Audubon Naturalist Society,

Chevy Chase, MD

Expanding the "GreenKids" Environmental Literacy Program for Elementary School Students in Virginia (26 months)

$15,000 / matched by $15,000

Bay Journal Media, Seven Valleys, PA

Local Government edition of the Bay Journal $20,000 / matched by $78,725

Blue Sky Fund, Richmond, VA

Continued expansion of the Explorers Program into Richmond Public Schools' 2nd and 4th grades

$15,000 / matched by $236,882

Capital Region Land Conservancy, Richmond, VA

Protecting Our Beloved James River

$15,000 / matched by $40,000

Chesapeake Bay Foundation,

Annapolis, MD

Growing Systemic Environmental Literacy in the Commonwealth of Virginia: Advancing Policy, Engaging Partnerships, and Supporting School Leaders

$25,000 Challenge Grant / matched by $57,546

Chesapeake Conservancy, Annapolis, MD

Supporting a Rising Tide of Innovation to Enhance James River Restoration

$30,000 Challenge Grant / matched by $55,000

Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation, Newport News, VA

Virginia Environmental Attitudes Survey

$13,500 / matched by $13,500

College of William and Mary

Virginia Coastal Policy Center,

Williamsburg, VA

Targeting Assistance to VA Coastal Communities in Responding to Climate Change Challenges

$30,000 / matched by $212,334

James River Association, Richmond, VA

Support of year two of JRA's "Our River at Risk" advocacy campaign

$30,000 / matched by $177,500

Land Trust Alliance, Washington, DC

Circuit Rider Program to Advance Land Conservation Along the Southern Tier of Virginia
$12,500 / matched by $12,500

Living River Restoration Trust,

Portsmouth, VA

Saving the Last Lands of the Elizabeth River: Hampton Roads' Only Local Land Trust Goes FullScale
$15,000 Challenge Grant / matched by $15,935

Maymont Foundation, Richmond, VA

Maymont Stormwater Management Programming
$19,050 Challenge Grant / matched by $323,050

The Nature Conservancy,

Charlottesville, VA

A Comprehensive Approach to Oyster Restoration in the Chesapeake Bay
$10,000 / matched by $1,728,000

Northern Neck Land Conservancy, Lancaster, VA

Vision 2020 Program (support for a professionally produced video to inform landowners about the importance of conservation)
$2,500 / matched by $2,500

Southern Environmental Law Center,

Charlottesville, VA

Leadership for Advancing Land Conservation inVirginia and for Defending Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay and its Tributaries
$30,000 / matched by $220,000

Sustainable Chesapeake, Richmond, VA

Getting Nutrient Management Plans Off the Shelf: Identifying Strategies to Expand Nutrient Management Plan Implementation on Virginia Farms
$24,296 / matched by $50,219

Trout Unlimited, Arlington, VA

Crowdsourcing Data for Climate Change Conservation Planning in the Shenandoah Valley
$10,000 Challenge Grant / matched by $57,110

University of Virginia

Institute for Environmental Negotiation,

Charlottesville, VA

Expanding Access in Virginia to Collaboration and Collective Impact Design and Facilitation
$10,000 / matched by $15,114


Valley Conservation Council, Staunton, VA

VCC’s Agricultural Easement Program: Protecting Farmland and Water Quality
$15,000 / matched by $22,000

Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts,

Mechanicsville, VA

Enhancement of educational activities at Youth Conservation Camp and expansion of the Youth Conservation Leadership Institute

$10,000 / matched by $10,000

Virginia Department of Forestry,

Charlottesville, VA

Healthy Watersheds Forest/TMDL Project Phase II
$10,000 / matched by $50,000

Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, VA

Program and exhibit commemorating VEE's 40th Anniversary

Virginia Institute of Marine Science,

Gloucester Point, VA

Evaluating the Current Status and Trends for Kepone in James River

$21,436 / matched by $52,885

Virginia Junior Academy of Science,

Richmond, VA

The Frances and Sydney Lewis Environmental Science Scholarship (four years)

Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA

28th Environment Virginia Symposium, "Virginia's Environment Shaping Our Future," April 4-6, 2017

Virginia's United Land Trusts,

Richmond, VA

Increasing the impact of land trusts in Virginia: A proposal to professionalize Virginia's United Land Trusts (VaULT)
$16,000 / matched by $95,000

Wetlands Watch, Norfolk, VA

Showing Multiple Benefits for Local Government Conservation Actions in Virginia
$10,000 / matched by $10,484

Support of Philanthropy $5,250

·  Exponent Philanthropy

·  Chesapeake Bay Funders Network

·  Southeastern Council of Foundations




Because of a prior multi-year commitment and the spending down of previously granted funds held in reserve, new grants were not awarded in this program in FY2017.





The March 31, 2017 reviewed asset value of theVirginia Environmental Endowment was $18,693,446. During the fiscalyear the Board ofDirectors approved 30 grants totaling $463,132. When combined with matching fundgrants awarded by VEE since 1977 to awide variety of organizations represent an investment of over $80 million in environmental improvement.