Tech A.D.D. Quiz

Wondering if you or someone you know is suffering from Tech A.D.D.? Have them take this quiz. . .

The Tech A.D.D. Quiz
Check off how frequently you find yourself doing one of the following:
The Behavior / Very Often / Often / At times / Rarely / Never
1. Conducting 4-5 other tasks while trying to complete some research, write an email or finish up an assignment — feeling that the job is taking twice as long as it should. / . / . / . / . / .
2. Becoming sidetracked to the extent that you have difficulty remembering the task that you started upon. / . / . / . / . / .
3. Writing email or text messaging during class or during a keynote or lecture. / . / . / . / . / .
4. Asking the teacher or professor to repeat a set of instructions. / . / . / . / . / .
5. Feeling the ideas and the content of the class, keynote or lecture were too difficult to follow. / . / . / . / . / .
6. Texting to one person while speaking to another on your phone. / . / . / . / . / .
7. Sitting at a meal feeling clueless about the conversation because you've been texting, checking email or browsing much of the time. / . / . / . / . / .
The Tech A.D.D. Quiz is ©2010, J.McKenzie


  • Award yourself -3 for each "Very Often"
  • Award yourself -2 for each "Often"
  • Award yourself -1 for each "At Times"
  • Award yourself +1 for each "Rarely"
  • Award yourself +3 for each "Never"

Interpreting your score . . .

  • If you scored between -14 and -21, you have a severe case of Tech A.D.D.
  • If you scored between -7 and -13, you have a moderate case of Tech A.D.D.
  • If you scored between -1 and -6, you have incipient Tech A.D.D.
  • If you scored between 0 and +21, you are symptom free