15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411

Savona, NY 14879


607-583-2617 Fax

October 19, 2017

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:02 PM at the Village Hall on the above date by Mayor Scott.

PRESENT: Mayor: Brian Scott; Trustees: Mary Finch, Ben Smith, Christopher Laursen, and Christopher McCann

ALSO PRESENT: VCT Susette Harrian, Deputy Alyssa O’Dell, Mike Lowery (7:14 PM), Hal Bailey, Greg BeGell (7:11 PM), Atty Patrick McAllister, Animal Control Carl Tuttle, and Code Officer Ken DeWert

Mayor Scott led the Pledge to the Flag




Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Smith and adopted by roll call vote that the September 21, 2017, Monthly Meeting minutes be adopted in their entirety; “Yea” = 4; “No” = 0.


Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Smith and adopted by roll call vote that the September 2017 Village Finance Report be adopted in its entirety; “Yea” = 4; “No” = 0.


Tr. Laursen –

·  Be careful of the paving

Tr. McCann –

·  Kitchen window is busted; got a hold of the parents of the kid who did it; the window is now out and boarded up; working with Campbell Building on replacement; kid that did it should be thrown in front of Judge Horton and have the kid do community service; Tr. Finch added that the kid already did 25 hours of community service for the library; how can they do that if they have not been before the judge yet

·  Spoke with Mayor Scott on what trees need to be done

·  The drain at 41 (51) Maple still needs to be done

·  Roof on the Benedict field concession stand is still the same

Tr. Smith –

·  Will talk to Tom Drake regarding the roofing at the park

·  Brakes are fixed on the 2001 Chevy truck

·  A couple of lights have been installed at the fire department

Tr. Finch –

·  Sent Ben Smith a text regarding street light on Main St; it was on when NYSEG fixed it but it was back out the same day; the light must be broke; the light is still out on Little Acorn Lane

·  Library signs on 415 and 226 need to moved and directed to the new location of the library; Mayor Scott stated that the problem is that NYS DOT turned us down on putting up Fire Department signs a few years back; have Rick do it on the “QT”; do not let the state know

·  Christmas Magic is going smoothly; committee asked if the Village could do a $25 raffle basket for the event; Mayor Scott stated that VCT Harrian and I have discussed this request; he is not sure if the “village” can do a raffle basked; auditor said it was wise not to do; suggested that the board members all donate $5 toward a raffle basked from the “board” and not the “village”

Mayor Scott –

·  Crack seal is done

·  Paving is complete; there are a few more holes that we will fix with cold patch

·  The energy audit project is getting there; talked with Doug Kapral on completion and he is very busy; we may have to go with another contractor

·  With the new paving on 415 I have asked the Sheriff’s Department and NYSP for more surveillance

·  Letter sent to Sheriff asking for a speed trailer for 226, Grove St, and W Lamoka Ave

·  The brakes are fixed on the 2001 Chevy truck

Does anyone have anything else for me; I have to leave the meeting now

·  Tr. McCann asked that if he is out of town then to advise the board so that they know; Mayor Scott stated that he will be out of town next Wednesday (10/25/17) through Sunday (10/29/17).

Fire Department report was read by Deputy Mayor Finch for September 2017:


Court report for September 2017 as read by Deputy Mayor Finch:

Report $4,721.00

Closed Cases 18

Opened Cases 65

Code Enforcement Officer report for September 2017 as read by Deputy Mayor Finch:

Hours Involved 3.5

Permits Issued: 2

Construction Inspections: 1

Complaints Investigated: 2

Mileage: 24

·  “COMMENTS: 2 building permits issued, checked out 1 a complaint on west Lamoka and 1 on main street, 2 building permits handed out but not returned. all paid in check and given to clerk. still working on cleaning up the town”

Water Department report for September 2017 as read by Deputy Mayor Finch:

·  None

Animal Control report for September 2017 as reported by Deputy Mayor Finch:

Complaints: 2

Action Taken:

Seized: 1

Unlicensed: 1

At Large: 1

Mileage: 60

Town of Bath report September 2017 by Hal Bailey:

·  Assessor resigned October 6th; appointed Courtney Divens as the acting assessor

·  Public hearing on the budget is November 9th at 4:00 PM

·  2008 truck sold at auction for $2,300

·  Dog enumeration is going well; finding unlicensed dogs; has been extended to January 2018

·  GAR will be sending out the data sheets for all properties on the reevaluation

·  Mike Lowery asked if the new assessor is going to classes; Mr. Bailey stated that she is attending classes now and she has more to attend



Deputy Mayor Finch asked Tr. Smith the status of the project; Mayor Scott stated that he is waiting on the contractor; the tin is here


Deputy Mayor Finch asked for an update on the replacement of trees by Massi’s. Mayor Scott stated that he spoke with Israel; we will follow up in Spring of 2018; the matter was to be tabled until March 2018.

Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Smith and adopted by roll call vote that the matter be tabled until March 2018 meeting; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.

Mayor Scott left the meeting at 7:20 PM



Mayor Scott is to attend the November 13, 2017 at 7:00 pm Town of Bath meeting.


Deputy Mayor Finch stated that as of October 19, 2017 we have collected a total of $170,183.64 of the tax warrant. The total outstanding is $37,211.04. 270 of 307 properties have paid. Tax Collector Harrian advised that at next month’s meeting we will have the total of collected taxes by the Village of Savona tax collector and return any unpaid to Steuben County for payment and placement on the Town and County taxes issued in January 2018 for collection.


Deputy Mayor Finch stated that the village election will be Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at the village hall between the hours of 12:00 PM (noon) and 9:00 PM. The offices up for election are two (2) two (2) year terms for Trustee. Deputy Mayor Finch also stated that we need to approve the clerk to put same in a legal ad.

Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Smith and adopted by roll call vote to approve the election information and allow the clerk to do a legal ad stating same; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


Deputy Mayor Finch stated that WAC Harrian has completed the annual review analysis of the EDU charged for the water department. Deputy Mayor Finch read the summary cover sheet provided to the board by WAC Harrian. There were three options to the board based on the current trends and projections:

·  Option 1 – no change – at this time the analysis shows a surplus

·  Option 2 – increase 25¢ per month ($21.25 per month)

o  Estimated surplus would be $3,860.74

·  Option 3 – increase 50¢ per month ($21.50 per month)

o  Estimated surplus would be $4,874.10

WAC Harrian stated that based on the analysis and projections at this time we do not have to raise the monthly EDU; and that is what she recommends based on the updated data and current estimates. WAC Harrian also advised that we should never eliminate the debt service portion of the water bill; reduce the debt service rate after the loan to EFC has been paid in 2038 so that it will continue to build reserves for future repairs to the water lines/system.

This will continue to be reviewed annually with updated data and projections.

Motion made by Tr. Smith, seconded by Tr. McCann and adopted by roll call vote to approve Option 1 – no change – at this time the analysis shows a surplus. “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


The quarterly state, federal and Worker’s Compensation Unified Employer Assessment reports were given to the board for their review. Upon careful review of the monthly bank statements and the general ledger entries, the governing body found the financial transactions for the 3rd quarter of 2017 to be true and accurate.

Motion made by Tr. Smith, seconded by Tr. Laursen and adopted by roll call vote that the quarterly reports be filed and accepted; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


Deputy Mary Finch reported that Mayor Scott advised that the cleaning position has to be advertised per civil service. We need to approve the clerk to do a legal ad for the position.

Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Smith and adopted by roll call vote to do the legal ad for the cleaning position; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


Deputy Mayor Finch stated that we need to do a resolution stating that the court office can apply for the JCAP grant that is required. You have been sent the copies of what they are applying for.

Motion made by Tr. Smith, seconded by Tr. McCann and adopted by roll call vote to resolve that Justice Horton can apply for the J CAP grant; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


Deputy Mayor Finch read the following report made by VCT Harrian:

VCT Harrian received an e-mail regarding the fiscal stress monitoring that is done by NYS OSC.

·  NYS OSC Fiscal Stress Monitoring

o  Since 2013 OSC has implemented a statewide fiscal monitoring system to identify whether or not you are experiencing or will experience fiscal stress on our municipality; information they use to compile this report is from our Annual Update Document to compile the results

§  2013 our score was 17.9 %

§  2014 Village of Savona score was 30.4%

·  This year’s report (2016) reported that 2014 was 42.9% (not sure of why the number changed in this report from last year’s report) (2014 is the year that all of the infrastructure improvements were made)

§  2015 Village of Savona score was 17.9%

§  2016 Village of Savona score was 8.3%

If you are between 0 and 44.9% then you are giving a “no designation” score as not being at risk of financial stress.

They also do an environmental stress evaluation and we have also received a “no designation” result; Village of Savona was 21.7% for 2016; this is based on the same scale of 0 – 44.9%.

VCT Harrian asked if anyone had any questions. Tr. McCann and Tr. Laursen took the papers from Deputy Mayor Finch for review; no one stated any questions.

Motion made by Tr. Smith, seconded by Tr. Laursen and adopted by roll call vote to accept the results of the update from NYS OSC on fiscal and environmental stress; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


Deputy Mayor Finch stated that the trash clean up date for the fall clean-up is November 10, 2017. The service will be done by Jansen Drake and Jeff Horton. No cost was discussed. Tr. Smith stated do we have to do this we had this done before. VCT Harrian stated that you have to do this because we are in a new fiscal year.

Motion made by Tr. Smith, seconded by Tr. McCann and adopted by roll call vote to accept the date of November 10, 2017 for the trash collection date and have Jansen Drake and Jeff Horton do the service; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


Deputy Mayor Finch stated that we are in receipt of a contract from Master Meter Systems Annual Maintenance & Support Contract for the meter reading system to re-new.

Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Laursen and adopted by roll call vote to re-new the contract with Master Meter Systems; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


VCT Harrian read and explained the following transfer(s):

A7550.41 Savona in the Park to A7550.42 Christmas Magic, $250.00

Tr. McCann asked how much money was left in the Savona in the Park fund; VCT Harrian stated she did not have a copy of the budget with her at this time.

Motion made by Tr. Smith, seconded by Tr. McCann and adopted by roll call vote to do the transfer(s) as stated; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.


VCT Harrian read the following:

Fund A $12,476.68 Fund F $10,702.61

As Annexed in Abstract #5; Dated October 19, 2017

Motion made by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Smith and adopted by roll call vote that the bills be paid as per the approved abstract; “Yea” = 3; “No” = 0.

Mike Lowery, Little Acorn Lane, asked if he could ask a couple of questions.

First, he stated that there is a mangy, nasty coyote near his home and could very well enter into the rest of the village. The coyote was definitely hunting for something; could be a public safety issue.

Second, he stated that there have been numerous fires/catastrophes all over the US as of late. People have died because of lack of notification of the event; there are no warning devices; here in the village – if we hear the siren we know something is wrong (fire, EMT, etc.). His question is do we have reverse 911; Chemung County does. Tr. McCann asked what that was; Lowery explained that it is 911 would call all in the area affected (reverse call) and advise them of the warning; we have had small tornados in the last few years here and there was no warning. Tr. McCann stated that it goes through the news stations. VCT Harrian stated that 3 to 5 years ago when the school went to their rolling call system of advising if school was closed for weather, we did discuss with the school if we could use that system in case of an emergency; is not aware and/or does not know if anything was completed or agreed to with the school; but it is a possibility to look into. Mr. Lowery stated that we need to have something in place because on the news just the other day was a story of a family of 4 who had no warning of the fire and 3 of the 4 are deceased.