Vision: Our Students…Our Community…Our Future…Together

Name: Tony FlowersDate: 8/26-8/30 2013

AP Government / Economics
Monday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Topics: Chapter 2-The Constitution
Book Reading: pp. 32-60, The Constitution-pp. 62-78
Group Activity: Constitutional Scavenger Hunt
*Amendment Test on Wednesday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Review Chapter 2 Section 2 Features of the U.S. Economy
Chapter 2 Section 3
-Economic Goals of the U.S. ( Lecture, Discuss, and Review)
Economic Model: Circular Flow Model (Copy and Label)
Activity from MCG: Econ and Entrepreneurship: Markets in the Circular Flow Economy
Quiz worksheets 2.1-2.3
Standards: 1.3, 3.4
Tuesday / BBell Ringer-Channel One
Topics: Chapter 3-Federalism
Book Reading: pp. 80-101
Workbook: U.S. Government Book 1, pp. 20-22, pp. 33-34
Supplemental Reading: Federalist Papers, #51 / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Chapter 3 Section 1
-Demand, Quantity Demanded, Demand
Schedules and Curves (Lecture, Discuss,
and Review)
Review for Chapter 2 Test
Personal Finance: Credit
Practice graphing Demand Curves and
Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4
Wednesday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Topics: Chapter 3-Federalism
Test: Amendments
Book Reading: pp. 80-101
Workbook: U.S. Government Book 1, pp 36-43
Supplemental Reading: Federalist Papers, #51 Discuss / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Chapter 2 Test
Chapter 3 Vocabulary
Practice graphing Demand Curves and
Thursday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Topics: Chapter 3-Federalism
Book Reading: pp. 80-101
Workbook: U.S. Government Book 1, pp. 59-61
Supplemental Reading: Federalist Papers, #51 Reaction Paper Due
Review for Unit 1 Test / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Chapter 3 Section 2
-Determinants of Demand and Shifts
(Lecture, Discuss, Review)
Practice shifting demand curves and
moving up and down curves.
Mort Book Activities: Demand Schedules,
Curves, and Shifts
Go over Chapter 2 Test
Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4
Friday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Topics: FRQ practice and tips.
Activity: Web research on conflicts between Federal and State Laws (Drug, DOMA, etc.) Use informational text and explain both sides using arguments from the texts and then choose one side to support along with providing explanations.
Review for Unit 1 Test / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Chapter 3 Section 3
-Elasticity of Demand, Midpoint Formula
(Lecture, Discuss, Review)
Credit Video: Maxxed Out
Sections 3.1-3.3 worksheets
Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Modern World History
Monday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Spiraling Review
Chapter 13 Study Guide.
Writing: How the did the relationship between the Church and Middle Age Rulers change over the course of the Middle Ages? Two paragraphs based on support material from the text.
Tuesday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Spiraling Review-Test Review
Chapter 14 Section 1
-Church Reforms and the Crusades
Fill-in-the-blank sheet on Crusades and
Small Group Remediation
Section 1 quiz and reteaching sheet
Standard: 1.2
Wednesday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Spiraling Review
Chapter 13 Test
Chapter 14 Vocabulary
Thursday / Bell Ringer-Channel One
Spiraling Review- Go over Chapter 13 Test
Chapter 14 Section 2
-Growing Population in Europe
-Teacher created guided reading sheet.
Small Group Remediation
Section 2 Quiz and Reteaching sheet
Standard: 1..4, 1.5
Friday /
  • Bell Ringer-Channel One
  • Spiraling Review
  • Chapter 14 Section 3
-England and France Develop
-Reading Study Guide and Guided Reading
  • Small Group Remediation
  • Section 3 quiz and reteaching sheet.
  • Standard: 1.2, 1.4