PC 04-19-16 AM



Leelanau Township Fire Department

100 W Eighth Street



7 P.M.


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Chair Walraven called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Members

present: Barry, Collins, Cook, Tyrrell, Verdon, Watson, Walraven. Staff: Fuller. Public: 10.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  1. Minutes of March 15, 2016: The Minutes of March 15, 2016 were approved as amended.
  1. Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was accepted as presented.
  1. Public Comments:

1Bonnie Shiner of Northport asked commissioners to consider improving and providing drinking fountains to be more environmentally friendly, and cut down on the use of plastic containers.

2. Nancy Peterson of Northport indicated that she is not in favor of street pavers. She

also discussed the possibility of using Township acreage as a possible recycling site.

3. Paul Fischer, Kevin Sauvage, Bonnie Shiner, Bruce Viger, Eric Owen, and Pamela

Grath urged the Planning Commission, when considering upgrades, to keep the Village of Northport unique, and not change its character.

Their comments covered needs of affordable housing, prohibitive cost of living here and the increasing number of short-term rentals that limit younger families with children to work and live here. They suggested that as the Planning Commission moves forward it slows down, consider what we have here, keep that atmosphere as it is, with no drastic changes, and do only what is important - storm water management, streets repair, handicap curb cuts.

  1. Correspondence: None.
  1. Review of TAP Grant Application and Plan – Jim Schiffer: Review of the TAP

Grant Application and Plan: Chair Walraven introduced Mr. Schiffer who is here this to present to the Planning Commission the progress on the TAP grant. This is a Village Council process, with nothing needed from the Planning Commission.

Mr.Schiffer Group discussed the Village’s application for the TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program) Grant that will be submitted to MDOT (Michigan Department of Transportation). He continued that for this program applications are received every quarter. The application is due on May 2, 2016, and a decision will be made in early July of this year.

The purpose of grant monies is for assistance and funding for the enhancement of the Village downtown area.

He continued that this is a continuation of the Future by Design Initiative that was begun in 2012, and what the Village has been working on this since the end of 2013.

Mr. Schiffer continued that MDOT will look at applications for initiatives that local communities have for enhancing their commercial districts. It is not to be considered as a maintenance program, but realizing that enhancements involve improving upon things that are in disrepair. Issues in Northport include sidewalks, clear-cuts, ADA Universal Access, while providing cohesiveness in the Village. A meeting with stakeholders and others was held at the Village. Many comments from that meeting and from comments heard this evening will be included in the application package.

He continued that what is being considered is what was initially done in 2014 on the West side of Waukazoo. The Village is looking to apply to MDOT to see about completing the rest of Waukazoo – the North and South end of the West Side, and the East side.

Mr. Schiffer provided drawings of future plans for Nagonaba Street and Mill Street up to Third Street, stating that those drawings are not part of this grant request. There is an understanding that the Village and the Watershed Center for Grand Traverse Bay have applied, and are finalists for, funding for water management primarily on Nagonaba. The idea is that if and when that work is taking place, this project could dovetail with that project as well.

Commissioner Verdon questioned proceeding with the improvements on the East side of Waukazoo until the situation regarding the house South of Tucker’s has been addressed and resolved. Mr. Schiffer replied that unfortunately you can’t always wait until all properties are in the final stage, because even at that point there could be other changes. He continued that part of the decision not to go South of Tucker’s on the West side was because there were ideas being considered for use of that property.

Commissioner Collins asked why the design doesn’t show all the way to Third Street on Mill Street on the West Side. Mr. Schiffer responded that there are some challenging needs in that area that require further design that have not been completed as yet. That section will be part of the final design.

Discussion continued regarding funding and the matching/sharing component with the TAP Grant. Mr. Schiffer stated that what is required is a minimum of 20 percent. Federal monies are involved, and the stewards of that are MDOT. State and Federal funds are used, and the Village will put up the local match.

Zoning Administrator Fuller added that when it comes time for the design side, there should be a process to come back to the Planning Commission for public comments, and input from the Planning Commission.

Chair Walraven asked, if other design plans have been completed. As he understands it no final design decisions have been made, and those discussion will be at a later date. Mr. Schiffer stated that was correct.

In response to a question from Commissioner Barry, Mr. Schiffer confirmed that nothing in this grant request deals with water management on Nagonaba Street.

Chair Walraven thanked Mr. Schiffer for the update and for his attendance at this meeting.

  1. Zoning Administrator’s Report – Bill Fuller: Mr. Fuller reviewed his written zoning

report forMarch and April to this point, a copy of his written report will be attached to the record of this meeting.

  1. Committee Reports:
  1. Public Art – Ernie Barry/Chris Verdon: Commissioner Barry provided an overview of the Public Art meeting held on April 11, 2016. Discussion included what projects the committee would like to commit to and improvement of the iconic entrance signs to the Village. A copy of the minutes, prepared by committee member Chris Verdon, will be held in the Village Office.
  1. Discussion/Action Items:
  1. Networks Northwest Involvement in Master Plan Process and Begin Review of Master Plan: Chair Walraven stated for those in attendance that the Planning Commission is beginning its review process of the current Future Land Use Plan, which is required every five years. The review is to determine if the plan is current and could be left as is, needs modifications, or a complete rewrite. When complete it stands as a directional document for the next five years.

A lengthy discussion followed as to the process to be followed, and when to bring Networks Northwest into the process. Budgeting for the Master Plan has been included in the 2016 budget to cover involvement of Networks Northwest.

Chair Walraven also discussed MSU Extension Service documents available that would be helpful to assist governmental bodies in the Master Plan.

Chair Walraven asked if Networks Northwest should be involved in the initial review process with the Planning Commission. Commissioner Verdon stated that as a Planning Commission work session had been scheduled and cancelled for the purpose of that initial review, she suggested rescheduling that meeting, pin pointing areas that need modifying before contacting Networks Northwest.

Mr. Fuller indicated that in a conversation with Sarah Lucas of Networks Northwest she stated that Frankfort has just gone through preparation of a Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance. She suggested that our Planning Commission obtain a copy of the Frankfort documents for review. She also stated that Master Plans are slimming done. However, Recreation Plans need to be part of the Master Plan to qualify for DEQ grants.

Commissioner Tyrrell stated that there are questions she has regarding the Master Plan and the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that need to be addressed to identify and clarify the responsibilities of the Planning Commission.

Mr. Fuller added that the Planning Commission should be including infrastructure in the CIP. Chair Walrvaen will discuss these issues with Administrative Coordinator Von Voigtlander.

In conclusion a Special Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 7 p.m., with a backup date of Tuesday, May 3 if additional time is needed to meet posting requirements. Mr. Fuller agreed to get the Frankfort information.

  1. Public Comment:

1. Kevin Sauvage provided a review of the process involved in revising a Master Plan

when he was a member of the Planning Commission.

2. Karen Sinclair stated that having lived between the two properties she is in agreement

with Commissioners Tyrrell and Verdon. The issues need to be addressed to determine what repairs are needed.

3. Nancy Peterson stated that her public comments opposed pavers, but is not opposed to

sidewalk repair or benches in the Village.

  1. Commissioner Comment:

1. Commissioner Tyrrell agreed with the comments of Commissioner Verdon

regarding holding the grant project until other issues on that street are resolved.

2. Chair Walraven disagreed with Commissioner Tyrrell stating that if you wait to

anticipate what might be done, you could wait forever.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2016.

Respectfully submitted,

Merilee Scripps, Recording Secretary