Village Improvement Association

General Meeting – Clubhouse

March 12, 2014

President Billingsley called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm and asked everyone to turn off or put their cell phones on vibrate.

Inspiration: Karol Powers-Case gave the inspiration about My Children.

Pledge of Allegiance

Program: Conservation Chair Carole Suchanek introduced Suzanne Thurman from the MERR (Marine Education Research and Rehabilitation Institute). Suzanne spoke and presented a program enlightening everyone about MERR. License plates are available through the DMV and $35 of the $50 cost goes back to MERR. Volunteers are needed for the Dolphin Count on July 19. More information about MERR and volunteer opportunities is available on their website: www.merrinstitute.org.

Guest Sponsor

Georgeanna D’Archangelo Sherry Hall

Jane Richter Shirley Fleegle

Jean Brolund Marie LaRocca

Maggie St. Jean Bernie Polinski

Irene Nixon Winnie Oggenfuss

Ginny Weber Joan Madeksza

Minutes: Theda Blackwelder moved that the minutes from the February 12th General Meeting be approved as posted online. The motion passed.

President’s Report:

President Carolyn Billingsley thanked everyone who brought in baby clothes for the Community Resource Center. These donations will help supply a Baby Pantry that will be set up at the Community Resource Center at the end of the month. The bra collection benefitting victims of domestic violence will end on April 30th. If you have brought in anything today, Carolyn reminded everyone to please fill out a reporting form and turn it in with your name tag at the end of the meeting. Sandy Roberts is collecting the Domestic Violence contribution form and Carolyn is collecting the Baby Pantry forms. The VIA has invited the presidents of all Sussex Country DSFWC clubs and the Board of the DSFWC to a tea on April 22nd. The VIA Board is also invited to attend. Carolyn then thanked everyone who helped with the Chocolate Festival. She asked all to stand and everyone thanked them. March 1 was Federation Day in Harrington. She thanked Maxine Ungerbuehler for donating 30 items for the live auction. She also thanked Sandy Roberts, Jan Conant, Elayne Cannarozzi and Linda Kurpjuweit for their support of Federation Day. Bill Shaffer, husband of Gail Shaffer, was given a round of applause for using a bucket truck to get our flag knot down from the top of the flag pole. Carolyn then mentioned many upcoming activities and encouraged everyone to sign up to work together with others to make these activities a success.

Corresponding Secretary:

Corresponding secretary Shirley Fleegle reported on cards sent during the last month.

Sympathy Cards were sent to:

Sally Hastings’ Family and a book at the Rehoboth Beach Library was ordered in her memory. A card was sent and a book was also ordered for Henrietta Belcher-Stack in memory of her mother.

Thinking of You cards were sent to:

Linda Moreau

Debbie Iammateo

Get Well Card was sent to:

Laura West

Thank You Card was sent to:

Julie and Pete at the Crystal Restaurant for the Valentine’s Dinner

Carol Hall reported on correspondence received.

A Thank You card was received from Brandywine Assisted Living for the Valentine’s Tea.

A note was received from Margaret Spurgat who at 97 loves notes from Rehoboth.

Treasurer’s Report:

Assistant Treasurer Melynda Peet gave the Treasurer’s Report.

Balance on Hand (Feb. 1, 2014) $19,326.75

Receipts 1,924.52

Disbursements 14,600.90

Balance on Hand (Feb. 28, 2014) $ 6,650.37

Endowment Fund 8,105.63

Maintenance Account 11,270.71

Total Balance (February 28, 2014) $26,026.71

Capital Campaign Finance Report:

Capital Campaign Treasurer Phyllis Stone presented the Capital Campaign finance report.

Balance on Hand (Feb. 1, 2014) $26,030.89

Receipts 10,659.00

Disbursements 10,526.61

Balance on Hand (Feb. 28, 2014) 26,163.28

Held in Escrow 14,501.55

Total Balance (Feb. 28, 2014) $11,661.73

Since Feb. 28th:

Receipts 1,795.00

Disbursements 2,114.99

Balance on Hand (March 17, 2014) $25,843.29

Held in Escrow 12,626.55

Total Balance (March 12, 2014) $13,216.74

The Total amount left to pay on our mortgage is $17,641.22.

Capital Campaign Report:

Capital Campaign Chair Theda Blackwelder then presented the Capital Campaign report. She introduced the chairs of the last three Capital Campaign activities.

Fashion Show:

Theda announced that if you have not paid for your ticket to the Fashion Show, please pay Marge Cintavey.

Chair Carol Hall thanked her entire committee for all the work that they have done. She then announced that the Fashion Show is sold out and she thanked everyone for their support.

Theda also announced that if you have items for the silent auction, please give them to Sherry Hall and if you have wine for the wine baskets please give it to Joan Sciorra. She also thanked Carol and her committee for all of their work.

Bus Trip to Winterthur:

Theda announced that there were seats available. However, all seats had been taken since the meeting began. This trip is sold out.

Designer Show House:

Chair Rose Marie Patin discussed the soiree that will be held on April 30th at Hotel Rehoboth. This will be a celebration of the designers and the work that they will have done to make the Designer Show House a success. The cost is $40. Your entrance ticket to the Designer Show House is included in this price as well as wine, food and entertainment. The Designer Show House will be open the first three weekends in May. Tickets are $20 prior to April 25th and $25 after that date. Rose Marie asked that everyone try to sell tickets. Envelopes containing 20 tickets are available to those who would like to sell that many tickets. Phyllis Stone will be available in the back of the room after the meeting to give out those envelopes.


Chair Sandy Roberts discussed the Gala that will be held on Friday, October 10, 2014 at the Rehoboth Beach Yacht and Country Club to celebrate the payoff of our mortgage and all the hard work that has gone into projects dedicated to that purpose. The dress is Country Club appropriate meaning no denim and men must wear sport coats. She encouraged everyone to come and have a good time. There is a signup sheet in the back to get an idea of how many are interested. Only VIA members may attend this event. However members may bring their spouse or significant other.

Theda then thanked everyone who has helped with every Capital Campaign project.

Women and Wine:

Chair Sherry Hall announced that this event which will be held on March 20th at Lupo Di Mare. The time on the back of the agenda is incorrect. Everyone meets outside at about 6:30pm and then dinner starts at 7:00pm. You pay that night. VIA will also get $5 from each $45, 4 course (including wine), dinner that is purchased at Fish On in Lewes on Friday, March 21st.

Ronnie Lutz, Chair of the Winterthur Bus Trip, announced that she needs everyone who has signed up to pay her by April 1. The cost is $55.

Building Committee:

Chair Eileen Polini announced that the money from the Longwood Foundation Grant will be spent on a sound system, a podium, security lights, a TV monitor, tinted windows, painting restoration, luncheon plates, silverware, and trellises for our landscaping. The sound system has already been purchased. Members of the committee are looking into getting a lapel speaker system and a podium with an adjustable slanted top, drawers, wheels, a light, and a place for the microphone. Timers will be put on the outside lights rather than motion detectors. Two new circuits will be put into the kitchen. The windows have already been tinted. You can see out but it is difficult for someone to see in. This will help not only with sunlight but also with security. Our paintings will be evaluated so that we can have them restored as needed. Members are looking into purchasing additional plates and silverware. What we have is no longer available so they are looking into the costs of getting something in a similar pattern. We are also looking into getting luncheon plates that will hold a cup. We need two trellises and that should finish up our landscaping. Eileen thanked Melynda Peet for all of her work putting in the landscaping last year. There was a request for popup tents for use at events. We have no space to store these so the committee recommends that events needing these tents simply rent them or ask members to see if they have tents that can be used. With the new tinted windows, you cannot tape or put anything on the windows. Please do not tape anything to them. In order to clean the windows, simply use a spray bottle with a few drops of something like Dawn and wipe off gently. Do not use any harsh cleaners. The committee also noticed that the counter tops in the kitchen have cut marks. Please use cutting boards when you need to cut something.

Nominating Committee:

Nancy Barlow, a member of the nominating committee and an outgoing director, gave the report. The other members of the nominating committee were: Fay Kempton, Mary Jane Schanno, Kathy Nave (Chair) and Nancy McDonnell. Nancy then read the nominated slate for new officers and directors. She asked nominees to please stand when their names were read.

Second Vice President: Carole Suchanek

Treasurer: Melynda Peet and Phyllis Stone

Assistant Treasurer: Sherry Hall

Recording Secretary: Kathy DeGrange

Corresponding Secretary: Nancy McDonnell (not present)

Directors: Carol Hall, Ronnie Lutz and Gail Shaffer

Nancy then asked for nominations from the floor and reminded everyone that you may self-nominate.

There were no additional nominations.

There will be information provided through an eblast for the two people running for treasurer so that you will have additional information prior to voting at the April meeting.


Judy Bryan, Public Issues Chair, announced that there are two more dinners planned for the Home of the Brave. On Saturday, March 29 at 10:00am the Kent County Chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America will be honoring women and nurses in the military at the memorial right behind the Dover Carpet Mart. One of our members, Elizabeth Bray, will be honored. She is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the United States Air Force Reserve. Elizabeth was asked to stand and be recognized.

Beth Magnus spoke about the May Luncheon. First she had a couple of announcements. Sue Scaglione asked Beth to remind everyone that the Designer Show House docents need to sign up on the sheets in the back. Phyllis Stone has the signup sheet for the person who sits at the house each day to sell/collect tickets.

The theme of the May luncheon is “It Takes a Village”. This year ticket sales are being handled a little differently. Tickets for groups of people who may want to sit together will be sold together. Beth showed the form that you need to fill out. You need to sign up your group together and collect all moneys for your group and turn the form and all money in at one time. Members will be able to purchase tickets individually. The May Luncheon is a members’ only event. Tickets are $25 and the luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 14th at Kings Creek Country Club. It will be a hot and cold buffet.

Sherry Hall, Chair of Home Life, reminded everyone who signed up for the Women and Wine event on Thursday to please let her know if you cannot attend. Sherry then told everyone that Cindy Szabo, who discussed women’s financial issues at the January meeting, has agreed to come to the Clubhouse on Friday, April 11 at 2:00pm for a follow-up session. Members can also bring their spouse if they would like to come and ask questions. She is volunteering her time so please sign up at the Home Life table to let Sherry know if you might be coming.

Linda Crowe reported that eight people, including her, read at Rehoboth Elementary School for Dr. Seuss Day. Linda thanked all of those who participated.

Diane Clark Roxanne Nelson

Cindy Anderson Shirley Fleegle

Kay Burkhart Frances Drake

Connie Goodman

She also reminded everyone to hand in their sheets recording their time.

Theda Blackwelder reminded everyone about our pictorial directory. Today after the meeting if you didn’t get your picture taken last month, and if your last name begins through the letter ‘O’, you will need to get your picture taken.

Carolyn announced that our Pick-a-Dilly lady, Irene Safrit, is in need of $5 adult gifts for the St. Nicholas Tea.

Carolyn also let everyone know that the VIA will again be volunteering at the Information Kiosk on the boardwalk on Mondays and Tuesdays for two hour shifts from noon until 6pm from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Kate McKenzie is working on setting this up and an email blast will let you know when you can sign up online.

Carolyn reminded everyone of the dates on the back of the agenda. The deadline for the newsletter is March 31st. Please send information to Carolyn and Sherry Pie’.

Carmela Coleman announced that the husband of one of our members, Sandy Curran, was instrumental in promoting the Smoking Ban which recently was enacted in Rehoboth Beach.

Sandy Roberts reminded everyone to please get names and information to her for nominees for Citizen of the Year by the end of March.

50/50 $79 was won by Marie LaRocca. Carolyn also presented a beautiful green jeweled shamrock as an additional raffle prize. It was won by Linda Keeler.

The Collect was recited and the meeting was adjourned at 2:35.

Submitted by Kathy Osterholm, Recording Secretary

This meeting was transcribed by Roxanne Nelson and Linda Crowe.