Chalfont Otters Swimming Club

has great pleasure in inviting you to our

MarchMini Meet 2018


Magnet Leisure Centre, Maidenhead, SL6 8AW


Saturday 24th March2018

Programme of Events

Event 1 / Girls 8 & over / 50m / Butterfly
Event 2 / Boys 8 & over / 50m / Butterfly
Event 3 / 8 year old Girls / 25m / Backstroke
Event 4 / 8 year old Boys / 25m / Backstroke
Event 5 / Girls 8 & over / 50m / Breaststroke
Event 6 / Boys 8 & over / 50m / Breaststroke
Event 7 / 8 year old Girls / 25m / Freestyle
Event 8 / 8 year old Boys / 25m / Freestyle
Event 9 / Girls 8 & over / 50m / Backstroke
Event 10 / Boys 8 & over / 50m / Backstroke
Event 11 / 8 year old Girls / 25m / Butterfly
Event 12 / 8 year old Boys / 25m / Butterfly
Event 13 / Girls 8 & over / 50m / Freestyle
Event 14 / Boys 8 & over / 50m / Freestyle
Event 15 / 8 year old Girls / 25m / Breaststroke
Event 16 / 8 year old Boys / 25m / Breaststroke

SCHEDULE: Registration:from 17:30 until 18:30

Warm-up: 18:30, Events Start: 19.00(expected Finish around 21:00)

ENTRY FEES:£3.00 per event. Swimmers may enter up to 4 events. £4.00 Spectator entry

Events and Age Groups

This meet is intended for swimmers aged 11 & under that wish to compete in their first swimming meet and other less experienced swimmers that are below the county championship standard.

  • Age groups are: 8, 9,10 and 11. Ages determined by swimmers age on 25th March 2017. Swimmers must be at least 8 years on the day of the meet to be allowed to enter.
  • 25m events are open to 8 year olds only, 50m events can be entered by all age groups.
  • Swimmers aged 8 may enter either the 25m or the 50m events in each stroke but not both distances in the same stroke.
  • Swimmers may enter a maximum of 4 events.
  • Heats will be run with all ages seeded together based on entry times and the slowest swimmers first. If swimmers do not have licensed times for an event, coaches may put an estimated time in the entry file.
  • Starts will be “over the top” where possible, except for backstroke events.

The Promoter reserves the right to amend the programme of events after consultation with the participating club coaches and the referee to ensure the smooth running of the meet.


  • This is an invitational meet and only swimmers from the invited clubs may enter. Up to 8 different clubs may be involved (including Chalfont Otters).
  • The Closing Date for entries is Sunday4th March 2017 or sooner if the meet becomes full.
  • This meet is “First come; First served” event. Therefore, the entries received soonest by the organisers by will be given priority.
  • Each club may enter up to 30 swimmers. If there isspace available after the closing date the organisers may contact the clubs offering extra places. If clubs wish to enter a larger team, please indicate this on your entry.
  • Once the meet is full, the promoter will not accept any further entries. Any entries not accepted will be refunded in full. Details of accepted entries will be posted on the Chalfont Otters website as soon as possible after the entry closing date.
  • Club entries must be made in an electronic “Hytek” format. The entry files will be emailed to the invited clubs
  • All clubs must return a completed and signed entry summary form either by email. Entries will only be entered into our system and processed once the entry form and any fees due have been received and cleared.
  • Entry fees should be paid by electronic bank transfer to the following account:

Account Name: Chalfont Otters Swimming Club

Account Number: 30256331

Sort Code: 20 02 06

If electronic payment is not possible, a single cheque for whole club entrycan be accepted. Cheques should made out “Chalfont Otters Swimming Club”.


  • Swimmers must register on arrival at the pool. Sign in will close at the start of warm-up. Any swimmer not signed in after the warm up starts will be withdrawn from the meet and no money will be refunded.
  • When called for an event, swimmers must report to the competition stewards to be allocated a heat and lane number. It is the responsibility of the swimmer to report to the stewarding area in sufficient time for each event.
  • Each club should provide sufficient coaches and team managers to look after and prepare the swimmers for their events. Meet marshals will be present to organise the swimmers into their correct heats and lanes. No parents are to be allowed poolside.
  • The Promoters will not be held responsible for a swimmer missing the start of their particular heat.

Warm Up

  • The pool will be available for warm up before the start of theevents. Timings will be as indicated in the Schedule of Events and the Meet Programme.
  • Swimmers should swim in the direction directed by the announcer (or by their coaches) during the warm up.


  • All clubs submitting entries are kindly requested to assist in the running of the meet by providing officials so that we can meet the licencing requirements.
  • Please provide names and contact details for any available officials on the entry form or by email

General Meet Information and Rules

  • The meet is a mixed licenced and unlicensed meet. All 25m events are unlicensed, all 50m events will be licenced as “Level 4”. All events will be swum under A.S.A Laws and Technical rules.
  • The pool is 8-lane 25m with anti-wave lane ropes and manual timing.
  • All competitors and spectators shall observe the rules of the leisure centre and comply with any instructions given by their staff.
  • Parents will not be allowed poolside.
  • Competitors are requested not to bring large bags poolside for safety reasons. Lockers are available for £1. Magnet Leisure Centre Pools nor the promoter shall not be held responsible for loss of or damage to property for any reason.
  • The submission of entries will indicate acceptance of these Conditions.
  • Circumstances not covered by these rules shall be at the reasonable discretion of the organisers.

Health and Safety

  • All participants must observe the safety precautions in operation at the Magnet.
  • Swimmers and coaches must ensure that they take no action that could potentially endanger themselves or others. Supervision and behaviour of the swimmers is the responsibility of their swimming clubs at all times.
  • Prior to leaving the pool area, swimmers must dry off and put on appropriate clothing and footwear.
  • It is the responsibility of competitors, coaches and their clubs to ensure that all swimmers are competent to the standard of the A.S.A Competitive Start Award.
  • Competitors may start from the side or in the water.

Data Protection

Swim meet entries and results will be managed via computer and made available via the internet. By submitting entries, consent is thereby given, as required under the data protection act 1998, to the holding of personal information on a computer. Personal data, including submitted and recorded times, will be publicly available during and after the meet (e.g. licenced times on the Swim England database and website).

Mobile Telephones & Photography

It is a condition of entry that swimmers consent to any photography taking place.

We request that mobile telephones are switched on to silent during the competition and that there is no flash photography at the start of each race.

Anyone wishing to take photographs at the meet must first obtain permission from the leisure centre, please enquire at reception for details.

Contact Details

The meet is promoted by Chalfont Otters Swimming Club.

For information regarding the meet please check the club website in the first instance

For queries and submission of electronic entry files please email:

Please post individual entries, club summary entry forms and cheques to:
March2018Mini Meet, Chalfont Otters, c/o Chalfont Leisure Centre, Nicol Road, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire SL9 9LR

Chalfont Otters Swimming Club,

Proudly sponsored by