Village of Bloomfield Planning Board meeting of February 26, 2009
Chairperson Nancy Long called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Nancy Long, Nicki Every, Skip Delf and Clerk Kathy Conradt. Tom Kugris and Audrey Barnard were excused and Nancy Witt was absent.
Skip Delf motioned, Nicki Every seconded and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the January meeting as submitted. Nancy Long informed that Board that the Village Board of Trustees voted to renew the CEO contract through December of 2009.
The Board received a list of training opportunities for 2009 organized by Ontario County Planning.
The Board reviewed the annual report on the Comprehensive Plan. The Board studied and discussed the zoned districts as depicted on the zoning map. It was noted that there are many lots currently existing in the R-1-15 district that could actually be zoned R-1-10, and which fit nicely into the overall Village composition. Based upon that observation, the Board amended item C of #6 Analysis and conclusions of conditions in the Village such that the Planning Board recommends that the Village Board of Trustees consider creating an R-1-10 district and rezoning some areas of the Village to include R-1-10 and more R-1-15 areas to promote growth in the Village. The Planning Board also looked at the RB1 district on the northwest side of Main St. to consider whether it should be rezoned commercial. Due to the proximity of the Historic District and the lack of abundant parking it was decided that the current zoning is the most appropriate for that area.
The E. Bloomfield Board of Fire Commissioners will be preparing an environmental review for a proposed new fire hall. After a discussion, the Planning Board members agreed that they would be the most appropriate agency to act as lead agency for that review.
The Planning Board members received a 10 year review report of the Comprehensive Plan that summarizes the annual reports from 1998-2008. The Planning Board will study the document in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan for discussion at the March meeting. The Planning Board will use the document as an aid to formulate any recommendations for changes to the comprehensive Plan. Any recommendations formed will be forwarded to the Village Board and to the Comprehensive Plan Committee.
Skip Delf motioned, Nancy Long seconded and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting.
Following the discussion of the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Board will continue their review of Article IX of the zoning laws at their next meeting on March 26 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Conradt, Clerk