BOAT LAUNCH PERMIT: Boat launch facilities are available on Nagawicka Lake for all village residents. Permits can be purchased at the DelafieldCity Hall (262-646-6220) for anominal fee. Vehicle VIN, plate number, model, and proof of residency required.

BUILDING PERMITS: Permits are required for most remodeling, all additions, decks, swimming pools, garages etc. Double fees charged for work begun without a permit. To see if a permit is required, call the Building Inspector (262-490-0513). Applications and instructions can be found on the web-site.

DOG LICENSE: Dog licenses are required for dogs over 5 months and may be obtained at the Village Hall. Proof of rabies vaccination is mandatory. Applications can gotten on line or at the Village Hall. Completed applications and payment can be mailed or dropped off at the Village Hall.

ELECTIONS: Elections are held at the Village Hall. New residents/new voters can register at the polling place on election day or during the year @ the Office of the Village Clerkwith valid Proof of Residence, Voters must have resided in Nashotah a minimum of 10 days prior to the election to vote in this municipality and must be at least 18 years of age.

FIRE/AMBULANCE: Service is provided by the Lake Country Fire & Rescue Department which serves the Villages of Chenequa and Nashotah and the City of Delafield. The Nashotah Fire Station is on Rasmus Rd. just east of Hwy. C. In case of an Emergency dial 911. Non-emergency fire: LCF&R (262-646-6235).

GARBAGE COLLECTION: The Village contracts with Advanced Disposal (262-367-6040).Up-the-drive service for garbage and recyclables pick up day is Wednesdaysstarting at 6:30 a.m. Yard Waste Curbside Pick-up is scheduled separately. The yard waste pick up schedule can be found on the web site. Service is also provided for disposal of some large/bulky items and appliances.To arrange for a pickup and determine if any charges apply, call Advanced Disposal (262367-6040).

LIBRARY: Residents can use any Waukesha County Library. Delafield Library (262-646-6230) is the closest.

NEWSPAPERS: Village notices are published in the Lake Country Now on Sunday/Wednesday

PARKS: DicktenPark located 1 block east of Hwy. C on Rasmus Rd., next to the Nashotah Fire Station, has a baseball diamond, soccer field, playground, basketball court, walking trail, volleyball, horseshoes, restrooms, and shelter. The shelter and sports equipment can be reserved for a fee by contacting the Village Hall (262-367-8440). NashotahCountyPark is located north of the village on Hwy. C. This County Park provides a fenced Dog Park, shelters, trails, fishing etc. For information call (262-896-8300).

POLICE: The Village of Nashotah has a part-time Police Department. The Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department provides full-time coverage. In case of an emergency dial 911. Non-emergency (262-446-5070). Our Police Dept. offers house checks for residents on vacation. The residential vacation police check application can be obtained on the village web-site.

POST OFFICE: Nashotah Post Office (262-367-2813).


a) LakeCountrySchool, 1800 Vettelson Rd., (262-367-3606), Tax ID 3862, serves grades Pre-K-8(

b) Arrowhead HS, 700 North Ave., Hartland, (262-367-3611), Tax ID 2450, serves grades 9-12(

c) WCTC, 800 Main Street, Pewaukee (262-691-5566), Tax ID 0800(

d) University of Wisconsin-Waukesha, 1500 N. University Dr., 53188, (262-521-5200)(

SEWER SERVICE: Sewer service is provided to most areas of Nashotah. Bills are mailed quarterly and are due by 2:00 p.m. on the due date listed on the bill. Call the Village Hall for current rates.

UTILITIES:Phone: (1-800-660-3000) SBC/ATT(

(1-800-201-4099) Centurytel(

Gas & Electric: (1-800-242-9137) WE Energies(

Cable TV:(1-800-627-2288) Time/Warner Cable(

VILLAGE HALL: N44 W32950 Watertown Plank Road.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 123, Nashotah WI 53058

Office Hours are: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. M/W/F Phone: (262-367-8440) FAX: (262-367-6711)

VILLAGE MEETINGS: Meeting and official noticesare posted on three posting boards located at the Village Hall, Nashotah Post Office, and on Range Woods Drive in Lake County Estates. Board Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00p.m.Plan Commission Meetings are held as needed the third Wednesday of the month. at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are normally held at the Village Hall.
