April 25, 2017
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Holly was called to order by President Perkins at 7:00 P.M. in the Village of Holly Council Chambers located at 300 East Street, Holly, Michigan.
Council Members Present
Jim Perkins
Dave Cruickshank
Suzanne L. Heiple
Ryan Shiel
Debra Musgrave
Chris Rankin
Bob Allsop
Staff Present
Jerry L. Walker
Deborah J. Bigger
Brian Klaassen
Mike Story
Steve McGee
Others Present
See attached
Village of Holly Council April 25, 2017
President Perkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
President Perkins asked that Councilor Allsop be excused from tonight’s meeting.
CM 2017-043 Motion by Musgrave, second by Shiel to excuse Councilor Allsop from tonight’s meeting.
Motion carried by a voice vote of all ayes and no nays.
Clerk/Treasurer Bigger called the roll.
1. Agenda Approval
2. Consideration of the Approval of the Council Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2017.
3. Consideration of the Approval of Warrant 2017-008 in the amount of $24,642.16
4. Consideration of Approval of the Balance Sheet for March, 2017.
5. Consideration of the Approval of the Quarterly Revenue and Expenditure Report.
6. Consideration of the Approval of the Quarterly Investment Report.
7. Consideration of the Special Event – Holly Academy 5K and Fun Run, June 3, 2017.
8. Consideration of the Special Event – Andy’s Place, Outside Patio, April 15 – Nov 30, 2017.
9. Consideration of the Council Action Request – Interim Village Manager April 27 – May 1, 2017.
10. Consideration of the Council Action Request to support the Shiawassee River Water Trail Coalition by authorizing Councilor Rankin to sign the MOU and become a member of the Coalition.
President Perkins asked that the agenda be amended to add consent agenda number 10 and to add a presentation from the Veteran’s Center.
Councilor Musgrave asked that the Executive Session be moved after public comment.
CM 2017-044 Motion by Musgrave, second by Cruickshank to approve the amendments to the agenda.
Motion carried by a voice vote of all ayes and no nays.
CM 2017-045 Motion by Rankin, second by Cruickshank to approve the consent agenda as amended.
Motion carried by a voice vote of all ayes and no nays.
Presentation by the Holly Veteran’s Resource Center
Ms. Ina Golden said that the service officers are now coming twice a month. It is sometimes difficult to go to Detroit, so they come to our center. We have information and help. We work with survival benefits outreach. Last month, Congressman Bishop listened to all of our complaints and concerns about the VA. We are a registered 501C. We have helped six widows. We have facilitated care givers for a vet so he could stay at home. We helped procure military medals for a family. We help with home repairs.
Ms. Golden said that they are responsible for putting money into our community that the Veterans have earned. We inform families of the Veterans cemetery.
She said they do a lot of things from our homes and from our own pockets. We are having a fund raiser on May 16th from 4 - 7 at McDonald’s. We will be receiving 15% of all proceeds 4-7 that night, And 100% of the cookies sales.
Joe Mishler, Holly Veteran’s Resource Center, said the VFW and American Legion don’t have certified service officers. We have them out here now twice a month. They are professional. They give solid advice. They have helped a lot of people.
Mr. Mishler said that one woman couldn’t find her husband’s discharge paper. She said she didn’t know what she was looking for. We did find it for her. She comes back every week. He said we talked about signage for the National Cemetery with Congressman Bishop. It is all going to benefit us. It will benefit Holly.
Also we do a lot of outreach. We are reporting to you tonight because this is where we started.
This is take a soldier with you. We are planning a couple different events. Agent orange town hall meeting. Congressman Bishop will be out here again.
#1. Consideration of Tri-County Refuse Service dba: Republic Waste Contract Extension
Manager Walker said we talked about this in the public meeting. This is the document itself. He said it extends the contract through June 2024. He said the service we have received from Republic is very good. Very accessible to the residents and the administration.
Manage Walker said the public dumpsters next to the red devil will be replaced with a compactor. He said Republic will be purchasing it and delivering it on site. The advantage is instead of having a large garbage truck drive across our parking lot, the goal is to get it down to two times. The compactor will curb the illegal dumping as well as taking care of the rodent issue. This compactor has the ability to track use. We will be able to map out some strategies to become more efficient.
He said you have had the contract for about a month and it has been reviewed by Village Attorney Gildner. Upon review of the contract, staff recommend approval of the contract.
President Perkins asked if it will be restricted access.
Manager Walker said we will give access codes to the authorized users only and we will have the ability to change the codes.
Councilor Cruickshank asked if each business will have a separate number.
Manager Walker said yes.
Councilor Shiel asked how you will get the numbers to the businesses.
Manager Walker said Village staff will do that.
CM 2017-046 Motion by Musgrave, second by Rankin to authorize the Village President to sign the extension of the Tri-County Refuse Serve dba: Republic Waste Contract.
Roll call vote was as follows:
Voting for: Cruickshank, Heiple, Shiel, Musgrave, Rankin, Perkins.
Voting against: None
Absent: Allsop
Motion carried.
Village Manager
Manager Walker said that he would like to waive the study session at the next meeting and adjourn for a field trip to the WWTP. There are some major upgrades that we are looking at.
Councilor Rankin asked if the tour would be available to the general public.
Manager Walker said anyone that comes to a Council meeting can come. But if they want we could schedule another night. He said we could plan an open house if anyone would be interested.
Councilor Musgrave said that you would be surprised how many people will want to tour the WWTP.
Manager Walker said that DDA chairperson Rossell has entered into communications with another candidate, if DDA approves, then it will come before Council on May 9th. The only addition to this contract will be that of adding health insurance as a provision to employment.
Village Attorney
Attorney Gildner said that he is scheduled to meet in closed session. He said it has been a busy month.
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Clerk Treasurer said that we have survived the first full week of someone on vacation while still being down one person. Janell and Carol and I were the only ones there and they both worked really hard to make it run smoothly. She said that she and Manager Walker began conducting interviews for the position of Deputy Finance Officer.
Director Klaassen
Director Klaassen said that they are getting the parks ready.
Chief McGee
Chief McGee said he would like to thank everyone for their support for Andy Greene’s family.
Director Brinker
Director Brinker said she is getting things ready for summer.
Boards and Commissions
Parks Commission – Councilor Rankin said there is nothing new to report.
Historic District and HAYA – Councilor Shiel said there is nothing new since the last meeting.
Planning – Councilor Cruickshank said that the last meeting was cancelled.
KRCC – Councilor Heiple said there were about 6000 people through the center this month. She said they hold free exercise classes. On May 13th, there will be a spring fling with Jump street band. She has some tickets. $15.00 per person and $25.00 per couple.
Personnel - Councilor Musgrave asked if the personnel committee needs to convene after the DDA makes their recommendation.
Manager Walker said they do not need to.
Councilor Cruickshank said he would like to remind everyone of the Dave and Chris town hall meeting on May 11th from 6:30 to 8:00.
Member of the audience said she heard a rumor that someone is working on a dog park.
Councilor Rankin said the dog park has been shelved. He said we had a public meeting about it and overwhelmingly they felt negative. We are scheduling a meeting next week to improve the par and also to improve the field. He said the dog park is not going to be at Cyclone Park.
She said she winters in Arizona and she has talked to several people and they would be willing to pay a membership.
Executive Session: Consideration of entering into Executive Session to discuss Attorney/Client Privileged Information
CM 2017-047 Motion by Musgrave, second by Heiple to approve entering executive session.
Roll call vote was as follows:
Voting for: Heiple, Shiel, Musgrave, Rankin, Cruickshank, Perkins.
Voting against: None
Absent: Allsop
Motion carried.
With nothing further to discuss, President Perkins adjourned the meeting at 8:34 PM.
Jim Perkins, Village President
Deborah J. Bigger, Clerk/Treasurer