The Cognitive Perspective in Information Science Research
Presentation by Anthony Hughes and Kristina Spurgin
Presented Papers
Kim, Kyung-Sun. "Information seeking on the web: Effects of user and task variables." Library & Information Science Research 23, no. 3 (2001): 233-255.
Todd, Ross J. "Back to our beginnings: Information utilization, Bertram Brookes and the fundamental equation of information science." Information Processing & Management35, no. 6 (1999): 851-870.
Todd, Ross J. "Utilization of heroin information by adolescent girls in Australia: A cognitive analysis." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 50, no. 1 (1999): 10-23.
Ingwersen, Peter. "Cognitive information retrieval." Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. editor Martha E. Williams, 3-52. Vol. 34. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc, 1999.
Cognition and Cognitive Science
General Sources
Nadel, Lynn. (ed). Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. New York: Nature Publishing Group, 2003. 4 vols.
Stuart-Hamilton, Ian. Dictionary of cognitive psychology.London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1995.
Eysenck, M.W. ed. The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1990.
Miller, George A. “The cognitive revolution: A historical perspective.” TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences 7, no. 3 (March 2003): 141-4.
Sternberg, Robert. Cognitive psychology, 2nd ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1999.
Posner, Michael I., Foundations of cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989.
Jahnke, J. C., and R.H. Nowaczyk.Cognition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1998.
Solso, Robert L.Cognitive psychology. 5th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.
Entries in Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science:
Clark, Austen. “Perception, philosophical issues about.”vol. 3, p. 512-517.
Pomerantz, James R. “Perception: Overview.” vol. 3, p. 527-537.
Entries in Encylopedia of Cognitive Science:
Halpern, Diane F. “Thinking skills.”vol. 4, p. 383-388.
Oaksford, Mike. “Reasoning.”vol. 3, p. 863-869.
Grafman, Jordan and Vinod Goel. “Reasoning and thinking, neural basis of.”vol. 3, p. 875-880.
Entries in Encylopedia of Cognitive Science:
Sweller, John. “Learning aids and strategies.”vol. 2, p. 790-799.
Derry, Sharon J. “Learning and Instruction, cognitive and situative theories of.”vol. 2, p. 800-805.
Eagleman, David and P. Read Montague. “Learning and memory, models of.”vol. 2,p. 806-812.
Taatgen, Niels A. “Learning rules and production.”vol. 2, p. 822-830.
Hall, Geoffrey. “Learning, psychology of.”vol. 2, p. 837-845.
Bjorklund, D.F., W. Schneider, and C.H. Blasi. “Memory.” vol. 2, p. 1059-1065.
Moscovitch, Morris. “Memory consolidation.”vol. 2, p. 1066-1076.
Anderson, John R. "A theory of the origins of human knowledge." Artificial Intelligence 40 (1989) 313-351. — Declarative, procedural, and working memory, and the representation of the memory process in systems.
Westbury, C., and Dennett, D. “Mining the past to construct the future: Memory and belief as forms of knowledge.” In D. Schacter & E. Scarry (Eds.), Memory, brain, and belief. (pp. 11-32). Cambridge, Mass: HarvardUniversity Press, 2000.
Baddeley, Alan. “Working Memory: The Interface between Memory and Cognition.” In D. Schacter and E. Tulving (Eds.), Memory Systems(pp. 351-367). Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1994.
Schacter, D. L. “Memory.” In Michael I. Posner (Ed.), Foundations of cognitive science(pp. 683-725). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989.
Knowledge Representation
Entries in Encylopedia of Cognitive Science:
Shapiro, Stuart C. “Knowledge representation.”vol. 2, p. 671-680.
Markman, Arthur B. “Knowledge representation, psychology of.”vol. 2, p. 680-687.
Entries in Encylopedia of Cognitive Science:
Maratsos, Michael P. “Language acquisition.” vol. 2, p. 691-696.
Lightfoot, David W. “Language acquisition and language change.”vol. 2, p. 697-700.
Garrett, Merrill F. “Language and brain.”vol. 2, p. 707-717.
Harris, Catherine L. “Language and cognition.”vol 2, p. 717-722.
Gernsbacher, Morton Ann. “Language comprehension.”vol. 2,p. 723-726.
Steedman, Mark. “Language, connectionist and symbolic representations of.”v. 2,p. 765-771.
Grice, H.P. “Logic and conversation.” in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan (eds), Syntax and semantics (vol. 3): Speech acts. New York: Seminar Press, 1975. – Language pragmatics in conversation.
Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. Metaphors we live by.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
Mihalcea, R. “Turning WordNet into an information retrieval resource: Systematic polysemy and conversion to hierarchical codes.” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 17, no. 5 (2003): 689-704.
Cognitive Measures
Miller, George A. “The magical number seven, plus or minus two.” The Psychological Review 63 (1956): 81–97. – Absolute judgment of stimuli to assess cognitive ability.
Littlemore, Jeannette. “An empirical study of the relationship between cognitive style and the use of communication strategy” Applied Linguistics 22, no. 2 (2001): 241-265. – Cognitive Styles Analysis.
Allinson, C.W. and Hayes, J. “The cognitive style index: A measure of intuition-analysis for organisational research” Journal of Management Studies 33 (1996): 119-135 – Cognitive Style Index.
Rosch, Eleanor. “Cognitive reference points”Cognitive Psychology 7 (1975): 531-547. – Linguistic and spatial stimulus pairing.
Newby, Gregory B. "Cognitive space and information space." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology52, no. 12 (2001): 1026-48. – Stimulus pair comparison and multidimensional scaling to visual cognitive space.
Sinha, Rashmi. “Beyond cardsorting: Free-listing methods to explore user categorizations.” Boxes and Arrows(February 24, 2003). -- Free-listing.
Branch, Jennifer L. “Junior high students and think alouds: Generating information-seeking process data using concurrent verbal protocols.” Library and Information Science Research 23, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 107-122. -- Think aloud or verbal protocol.
Sources for more information on measures
Test critiques. Kansas City, Missouri: Test Corporation of America, 1984-.
Maltby, John, Christopher Alan Lewis, and Andrew Hill. Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
Health and psychosocial instruments (HAPI) database.
ERIC documents citations for research on the validity of selected cognitive styles inventories.
Theories and instruments for identifying student learning styles
Hudlicka, Eva. "To feel or not to feel: The role of affect in human-computer interaction." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies59, no. 1-2 (2003): 1-32.