Business Address:Home Address:

MurrayStateUniversity311 South 15th Street

Department of Adolescent, Career, andMurray, KY 42071

Special Education (270) 293-4455

3225 Alexander Hall

Murray, KY42071-3340

(270) 809-4257


1981-1985Ph.D. in Occupational Education (Business Education Specialty), Southern IllinoisUniversity at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, May 1985.

"Teaching Typewriting Formatting--Production Skills on Electronic Typewriters and Micro-computers."

1979-1980M.S. in Business Education, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, August 1980.

"Certification Requirements for Illinois Shorthand Reporters with Implications for Court Reporter Training Programs in Illinois."

1972-1974B.S. in Business Education, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, June 1974.


Chair - Professor

Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education

MurrayStateUniversity, Murray, KY

April 1, 2006 – Present

Interim Chair – July 1, 2005 – April 1, 2006

Administrative Responsibilities: Oversee the efficient management of the Adolescent, Career, and Special Education Department, provide oversight for faculty searches for the ACS Department, conduct annual reviews of faculty, manage department funds, monitor office management of clerical staff and students, teach half-time, participate with the College Administrative Team, and serve as Secondary Education Coordinator.

Courses taught include: Issues and Practices of American Education, Practicum for Secondary Education, Methods and Materials in Teaching Business/Marketing Subjects,

Foundations of Business Education, Youth Organizations for Business/Marketing Education, and Marketing Business Education.

Professor and Coordinator of Business/Marketing Education

Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education

MurrayStateUniversity, Murray, KY

August 2000 –June 30, 2005

Courses taught included: Issues and Practices of American Education, Strategies of Teaching, Methods and Materials in Teaching Business/Marketing Subjects, Business Communication, Practicum for Secondary Education, Foundations of Business Education, Youth Organizations for Business/Marketing Education, Marketing Business Education, Keyboarding, Beginning Word Processing, and First Year Experience. I also supervise the business education student teachers and first-year teacher interns. I am also the advisor for MurrayState's Pi Omega Pi Chapter.

May 2007

Belize Student Teaching Program: Supervised 12 student teachers in Corozal, Belize

Professor and Coordinator of Business/Marketing Education

Department of Business Administration, Office Systems, and Business Education

MurrayStateUniversity. Murray, KY

August 1985 – August 2000

Courses taught included: Methods and Materials in Teaching Business Subjects, Business Communication, Foundations of Business Education, Youth Organizations for Business/Marketing, Communication Skills for Managers, Keyboarding, Beginning Word Processing, and First Year Experience. I also supervised student teachers and teacher interns and advised Phi Beta Lambda and Pi Omega Pi.

May 26, 1991 - July 23, 1991

Taught Business Communication and International Business Communication courses in Bregenz, Austria. This teaching experience was offered by MurrayStateUniversity through the Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS).


“Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education”{Online serial}, Volume 4 (Issue 1), 2004 (with Nix, DeBella, Gierhart, Gill, Harader, and Tomlinson).

“Alternative Licensure/Certification Assessment of State Specialists.” Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, November 2001 ( with Chalupa, Groneman, Bartel, Joyner, and LaBonty).

“Alternative Teacher Education Licensure/Certification for Business Educators.” NABTE Review, Issue 28, Fall 2001 (with Perreault, Chalupa, Groneman, Bartel, Joyner, and LaBonty).

"Competencies Required for Successful Business Education Internships." NABTE Review, published in the Business Education Forum, Volume 53, Number 4, April 1999 (with Randy Joyner).


Classroom Management 101, College of Education, MurrayStateUniversity, Murray, Kentucky ($2000) with Greg Gierhart-Spring 2005

Innovative Technology for the Middle School Classroom – The Center for Middle School Academic Achievement, MurrayStateUniversity, Murray, Kentucky. ($6,000) (Summer 2002).


February 2008“Integrating CHAMPs Into Teacher Education: A Murray State Initiative to Enhance Teacher Skills” co-presented with Ms. Pam Matlock at the Association of Teacher Educators Conference-New Orleans, LA

November 2001“Alternative Teacher Education Licensure/Certification for State Specialists” co-presented with Dr. Marilyn Chalupa, Dr. Randy Joyner, and Dr. Dennis LaBonty at the Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference-Nashville, TN


November 2007“Improving Practicum Experiences in the Traditional Four-year Teacher Education Program” co-presented with Dr. Marty Jacobs at Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher EducatorsConference-St. Louis, MO

September 2007“Integrating CHAMPs Into Teacher Education: A Murray State Initiative to Enhance Teacher Skills” co-presented with Ms. Pam Matlock and Dr. Eric Umstead at Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators Conference-Georgetown, KY

February 1998"Playdough Economics" at the Northwest Arkansas Business Education Teacher's Conference-Jonesboro, AR

February 1997"Playdough Economics" at The 14th AnnualAtlanticCoast Business and Marketing Education Conference-Raleigh, NC


American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

Association of Teacher Educators

Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators

Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators

Association for Career and Technical Education

Association for Business Communication - 1992 Midwest Regional Exhibit Chair

Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education – 1999-2001 Teacher Educator Board Representative

National Business Education Association (29 continuous years)

Southern Business Education Association – 1999 Nomination Committee; 1993-1997 SBEA/NBEA Regional Membership Director; 1991 and 1992 Conference Statistician

Kentucky Business Education Association – Treasurer, 2001-July 2006; Past President, 1993 and 1994; President, 1992; President Elect, 1991; District I Board member, 198890; Newsletter Editor 198587

National Association for Business Teacher Education - Secretary 1999-2001

Delta Pi Epsilon Historian 19831984

Iota Lambda Sigma - President 19821983

Phi Delta Kappa Research Representative, 1988-1992; Membership Director, 19861988

Pi Omega Pi - Secretary-Historian 1999-2001, President-Elect 2001-2003, President 2003-2005

Phi Beta Lambda Board of Directors 1994-1995, President Professional Division 1994-1995; President-Elect Professional Division 1993-1994; National Awards Committee 1993-2001 (Chair for Phi Beta Lambda Committee); Alumni National Secretary/Treasurer, 19851986; Illinois Southern Area PBL Adviser, 1982-1985

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Kappa Phi

Kappa Delta Pi

Omicron Delta Kappa

Order of Omega

Association of Fraternity Advisors


March 2008New Orleans, LA-Convention Registration Chair

April 2007New York, NY-Convention Registration Chair

April 2006Tampa, FL-Convention Registration Chair

March 2005Anaheim, CA-Chaired one NABTE session and worked registration

April 2004Chicago, IL-Chaired one NABTE session and worked registration

April 2003Dallas, TX-Chaired one NABTE session and worked registration

April 2002Philadelphia, PA-Chaired one NABTE session and worked registration

April 2001Atlanta, GA-Chaired two NABTE sessions and worked registration

April 2000Anaheim, CA-Chaired one NABTE session

April 1999Chicago, IL-Chaired one Secondary session

March 1997New York, NY-Chaired one NABTE session


Attended annual conference 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985 (Coordinated Conference 2002, 2001, 2000, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992)


Attended annual conference 2007, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, l996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986


2003-presentSpringer-FranklinResidentialCollege participant


2001-presentRoad’s Scholars Area Coordinator

Roads Scholars Team Captain for Harrisburg High School-Harrisburg, IL; White County High School-Carmi, IL; and Marion High School-Marion, IL

2001-2003Elizabeth Residential College participant

2000-2001Roads Scholars Team Captain for Salem High School-Salem, IL; Centralia High School-Centralia, IL; McLeansboro High School-McLeansboro, IL; Pinckneyville High School-Pinckneyville, IL; and Vienna High School-Vienna, IL (in addition to the ones listed below)

1997-2001Roads Scholars Team Captain for Harrisburg High School-Harrisburg, IL; White County High School-Carmi, IL; and Southeastern Illinois College-Harrisburg, IL

1993-PresentChaired Board of Regents Staff Excellence Committee


April 2008Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

February 2008Facilitator for workshop at MSU Engagement Conference-Murray, KY

January 2008-presentReviewer for Delta Pi Epsilon Journal – Editorial Board

October 2007Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2007Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

April 2007Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

October 2006Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2006Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

April 2006Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

October 2005Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2005Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

April 2005Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

October 2004Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2004Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

August 2004-presentReviewer for Business Education Digest

April 2004Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

October 2003Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2003Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

April 2003Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

October 2002Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2002Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

April 2002Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

October 2001Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Interview Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

September 2001Homecoming Queen Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY

April 2001Miss Murray State University Scholarship Pageant Tabulator Judge-Murray State University-Murray, KY


2003-presentGraduation-Faculty Marshall

2000-presentAcademic Excellence Committee

1997-presentGreat Beginnings (Freshmen) Planning Committee

1997-presentFamily Weekend Planning Committee

1997-presentUniversity Judicial Board

1995-1999Faculty Senate Executive Committee

1989-1991Faculty Senate Academic Policies Committee (Chair)

1988Search Committee for Vice-President of Student Development

1988-1991University Handbook and Personnel Committee

1988-1991; 1993-University Rules, Elections, and Bylaws Committee


1988-1991University Finance Committee

1988-1992; 1995-

2000University Insurance Committee (Chair 1999-2000; 1988-1989)

1987-1993University Retention Committee

1986-1990University Appeals Board

1986-1991; 1993-Faculty Senate Member (Parliamentarian 1986-1988, 1992-1999)



2007-PresentCollege of Education-Co-Chair Standard 1 NCATE Committee

2003-PresentCollege of Education-Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education-MS CTE Admission Committee-Chair

2003-2005College of Education-Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education-Career and Technical Education Program Coordinator

2003-2005College of Education-Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education Curriculum Review Committee

2003-PresentCollege of Education-Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education IAF Review Committee

2001-PresentCollege of Education Recruitment Committee

2001-PresentCollege of Education Promotion Committee

2001-2005College of Education-Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education Tenure Review Committee

2001-2005College of Education Grievance Committee

2000-2002College of Education Teacher Education Admission Committee

2000-2005College of Education-Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education Promotion Committee

2000-PresentCollege of Education NCATE Diversity Committee

1985-PresentCollege of Education Policy and Review Committee


Gamma Sigma Alpha Advisor (1999-present)

Order of Omega Adviser (1997-present)

Panhellenic Adviser (1995-Present)


1992-PresentKentucky Business and Office Teacher Task Force Member

1989-PresentTier I Trainer Kentucky Teacher Internship Program-Murray State University-Murray, KY (Conducted two-three up-date sessions during summers)

1985-PresentMurray State University Fall Business Education Conference Coordinator-Lake Barkley, KY (annual event)

1985-PresentKentucky Teacher Internship Program Team Member Evaluator


Recipient of the Board of Regents Teaching Excellence Award-Murray State University-Murray, KY-April 2005 (College of Education)

Recipient of 2004 Outstanding Post-Secondary Business Education Teacher-Louisville, KY-July 2004

Recipient of Honorary Lifetime Membership in KentuckyPBL-Louisville, KY-April 2002

Recipient of Honorary Lifetime Membership in Kentucky DECA-Murray, KY-February 2001

Recipient of the Max G. Carmen Outstanding Teacher Award-Murray State University-Murray, KY-May 1997

Recipient of Honorary Lifetime Membership in KentuckyFBLA-Louisville, KY-May 1996

Recipient of Honorary Lifetime Membership in Kentucky Region I FBLA-Murray, KY-March 1996

Recipient of the Southern Business Education Association Teacher Educator of the Year Award-Birmingham, AL-October 1994

Recipient of the Kentucky Phi Beta Lambda Outstanding Advisor Award-Louisville, KY- April 1994

Recipient of the Board of Regents Teaching Excellence Award-Murray State University-Murray, KY-May 1993 (College of Business and Public Affairs)

Recipient of the Outstanding Advisor Award for a Professional Organization-Murray State University-Murray, KY-April 1992

Recipient of the William E. Nagal Award for Leadership in Vocational Education-Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, IL-April 8, 1984


Dr. Marcia AndersonYates, Professor, Department of Business Education, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 (6184533321)

Dr. Marty Jacobs, Professor, Department of Adolescent, Career, and Special Education, Murray State University, 3221 Alexander Hall, Murray, KY 42071 (270-809-2593)

Ms. Jean Buckley, FBLAPBL, Inc., President/CEO, 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191 (702-860-3334)

Dr. Jules Harcourt, Professor Emeritus, MurrayStateUniversity, 1710 Magnolia Murray, KY42071 (270753-7853)

Dr. John Thompson, Professor, Department of Accounting, MurrayStateUniversity, 351 Business Building, Murray, KY42071 (2708093248)

Dr. Don Robertson, Vice President of Student Affairs, MurrayStateUniversity, 114 Ordway Hall, Murray, KY 42071 (270-809-6831)

Dr. Jack Rose, Center for School Safety, College of Education, MurrayStateUniversity, 1009 Alexander Hall, Murray, KY 42071 (270-809-6849)

Dr. Tim Todd, Dean, College of Business and Public Affairs, Murray State University, 109A Business Building, Murray, KY 42071 (270-809-4181)

Dr. Russ Wall, Dean, College of Education, Murray State University, 3101 Alexander Hall, Murray, KY 42071 (270-809-3829)