Southside Virginia Chapter

Quarterly Report

1 April to 30 June 2016.

I. Membership: Regular Auxiliary Honorary Total

As of 1 January: 98 11 0 109



As of June 30 98 11 0 109

II. Legislative Affairs:

The chapter’s Legislative Team – comprised of COL Victoria Revilla, COL Dave Buck, LCDR Al Peschke and CW4 Bruce Brown – participated in the VCOC Congressional Appreciation Luncheon held at the Capitol Hill Club, Washington, DC. COL Revilla introduced Congressman Randy Forbes, District 5.

III. Public Affairs: Nothing to report.

IV. Levels of Excellence Award Scoring & Chapter Self-Evaluation Status:

The chapter submitted the LOE award nomination on time.

V. Most Significant Chapter Event of the Quarter:

a. The Scholarship and Leadership Awards dinner was held on 17 June 2016 with COL Larry Watson (US Army-ret), 1st Vice-President and ROTC Coordinator once again officiating as Master of Ceremonies. The Prince George HS ROTC Color Guard posted the colors and recited the cadet creed. Students receiving chapter scholarships and JROTC cadets receiving MOAA Leadership Medals are hosted, along with their parents/guardians by the chapter. Col, Mike Wellman (USAF-ret), Scholarship Committee Chair introduced each of the recipients to the chapter members attending the dinner.

b. COL Victoria Revilla, representing the Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC), presented Certificates of Achievement and MOAA national regular membership to the Distinguished Honor Graduates at the Army Logistics University officer class graduations at Fort Lee. There were 12 ceremonies this quarter: 3 Logistics Captains Career Course; 6 Ordnance Basic Officer Course; 3 Quartermaster Basic Officer Course; 2 Transportation Basic Officer Course.

c. LTC Dean Angell (US Army-ret), President of the Memorial Society, led a team to place 264 flags on the graves of departed chapter members at the Southside Chapter’s Memorial section in Petersburg’s Southlawn Cemetery in commemoration of 2016 Memorial Day.

d. COL Victoria Revilla, was the guest speaker at the graduation ceremony for the Transportation Basic Officer Course on 17 June 2016; her focus was on leadership values and the mission of MOAA.

Submitted by: VCOC Chapter Representative:

COL Victoria Revilla, US Army-Ret

10824 Bland Ridge Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805


Phone: (804) 862-1162