GARY BRUMBAUGH, Master/President
16303 Village Parkway, Fredericktown, OH 43019
Office Phone: 740.694.1669 Fax: 740.694.1679
E-mail: or
Website: www.ohiostategrange.org
March 3, 2009
Greetings Deputies, Directors and State Officers,
This Spring’s Conference will be held May 16th in the dining hall at Friendly Hills Grange Camp. It will begin with a social hour – beverage and light snack - at 9:00, with the conference beginning at 10:00. There will be much happening there! Come early enough to register your county’s baking entries, drop off your pop tabs, eye glasses and Campbell Soup labels early and then spend some social time with your peers. Please, make it your priority to attend! Also, PLEASE REPLY TO THIS OFFICE BY MAY 5th TO REGISTER for this conference by phone, fax or e-mail! This is so important, as it allows us to prepare packets and especially to determine the noon meal count.
The Baking Contest judging entry sheets are enclosed in the Deputy envelopes. They are also online, under forms. Please have them filled out prior to arrival at camp. Also note that, due to no available information, there will be no Young Adult/Young Married baking contest this year.
Take advantage of this early notice to remind your local Granges about the above mentioned items to be collected at the conference and arrange for their pick up. Also, find out from them if they are in need of any supplies from this state office and order them ahead of time. They can save on postage by doing this. We are enclosing the LATEST Jewelry and Supplies Order Form. The one given you last January is obsolete, as we determined shortly after distributing them that the tax and postage information was difficult to follow. The latest form is dated 01/06/09 and was sent to the Secretaries with their quarterly reports. This latest form is also on the OSG website. General supplies will also be available at the conference.
The newly elected delegates will be announced there. To assist us in committee assignments, be prepared to give us the occupations (present and/or past) of the delegate nominees from your county.
Enclosed in the Deputy envelopes are copies of both types of inspection forms – scoring and evaluation. The one you use should be determined by each of the Granges being inspected. You may copy them as you need, or you may let us know, which type and how many, if you don’t need them until after May 16th, and we’ll bring them to the conference. They will also be available on the secure portion of our website – when we get that accomplished. Keep checking!
Also, please discuss with your county Granges how they can contribute toward our State Session needs, whether monetarily or with volunteers. Summit County has already volunteered to assist with the Memorial Service. Other events needing volunteers are Rose Drill, Junior hospitality room host, welcome/hospitality event, banquet centerpieces, meal function table favors, flowers, and such. We appreciate very much your county’s support!
There will be another silent type auction, same as in January, to assist with Deputy projects. You are asked to bring an unwrapped item for this occasion. The Deputies will be holding a brief meeting at the end of the day’s activities.
The Directors will have the opportunity to share their department’s activities and events with you. As was decided in January, they will be submitting a brief overview of these prior to the conference, which we will be e-mailing to you ahead of time for your preview.
I am looking forward to this spring meeting with you!