Vinton, Louisiana

January 14, 2014

The President and Board of Commissioners of the Vinton Harbor and Terminal District met in regular session on January 14, 2014, at 1406 Loree Street, Vinton, Louisiana, at 6:00 P.M. after full compliance with all requirements as to notice and otherwise in respect to convening of said meeting with the following members present:

Jimmy Ballard, Commissioner

Charles Broussard, Commissioner

Steven Jennings, Commissioner

Alexis Morrow, Commissioner


ALSO PRESENT: Lee Lancon, Engineer

Vice President Ballard called the meeting to order.

Vice President Ballard called for nominations of the 2014 Board Officers.

It was moved by Commissioner Ballard that Charles Broussard serve as President. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jennings and carried.

It was moved by Commissioner Jennings that Alexis Morrow serve as Vice President. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Broussard and carried.

It was moved by Commissioner Broussard that Steve Jennings serve as Treasurer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ballard and carried.

President Broussard discussed the need of adding additional names to the bank account due to the recent death of former President Gene Sonnier.

It was moved by Commissioner Jennings, seconded by Commissioner Ballard that the following Resolution be adopted:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Authority of the Vinton Harbor & Terminal District, in regular session convened that Charles W. Broussard, President; Steven L. Jennings, Treasurer; and Mary O. Vice, Clerk are hereby authorized signers on all accounts listed at Iberia Bank for the District.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of January, 2014.


Charles W. Broussard, President



Mary O. Vice, Clerk

It was moved by Commissioner Morrow that the minutes from prior meeting, copies of which were mailed to each commissioner, be approved as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ballard and carried.

Bills for the month were approved upon a motion by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Ballard and carried.

It was moved by Commissioner Ballard that the financial statement for December 31, 2013, be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jennings and carried.

BALANCE FORWARD / $90,149.57
PBC RENT / $2,800.00
INTEREST / $2.23
ADV. TAX / $1770.74
SALARY / ($762.65)
PER-DIEM / ($258.60)
Telephone Expense / (60.00)
DIRECTOR FEE / (225.84)
EFTPS / (268.84)
TRAVEL / (125.42)
UTILITIES / (66.37)
DUES / (1000.00)
TAXES / (1650.40)
BALANCE AS OF 12/31/2013 / $88,215.52

Lee Lancon, Engineer updated the governing authority on the Johnny Breaux Road Extension Project and on the. He also reviewed the Pase I Environmental Site Assessment Report from Arabie with the governing authority.

President Broussard discussed the lease with Mr. Donny Moore that was included in the purchase of the Jardell property.

After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ballard that the current lease with Mr. Moore of $100.00/month be approved on a month-to-month basis with lease payments due quarterly. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jennings and carried.

There being no further business to come before the Governing Authority, it was moved by Commissioner Jennings that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ballard and carried. ______

Charles W. Broussard, President



Mary O. Vice, Clerk Steven L. Jennings, Secretary