BansilalRamnathAgarwal Charitable Trust’s


(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SavitribaiPhulePune University)

Notice No.: N-21Date: 13-08-2016


The Assessment Pattern with effect fromAcademicYear 2016-17 for F.Y.BTech Students

All the faculty members, staff and F.Y. B.Tech students of Vishwakarma Institute of Technology are hereby informed that as per the decision taken by the Institute, the assessment pattern for F.Y.Btech is as under :

1)Theory Courses:

The weightage of assessment for any course will be as follows:

1)In-Semester Assessment -30% to be carried out by Teacher

2)Mid- Semester Assessment-20% Online Mid-Semester Exam

3)End- semester Assessment-50% Conventional 100 mark End Semester Exam

This type of assessment is applicable to courses of following type:

(i)Theory with Lab

(ii)Theory with Tutorial

(iii)Only Theory

Details of In-semester Assessment:The in-semester assessment will be done for 100 marks which will be converted to 30 marks.

The in semester assessment of 30% (100 marks) will be carried out based on one or more of the following activities as decided by the teachers and approved by Board of Studies and depending on the nature of the subject.


b)Laboratory Assignments

c)Laboratory Experiments

d)Laboratory Projects

e)Tutorial Assignments


g)Study Visit

h)Case Study


j)Class Test


l)Viva etc.………………..

This type of assessmentis applicable to courses of following type:

(iv)Theory with Lab

(v)Theory with Tutorial

(vi)Only Theory

The distribution of 100 marks will be as follows;

A)30 marks continuous assessment based on one or more of the following:

(i)Submission of the work/activity as listed above.

(ii)Originality of the work.

(iii)Timely submission

(iv)Neatness of the work.

(v)Accompanied Viva Voce during submission.

B)20 marks Mid-Semester Examination

Mid semester examination of 20 marks will be based on the above work/activity carried out by the students.

The examination can be :

(i)Performance of experiment / Program/ Tutorial.

(ii)Seminar Delivery

(iii)Viva Voce, etc.

As decided by the Teacher and approved by the Head of the Department.

C)50 marks End – Semester Examination

End Semester Examination of 50 marks will be based on the above work/activity carried out by the students.

The examination can be:

(iv)Performance of experiment / Program/ Tutorial.

(v)Seminar Delivery.

(vi)Viva Voce, etc.

As decided by the Teacher and approved by the Head of the Department.

2)For Lab Courses:

The lab courses can be of the following types:

(i)Lab course

(ii)Lab course with Theory

Whenever there is only lab or lab course with theory the assessment will be as follows:

(A)Continuous Assessment-30 marks throughout the semester

(B)Mid Semester Assessment-20 marks at the mid of the semester

(C)End Semester Assessment-50 marks at the end of the semester

The Lab may have experiment / Assignments/ Practical/ Drawings/Projects/The Lab may have experiment / Assignments/ Practical/ Drawings/Projects/ Survey/fieldwork, etc

The distribution of 100 marks will be as follows;

A)30 marks continuous assessment based on one or more of the following:

(i)Submission of the work/activity as listed above.

(ii)Originality of the work.

(iii)Timely submission

(iv)Neatness of the work.

(v)Accompanied Viva Voce during submission.

B)20 marks Mid – Semester Examination

Mid semester examination of 20 marks will be based on the above work/activity carried out by the students.

The examination can be :

(vii)Performance of experiment / Program/ Tutorial.

(viii)Seminar Delivery.

(ix)Viva Voce, etc.

As decided by the Teacher and approved by the Head of the Department.

C)50 marks End – Semester Examination

End Semester Examination of 50 marks will be based on the above work/activity carried out by the students.

The examination can be:

(x)Performance of experiment / Program/ Tutorial.

(xi)Seminar Deliver.

(xii)Viva Voce, etc.

As decided by the Teacher and approved by the Head of the Department.


(Prof. Dr R.M.Jalnekar)

Director, VIT, Pune.

C.W.C. to

Dean’s Office, for information & All Heads of Departments

To be put up on Notice Board, for information to all students.

Systems Manager, for arrangement of uploading

BansilalRamnathAgarwal Charitable Trust’s


(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SavitribaiPhulePune University)

Notice No.: N-23Date: 13-08-2016


The Fail grades applicable to all students from Academic year 2016-17 onwards

All the faculty members, staff and students of Vishwakarma Institute of Technology are hereby informed that as per the decision taken by the institute, the Fail grades have been revised. The revised assessment pattern will be applicable to allundergraduate and post graduate students in the institute.

FR Grade has been abolished. Any student who has failed in a course will now be treated either as XX (in case detained) or FF (in case failed in the course – FF or FR earlier)

Furthermore, all students who had received FR grades in the previous semesters should note that they will be treated as ‘FF’ students from this semester. This means that existing FR students will have to appear for all assessments viz TA, Online MSE and ESE.


In fail grades there will be three grades; (1) XXGrade and (2)FF Grade (3) II Grade

1)XX Grade means a student is detained.

For XX Grade student has to repeat the entire course by attending the classes and giving all exams.

2)FF Grade means a student whose term is granted and has failed in a course. II Grade means student whose term is granted but who did not appear for the examination.

For FF Grade the student has to repeat all the exams i.e.:

(i)Teacher Assessment-30 %

(ii)Mid- Semester Assessment-20 %

(iii)End Semester Assessment -50 %

Attendance to classes is desirable.

3) II Grade means student whose term is granted but who did did not appear for the end semester examination.

For II Grade the student has to repeat all the exams i.e.

(i)Teacher Assessment-30 %

(ii)Mid- Semester Assessment-20 %

(iii)End Semester Assessment -50 %

Attendance to classes is desirable.


1)XX Grade – Student has to repeat the course and exams and fees are as under:

(i)Rs. 1000/- per credit.

(ii)Additional administrative charges of Rs. 1000/- irrespective of the number of credits registered.

2)FF Grade & II Grade - Second Year, Third Year and B.Techor M.Techstudents (with FF or FR grades, now converted into FF grade)are as under :

(i) Rs 1200/ per course for all types of courses

(Theory, Lab, GP, PD, SD, CVV, Seminar, Mini Project etc)


(Prof. Dr R.M.Jalnekar)

Director, VIT, Pune.

C.W.C. to

Dean’s Office, for information & All Heads of Departments

To be put up on Notice Board, for information to all students.

Systems Manager, for arrangement of uploading.

BansilalRamnathAgarwal Charitable Trust’s


(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to SavitribaiPhulePune University)

Notice No.: N-22Date: 13-08-2016


Change of Assessment Pattern from A.Y.2016-17 for S.Y., T.Y, BTech, MCA 1,2,3 and MTech students.

All the faculty members, staff and students of Vishwakarma Institute of Technology are hereby informed that as per the decision taken by the institute the assessment pattern is revised. The revised assessment pattern will be applicable to students of S.Y., T.Y, BTech, MCA 1,2,3 and MTech students from academic year 2016-17.

The weightage of assessment for every Theory will be as follows:

1)Teacher Assessment -30%

2)Mid- Semester Assessment-20%

3)End- semester Assessment-50%

(Exam conducted out of 100 marks converted to 50)

There are two types of courses: Courses with a Tutorial and Courses without a Tutorial

  1. For Courses with Tutorial the 30 marks (Teacher Assessment) will be allotted as follows:

a) Class test : 15 Marks

b) Home Assignments : 05 Marks.

c)Tutorial : 10 Marks

  1. For Courses without Tutorial the 30 marks (Teacher Assessment) will be allotted as follows (would depend on the nature of the course and will be announced by every course teacher) :

a)Class test : 15 Marks

b)Home assignments : 15 Marks


a)Class test : 20 Marks

b)Home Assignments: 10 Marks.


(Prof. Dr R.M.Jalnekar)

Director, VIT, Pune.

C.W.C. to

Dean’s Office, for information & All Heads of Departments

To be put up on Notice Board, for information to all students.

Systems Manager, for arrangement of uploading.