****** August 13, 2013 ******

6 Park Ave., Arkport, NY

Call to order: Special Board Meeting, 6:30PM

Pledge to the Flag

Roll Call: Mayor Charles Flanders Trustee Mike Brewer Trustee Ezra Geist Trustee Jon Hedges Trustee Susan Thompson

Absent Call: None

Others Present: Bob Mauro, Brad Pacula, Ken Thompson, Sue White, Tom Dugo, Ronald Conroy.

New Business Mayor Flanders presented the new winter hours that he will implement beginning on Sept 30th. As follows

·  Winter Hours: Mayor Flanders would like to implement new winter hours for the DPW dept starting September 30th. The new hours would be as follows

Bob Mauro: Regular standard work week: Monday through Friday

Regular hours of work: 7 am to 3:30 (with half hour lunch) or

7 am to 4:00 (with an hour lunch)

Brad Pacula: Regular standard work week: Tuesday through Saturday

Regular hours of work: 8:30 to 5:00 (with half hour lunch) or

8:00 to 5:00 (with an hour lunch)

Bob Mauro agreed to come in on Mondays at 7:30 and work until 4:00 to cover the crossing guard duties.

·  Rate of pay for Compensation Pay – Mayor Flanders shared the findings regarding the compensation pay according to Carmine Ruberto, Director of Division of Labor Standards stating that any unused comp time should be paid at the rate that it was earned. Bob Mauro questioned the correctness of the NYS Dept of Labor response and will be further looked into by the Village Board

·  Public Comment: Mayor Flanders opened the floor for public comment. The residence in present stated the concern with the Village buying Arkport Cycles building and selling the current Village Hall and how it will impact their taxes.

Mayor Flanders asked the public if anybody present would be willing to serve on the Village Zoning Board with Ron Conroy expressing interest.


M24 there was a motion to adjourn the Public meeting at 7:07 pm by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Geist. All ayes.

Respectively Submitted

Trustee Jon Hedges