RE – Residential CO – Commercial PA – Public Authority IN - Industrial


WATER (effective March 23, 2016) SEWER (effective January 1, 2013)

Quarterly Service Charge – Metered: Residential Quarterly Service Charge - Metered $58.70

5/8 inch meter $ 24.00 Plus volume charge: $2.40 per 1,000 gallons

1 inch meter $ 31.50 CO, IN, PA Quarterly Service Charge - Metered $61.85

1 1/4 inch meter $ 45.00 Plus volume charge: $2.20 per 1,000 gallons

1 1/2 inch meter $ 63.00 Quarterly Service Charge – Unmetered $83.25

2 inch meter $ 90.00

3 inch meter $172.50 REFUSE & RECYCLING (effective October 1, 2015)

4 inch meter $255.00 Residential Refuse & Recycling Collection (under 10 units):

37 gallon cart $13.29 per month per unit

Plus Volume Charge: 37 gallon cart/Sr. Citizen $11.23 per month per unit

First 40,000 gallons $2.30 per 1,000 gals 71 gallon cart $15.35 per month per unit

Next 160,000 gallons $2.00 per 1,000 gals. 98 gallon cart $17.41 per month per unit

Over 200,000 gallons $1.60 per 1,000 gals. Stickers may be purchased at the Village Office for additional refuse.

Add two zeros to GALLONS shown on

front to determine number of gallons used. Residential refuse will be picked up on Wednesdays. Residential recycling

will be picked up on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.

STANDBY WATER (effective March 23, 2016) If any of the following holidays fall on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday,
Quarterly Charge for each lot or equivalent parcel your refuse and recycling will be picked up on Thursday:

of land for which water system facilities are available New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,

but are not connected: $12.00 Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day

An equivalent parcel of land shall be each full 100 feet

where un-platted. All parcels of less than 100 feet shall be

equivalent to a lot as long as the lot is buildable. This

charge does not apply to customers connected to the water

system and actively using water.

PUBLIC FIRE PROTECTION (effective March 23, 2016) STORM WATER UTILITY (effective January 1, 2014)

Quarterly Service Charge – Metered: Single-family $ 2.00 per unit per month

5/8 inch meter $ 21.75 Multi-family $37.29 per acre per month

1 inch meter $ 28.35 Commercial $67.49 per acre per month

1 ½ inch meter $ 43.50 Industrial $37.29 per acre per month

2 inch meter $ 65.25 Public Authority $67.49 per acre per month

3 inch meter $ 87.00

4 inch meter $108.90 Each duplex unit pays the single-family rate

Non-general service customers who own property located Parks, open space, cemeteries, agricultural and vacant

within the Village limits and in an area where the Village property is exempt

has an obligation to provide water for public fire protection:

Quarterly Service Charge $ 21.75

A penalty of 1% per month will be added to bills not paid by the due date. To pay your bill using a credit/debit card or e-check, you can stop at the Village Office, call the Village Office or go to and click on Online Payment. There will be a charge to you for using this service.



