AUGUST 8, 2016
The members of City Council convened for Regular Meeting of the City of Bayou Vista City Council on Monday, August 8, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at the Community Center, located at 783 “C” Marlin, Bayou Vista, Texas, (corner of Neptune and Marlin), concerning the following items:
A quorum of the City Council was present and included the following:
Mayor:Daniel KonyhaPresent
Position 1:Bob AlthausPresent
Position 2:Mark JohnstonePresent
Position 3:Carlos PriceArrived at 7:00 p.m.
Position 4:Louis WorthamPresent
Position 5:Vaun HenryPresent
Legal Counsel was not present as directed by Mayor Konyha.
1.Call Meeting To Order
Mayor Konyha called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2.First Order of Business
A.Announcement by the Mayor of the presence of a quorum that the meeting had been duly called, and the notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner prescribed by law.
3.Roll Call
Roll call was taken with those in attendance as listed.
4.Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Konyha.
5.Citizen’s Comments on Agenda Items Only
A citizen commented on the need for a five-year plan, the amount of monies in the emergency fund, the possibility of setting a stipend for the Council, the fluidity of the Police Department and the importance of trying to keep our police here as other Police Department are able to offer better salaries, etc.
A.Consider and take possible action to approve the proposed 2016tax rate of $0.385000 per $100.00.
A motion was made by Alderman Mark Johnstone to approve the proposed 2016-2017 tax rate of $0.385000 per $100, as presented.
The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Vaun Henry.
Motion carried with all in favor.
Special Called and Budget Workshop
August 8, 2016
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A.Discuss and revise, as determined by City Council, the proposed budgeted amounts recommended by Mayor Konyha for anticipated revenues and anticipated expenditures for Fiscal Year Budget 2016-2017 – Draft 1.
The Mayor presented the areas were the increases have occurred.
1.Employee’s health insurance - $1,000 per employee
2.Increasing salaries of patrol officers, maintenance person, building inspector by $1.00 an hour.
3.Increase in property insurance by $2,000
Windstorm by $2,000
Flood by $2,000
4.Bulkhead installation at the cost of $29,000 on City property.
5.Attorney’s fees.
6.Swimming pool water line repair - $6,000
- Citizen’s Comments
No comments were made.
- Aldermen Comments
Alderman Carlos Price spoke to replacing the material under the playground equipment as discussed by the chairpersons of the Summer Festival.
Alderman Mark Johnstone discussed the future possibility of providing mileage to Aldermen who attend additional county meetings as participants of certain committees on behalf ofCity of Bayou Vista.
- Mayor’s Comments
No comments were made.
A motion was made by Alderman Mark Johnstone, seconded by Bob Althaus, duly put and unanimously carried, the Council adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula J. Eshelman
Daniel S. Konyha Mayor
Paula J. Eshelman, City Secretary