
  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call- Kirchgessner, Wharton, Martin, White, McCafferty

Absent- Fisher

  1. Approval of Minutes-

Motion to approve minutes Kirchgessner, McCafferty, vote 4 yeas and 1 abstain

  1. People Before Council
  1. Phyllis McKenzie- was asking if rates will continue to grow each year. Yes, we have 3% cost of living increase on rates to help cover the increase in expenses.
  2. Nicholas Root- tree in front of his house, multiple branches falling out, needs check for either trim or removal
  3. Mr and MrsWokins- own 48 acres outside of the village, considering possible annexation. If annex they would like village to consider adding an additional district of r1-3 to the zoning that requires smaller lot sizes. They are wanting possibly 6 lots per acre. Council and mayor has asked that they draw up their proposal and they could work with Martin, Corbin, Brown. Once they have a proposal Martin will present it to the Zoning Board.
  4. Jim Henson- Amanda township- would like the village to consider helping them with storing their salt. Martin and Ayers was concerned that if we buy the salt and store it and then there was a light year and they didn’t require the amount they estimated that we would be liable for the expense. Henson said township could pay their amount upon delivery and just pay the village something to cover storage cost and use of equipment to load. Council would like Corbin to look in to it and draw up contract. White, Kichgessner, all in favor
  5. Jeff Fix- Republican Nominee Commissioners- he is just out introducing himself to each community within Fairfield County. He also would like to know; in the event he became elected what if any do we think needs addressed. Mayor pointed out that we need to check into more sheriff presence.
  6. Greg Keener- ATFD- Fireman’s Festival- Sept 7 & 8 2 day event, would like to get permission to use the streets., still need to supply insurance – will need to close streets one day early to set up. keener said they will have blow-ups, Kiss tribute band, gospel, pro wrestling, food and craft venders. motion to approve White, Wharton, all in favor
  1. Ralph Martin

a)Lutz St— we added some storm sewer work to original project. request to proceed, resolution, notice of disbursement method, promissory note, notice of awards, project $248,023.08 notice to award contact to Decker Construction only bid – motion to approve White, McCafferty, all in favor, OPWC notice to distribute motion to approve McCafferty, Kirchgessner, all in favor. Resolution of official intent – motion Kirchgessner, McCafferty, all in favor. Request to proceed White, Martin, all in favor.

  1. Committees

a)Park and Beautification

  1. Bicentennial – Ayers and Fisher met to get preliminary plans, would like permission to send letter to community asking for community participation in planning and facilitate us in event.


2 permits, Lasting Impression- addition and new build in lot near bank


Kirchgessner and Ayers attended Budget Commission meeting no issue they passed budget.


2 open property maint , some sent to prosecutor, updated good neighbor, and reinstalled the violation form on website

Mosquito spraying need to get next date to spray

e)Development – 2 bids for dry storage building, $20,000 –$25,000 motion to review bids and work on contract White, Wharton, all in favor

  1. Old Business

a)Anonymous-Corbin results- Ordinance to regulate complaints- regulate in coming complaints to require name and address motion to suspend rules, Wharton, McCafferty, all in favor motion to approve guidelines McCafferty, Wharton all in favor

  1. New Business

a)Pay bills- motion to pay bills Kirchgessner, McCafferty, all in favor

  1. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn McCafferty, White, all in favor