Apologiesforabsence – Paul Showman, Chairman

Geraldine Lawton, Paul Toleman, Kishor Patel, Roachan Patel and Richard Pepper.

Minutesof2012AGM- Paul Showman, Chairman

The Minutes from the last meeting were distributed to the group.

Mattersarisingfrom2012AGMminutes – Paul Showman, Chairman

Paul asked the group for matters rising there were no matters arising from the minutes.

Webstar software system – Gianpiro Celino

Gian from Webstar gave a brief presentation on the Webstar software system; the system was rolled out to all practices in early April 2013. The key messages from the presentation were that there is an on-going development of the system; it was emphasised that for the time being for referral using cataract and red eye schemes that accounts must be used for cataract referrals and paper copies for red eye referral (please refer to the manual on the webstar system).

Gian assured contractors that all comments/observations/issues that have been reported are being developed.

Shared Business Service (SBS), which are basically the NHS back office for payments for enhanced services, will become live on the 3rd June 2013. Please ensure that you are set up on the (SBS).

The new refraction details form is now available on the system. Suggestions on improving the system are extremely welcome.

Webstar are seeking volunteers for GRRS practices to test/advise on GRRS clinical pathway; if you wish to volunteer please e-mail Gian at .

Paul thanked Gian for an excellent presentation.

Treasurer’s Report – Cara Burns

Cara circulated a copy of the accounts – year ending February 2013.

Cara advised that attendance to regular meetings carried out by LOC Members on behalf of the LOC; working to secure, maintain and protect services at this present time of change; has had an impact on the expenditure; but advised that the LOC still have a healthy balance.

Cara advised that the Statutory Levy is currently set at 0.9%, 0.4% LOC and 0.5% LOCSU; LOCSU have proposed that they will be reducing the levy to 0.4% and Cara suggested that this be done; the total level will then become 0.8% - this was unanimously adopted and agreed; proposed by Paul Showman seconded by David Wheeldon. It was proposed that the new auditor to be Ian Creek; this was unanimously agreed; proposed by Linda Crossley; seconded by Joe Arrowsmith.

Paul thanked Cara for all her time and dedication to the finances of the committee and thanked Joe Arrowsmith for auditing the LOC accounts over the years.

The NOC Report – Cara Burns

Cara presented a review of the recent National Optical Conference in Birmingham, she attended in November 2012; the clear message received was “no one likes change but there are opportunities for change”.

The key messages from the conference are that patient, public and the voluntary sector will have much more input in services in the future.

Optoms have been given credit for their understanding of the public needs; also

18 out of 36 CET points need to come from interactive learning in the new scheme.

It was stressed that data to be made available on enhanced services; commissioning of services will be based on evidence; this has to show good value for money. The LOC are working towards working more at a Greater Manchester Level and what we can offer commissioners to make it easier; it was felt that LOC companies may be the way forward in the future.

The LOC will work hard to maintain enhanced services; to convince the CCG’s that our enhanced services are worth having. Shared care and enhanced services are driving growth in the recession and sight test numbers are rising. Cara stressed the importance in being involved in all schemes available.

Paul thanked Cara for all her guidance and invaluable input she brings to the LOC. Cara’s input has been invaluable over the last year.

Diabetic Report – Linda Crossley

Linda Crossley gave a brief presentation on the diabetic board developments;

The transfer of IT support and systems have moved from Salford PCT to Salford Royal; the new contact name is Chris Rushbrook, telephone number is 0161 206 4250.

OPDR; Vector will not be updated with the new grading changes until the latter quarter of this year. Photography will still be carried out by the optometrist but the images will be sent and graded in a separate pathway. The business case for funding OCT scans in the community at optometrist practices is on hold.

Trevor Warburton has concerns that NHS England my not like having 108 individual contracts with optometrists; it may be that in future, NHS England holds one contract with SMDRSS and the programme would effectively sub-contract to us.

Critical Event Analysis - CVI Audit; comprises of a group of ophthalmologists, diabetologists and optometrists reviewing patients that have lost sight through DR. The idea of the critical event analysis is to review several cases, debate and learn. One main conclusion was that patients who repeatedly DNA were the ones most likely to lose their sight.

Optometrists might feel it appropriate to discuss the importance of attending hospital appointments; should the patient receive one. This would be particularly helpful when you are certain there is R2, R3 or M1 DR and with patients who have a habit of failing to attend. Please also include their telephone number in the “contact admin” part of the “Patient Demographics” window, particularly for R3 urgent referrals.

The CVI Audit will become an annual event; any optometrists interested in participating please contact Linda or Trevor.

Professional GM Performers Screening Group – Linda Crossley

Linda advised that the group will meet monthly and consists of NHS England GM Area Team staff including dental, pharmacy, GP and optometry advisors, examining cases from all contractor groups and discussing guidance and tips on professional conduct and guidelines. Linda will forward relevant information to Optoms for information.

Paul thanked Linda for her detailed reports and all her continued guidance and input she brings to the LOC; and for all the time spent attending the various meetings and considered opinions.

Chairman’s Report – Paul Showman, Chairman

The last 12 months has been a frenzy of activity as we have had to tie up all the loose ends at the PCT - to ensure our policies and specifications were fit for purpose and also arranging a major update to our Glaucoma scheme.

Paul is very proud to report that together with the LOC we have achieved a range of enhanced services with the excellent forward thinking Optometry team at the PCT. The LOC ensured that progress was made and managed to conceive and implement the Red Eye scheme, the accredited cataract scheme, the IOP refinement scheme and the enhanced Glaucoma refinement scheme.

Paul thanked the hard working the team at what was NHS Manchester, namely Karen O’Brien, Kate Kinsley, Judy Smith and Sophia Lapsley. Cara Burns and Linda Crossley were thanked for ensuring that meetings were smooth running and productive, with favourable outcomes. Paul is indebted to them for all their advice and guidance that they offered over the years.

Paul thanked Dr Robert Harper for forming the link between the Eye Hospital, the LOC and the PCT and ensured we achieved a College level of training; his hard work and knowledgeable input is much appreciated.

Paul thanked LOSCU for their help and advice they have given over the last year; especially thanked Dharmesh Patel for his support.

We have now said goodbye to the old world, our PCT and now join the new world in the shape of the CCG, the Health and Wellbeing Board and NHS England.

The new NHS and reduced staffing means that optometry queries should now be directed towards the LOC or e-mail .

Guest Speaker – Stephen Dickson

Stephen has been the Director of Manchester Royal Eye & University Dental Hospitals at Central Manchester Foundation Trust since April 2012.

Stephen gave a brief overview of the eye care service at the hospital. The key messages are that they are working towards reducing the demand on acute care; they are committed in going forward to help support the development of acute services within the community and building on joint working relationships.

Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is a major facility and a very busy place; they have a full state of the art facility; 4 outpatient suites with diagnostic support; dedicated macular treatment centre; 5 dedicated operation theatres. They have 28 consultants and 450 staff who deliver care at the hospital.

Stephen will forward a detailed list of contact names and telephone numbers for members of staff within the eye hospital to Paul; Paul will upload these details to the website.

In 2014 it will be the 200th Anniversary for Manchester Royal Hospital; this will be a major celebration and all optoms will receive an invite to take part in the celebrations.

Paul thanked Stephen for the overview of the Eye Hospital Services.

Adoption of the New Constitution - Paul Showman

Paul e-mailed the new constitution to all members last week. The basic changes are rewording to reflect that there is no longer a PCT. The LOC is required to formally adopt the new constitution this was proposed by David Wheeldon, seconded by Cara Burns.

ElectionofLOCCommittee – Paul Showman

The Committee has vacancies and 3 new performer nominations were received; also 1 nomination from a contractor.

Contractors standing for election are: Mike Leeming; Bruce Li; Syed Rahman; Paul Showman; David Wheeldon, Gurmit Singh Ranshi and Kishor Patel. Paul asked if any other contractors present wish to stand for election; Suhayel Issa expressed an interest. All were voted on.

Performers standing for election are: Cara Burns, Linda Crossley, Asam Khan, Mashucul Mannan and Mohammed Sakib Hamid. Paul asked if there were any performers present who wished to stand for election; no performers replied. All were voted on.

Paul Showman advised that he will be stepping down from being the Chair and proposed that we need to vote a new Chair and Treasurer. The nominations received are one nomination for each position, namely Cara Burns for Chair and Michael Leeming for Treasurer. They were both voted in by the attendees of the AGM.

Paul then announced the new LOC Committee members as follows:

Mike LeemingDavid WheeldonSuhayel Issa

Bruce LiCara BurnsAsam Khan

Syed RahmanLinda CrossleyMashucul Mannan

Paul Showman Gurmit SinghRanshi Mohammed Sakib Hamid

Kishor Patel

Robert Harper will continue to be co-opted on as the hospital representative.

Any Other Business – Linda Crossley and Cara Burns

Paul handed over to the new Chair; Cara Burns.

Cara advised that we have a big 12 months ahead of us and that she is very proud of what the committee has achieved; Cara gave a big thank you to Paul for his hard work; dedication and all he has achieved for the LOC whilst being the Chair.

Linda presented Paul, in recognition of his guidance and services he has provided to the optometrists in Manchester, with a certificate for a sponsored puppy called Flint; the puppy is for the Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Paul thanked the Committee and will keep us updated on Flint’s progress.

Cara closed the meeting at 8.33pm. .