IRC/Learning Logs
- 25%: Tutorials (You must complete a Learning Log if absent on a Tutorial day)
- 25%: Projects/Essays/Portfolios (includes taking the PSAT in the fall of Junior year)
Grades are updated and posted approximately every two weeks.
Assignment Policy
- BINDERS: Keep a collection of all of your assignments in your binder. Your binder should be neatly organized with all assignments in the rings of the binder by Binder Check day. Binders are checked every Wednesday. If you do not bring your materials to class on binder check day, you will receive a ZERO for that binder check. Don’t throw anything away! No credit for incomplete or loose assignments.
- ASSIGNMENTS: I will stamp your work if it is 1) complete and 2) on time. If your assignment received a stamp, assume you will receive full credit points for it. If, however, upon reviewing your coursework more closely I discover that you didn’t actually put genuine thought and your best effort into that stamped assignment, I will take points away. No credit for incomplete assignments.
- PORTFOLIOS: You will be required to keep a portfolio that will span all four years of AVID. This will be maintained in class and consist of notes, essays, reflections, and other assignments as determined by the AVID elective teacher.
- VOLUNTEERISM: As a part of the AVID elective, you are required to complete 15 hours of community service each semester.
- EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: You are also required to get involved in at least one sport, club, or school-related activity like leadership.
- LATE POLICY: Late assignments will not be accepted after 5 days. (Binder checks will not be accepted late.) Each late assignment looses 20%. This includes late assignments due to unexcused tardies and absences (cuts). See absence policy below in the event you have an excused absence.
Absence Policy
- FOR ASSIGNMENTS YOU MISSED AND NEED: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to see Ms. Kravitz to get any missed work for days you were absent the day you return, turn in any work due while you were absent, and arrange to make up any binder checks or tutorials.
- CREDIT FOR WORK MISSED: Only work from excused absences may be made up for full credit. Unexcused absences or cuts may be made up for late credit. (See late policy above for details.)
Plagiarism / Cheating
All work that you turn in must be yours or properly cited (do not misrepresent others’ work or ideas as your own).
Do not let other students “borrow” or copy any of your work (Use the sample binder, course webpage, or teacher for help).
Academic dishonesty on any work will receive ZERO credit, with no opportunity for makeup/retake. No exceptions!
Class Rules & Consequences
In addition to following school policy, below is a list of rules and consequences for our classroom.
- FOLLOW DIRECTIONS: All directions in class are designed to make class run smoothly and safely. Not following directions on an assignment can result in a loss of points. Unsafe behavior is subject to progressive discipline.
- COME TO CLASS PREPARED AND ON-TIME: You should be in your seat BEFORE the bell rings to ensure that you are not marked tardy. Tardies are subject to progressive discipline, which includes detention to make up the time missed in class and parent phone calls. It is expected that you will have all required materials, assignments, etc. in class before you get there. I do not give locker passes to get missing/forgotten work.
- NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS (BOTTLED WATER O.K.): This keeps our classroom clean, neat, and pest-free. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a 10 min clean-up detention during lunch.
- NO ELECTRONICS IN CLASS (mp3 players/iPod, cell phone, etc.)! If I see or hear your electronic device or earphones, I will enforce the SLHS school-wide consequences for having electronics (take yours away, give it to the Assistant Principals’ office to be picked up after school, and parents/guardians will have to collect it from the A.P. office after first offense). Failure to surrender device to me upon request will be an automatic referral for defiance. Play it safe: Keep electronics – and earphones - in your locker to avoid trouble.
Don’t interrupt when others are talking; no profanity or hate language; respect differences; don’t be argumentative or talk back; no inappropriate tampering with computers, materials, furniture or windows; no grooming during class; no sleeping.
Failure to act professionally and with respect will result in progressive discipline. Extremely inappropriate behavior or defiance will result in an automatic administrative referral and/or parent conference.
- First offense: Warning
- Second offense: Minor consequence as appropriate (move seat, clean up the mess created, 5 min time-out, or other appropriate minor consequence)
- Third offense: Lunchtime detention with teacher
- Fourth offence: Lunchtime detention with teacher and/or Buddy room (15 min time-out) as appropriate; Phone call home.
- Fifth offense: Referral
*Extreme defiance, unsafe behavior, bullying, or other extreme behavior will result in an automatic referral.
The Rule of 3
Students who are on progressive discipline more than three times in a week will automatically receive the next level of consequences. For example, a student who gets three warnings for misbehavior within 5 days will automatically get a level 2 consequence if they repeat the behavior a fourth time that week.
Students can get off of the rule of 3 by keeping off of progressive discipline for 5 consecutive school days.
Students can earn individual and class rewards for setting and meeting goals, good performance on assignments and assessments, and excellent behavior. Classes that earn 100 points or more in a semester can earn a class party. Other rewards can include:
- Physical rewards such as classroom supplies, stickers, toys, or other prizes.
- Food or snacks
- Positive phone calls home
- Other positives as determined by the class and agreed to by the teacher
Please contact me at the e-mail address or phone number below. I do my best to reply to all messages within 48 hours.
email: phone: 510-618-4600, ext. 2356
Please sign and return this syllabus
Student Name (Please Print): ______
Parent/Guardian name (please print):______
Parent/Guardian signature: ______
Phone number: ______Best time to call: ______
E-mail: ______