Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 18th May 2015




Present: / Cllr Colin Talboys(in the Chair); Cllr John Goodban; Cllr Mike Germain;
Cllr Roland Graves; Cllr Jim Haslem;Cllr Alan White; Cllr Andy Woolway; Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Mr Paul Agley (Highview Services).
Apologies for Absence
Cllr Pat Banks; Cllr Sue Connor; Mr Adam Holloway (MP); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC);
Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Community Warden).
Declarations of Interest
Questions from the Press and Public
Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
KCC MEMBERS GRANT FOR ADMERS WOOD LAYBY: Hoopers had quoted for this work as follows:
£3800 for a concrete finish or £4320 for an asphalt finish. Although Hoopers recommended the asphalt finish, it was agreed that Vigo Parish Council would want a concrete finish. The grant which would be applied for would be for a sum of £3000, Vigo Parish Council would need to fund the additional £800.
The Clerk would speak to Mr Farmer about formally applying for a grant from Cllr Sweetland.
[Action: Clerk]
Cllr Shelbrooke noted that the new Mayor of Gravesham would be Cllr Michael Wenban. Cllr Shelbrooke noted that the Conservatives had taken control at Gravesham Borough Council following the recent elections.
Reports from Community Wardens
BUS STOP VANDALISM. It was noted that there were now three panels missing from the bus shelter, with a fourth damaged and loose. Mr Agley would provide the Clerk with the two dates of the most recent damage so that they could be reported as a crime. Once crime references had been received the Clerk would speak to the insurance company to establish if this could be one single claim (with one excess of £250) or if it would be three separate claims (with three excess amounts totalling £750). The Clerk would get an up to date quote from the repair company, and ask if they would be able to manufacture stronger panels, or suggest ways of making the shelter less likely to be vandalised. Mr Agley would speak to Callum O’Leary who may be able to suggest a way of repairing the shelter with steel rather than aluminium.
[Action: Clerk]
PILOT LOCAL WARDEN SUPPORT OFFICER SCHEME: The Clerk had received an email from KALC giving information on a “Pilot Local warden Support Officer Scheme”. This followed on from the KCC consultation last year on Community wardens, when KCC announced that it would keep its existing 70 Community Wardens. The existing Wardens would be realigned to provide greater coverage and a more equal balance across Kent. The Pilot Local warden support Officer (LWSO) scheme is a voluntary role and is not intended to replace the Community wardens.
LWSOs are expected to be the “eyes and ears” of their communities, to be conduits for information and support and engage with the local community providing general advice to members of the community, signposting time to the appropriate agencies and liaising with local community groups, the police, fire service etc. and with the local Warden.
KALC were looking to set up 12 Pilots across Kent. There would be no cost for the Pilot scheme, however if the Pilot scheme is successful and the scheme is rolled out in the next financial year, it was estimated that a Parish / Town Council who took part in the scheme would make a financial contribution of around £400 for uniform and toward training costs. It was opted to start the Pilot Schemes in November.
The Parish Council were concerned about this scheme. The Clerk would speak to the local Community Wardens regarding this matter. The Clerk would also forward the email received from KALC to Cllr Shelbrooke. Vigo Parish Council did not intend to become involved in the Pilot Scheme.
[Action: Clerk]
To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meetings held on 20th April 2015
Minor typographical errors had been noted and amended. The minutes were agreed and signed by Cllr Haslem having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
PUBLICATION OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS. These forms had been handed to all Councillors at the Annual Meeting earlier in the evening. Once completed they would be sent to GBC for signatures, and then published on the website.
[Action: Councillors]
BANK ACCOUNT: Monies had not yet been transferred into Fixed Bond Accounts – it was agreed to transfer 50% of the bank balance into a 6 month bond and 25% into a 3 month bond (if available). ALL AGREED.
[Action: Clerk]
TRENCHES / BOMB HOLES NEAR VILLAGE GREEN. Pending Risk Assessment from Trosley Country Park.
[Action: ongoing]
TITLE DEEDS: Copying and storage of deeds with solicitor. No update.
[Action: Clerk]
INSTANT INK / VS SMALL BUSINESS PRINTER: Cllr Haslem reported that a family member had invested in a new HP small business printer recently and that had significantly reduced ink costs. The Clerk would look into this. .
[Action: Clerk]
a) /

Tree Policy

SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO. The Clerk was to provide a copy map to Cllr White and a new map to Cllr Germain (who was going to undertake the survey that hadn’t been completed by ex Cllr Hogwood)
[Action: Clerk]
WATERLOW ROAD SIGHT LINE / TREE STUMP (between The Gallops and Timberbank): Cllr Talboys had not yet drafted a letter for the resident.
[Action: Cllr Talboys]
HIGHVIEW: The Clerk had not yet written to the resident regarding the overgrown vegetation (covenant issue) but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
DOWNSWOOD: TREES TO THE FRONT: Sylvan Arb had quoted for this, the cost would be £245 for one subject tree, thereafter the cost was on a sliding scale – the Clerk had estimated there was 15 trees in this location which would be at a cost of around £695. There was a long discussion regarding this and the residents’ concerns in general. It was agreed that Mr Agley would inspect the trees again and report back to the Parish Council before a decision was made. Mr Agley would knock on the resident’s door when he was inspecting the trees to discuss any concerns he may have.
[Action: Mr Agley]
JOURNAL ARTICLE: It was agreed to publish the Tree Wardens AGM report in the Journal. The Clerk would arrange this.
[Action: Clerk]
TREE SURGERY CONTRACT: Mr Agley would provide a list of tree surgeons, along with a list of questions that could be asked and requirements (such as equipment, insurance etc.).
[Action: Mr Agley]
THE GALLOPS: the resident had contacted the Clerk regarding a chestnut tree next to their side fence. There were lots of branches growing out from the base of the tree trunk, some of which were overhanging the resident’s garden. The Clerk would ask Mr Agley to add this to the list of routine maintenance work for the winter period.
[Action: Clerk]
OAK TREE ON WATERLOW ROAD: Mr Agley noted that a large Oak Tree on Waterlow Road may need some work in the future – this tree had been damaged some years ago by a vehicle. There is some dead wood in the tree which needed to be removed. This would be added to the list of trees to be monitored as “amber”.
DANGEROUS WILLOW TREES IN HIGHVIEW: Following high winds, Mr Agley had chipped and cleared one fallen willow tree in the garage block of Highview. Following a report from the Community Wardens, two further willow trees were inspected in the immediate vicinity, these were found to be uprooting and leaning heavily towards properties. Mr Agley had liaised with Cllr Graves and agreed to fell the trees by winching them into woodland from Harvel Road. These would now be cut and cleared at a later date.
CHESTNUT LANE TREES: A resident had contacted the Clerk asking that someone have a look at the group of roadside trees at the bottom end of Chestnut Lane (on the even numbered side) fronting numbers 2 – 6. The resident enquired if the crowns could be lowered, or even if the trees could be pollarded. The resident noted that one tree in particular had been swaying in the recent gales, its location and proximity to the nearby houses were of concern.
The resident also asked if the trees behind the rear gardens on the odd numbered side could be considered for crown lowering by a few meters and they had become very tall over the years and are on a raised bank.
The Clerk would forward this email to Cllr Talboys, who would go and inspect the area and report back.
[Action: Clerk]
SILVER BIRCH REAR OF CROFTSIDE: Cllr Goodban noted that there was a silver birch leaning at a 60 degree angle at the rear of Croftside. It was believed this was on land belonging to the resident. The Clerk would write to ask that this matter be dealt with.
[Action: Clerk]
OAK SAPLING: A local resident had emailed the Clerk regarding an Oak sapling that had established itself in a rose bush near his front window. The resident wanted to relocate the sapling onto Community Land. He had spoken to the families of the boys who had been tragically killed in a car crash in Harvel Road – the families had agreed that they would be happy to use the sapling as a memorial, they were intending to make up a time capsule to place underneath it, and perhaps a plaque could go on the tree in the future. The resident assumed the Parish Council were happy with this plan – he thought that the ideal place would be on the Baylis Bank (opposite the bus shelter on Erskine Road, between some shrubs that were already there).
It was noted that although the Parish had no objections in principle to this plan, the Baylis Bank was not considered to be the best location. It was suggested that perhaps the land at the bottom of Highview / junction of Erskine Road may be ideal. The Clerk was to speak to the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
b) /

Grounds Maintenance

COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE FOR RON PARKER. The Clerk had not yet arranged for a plaque to be made up but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
The Clerk had not yet written to Mrs Carleton and Mr Hogwood to thank them for their assistance over the past years with delivering journals, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
RUBBISH BIN IN RECYCLING AREA: There was no replacement as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
SHRUB OPPOSITE 11 THE PADDOCK: Mr Agley noted there was a large shrub in this location which needed to be cut back. It was thought this shrub was on Parish Land. Cllr Talboys would check before any work was carried out.
[Action: Cllr Talboys]
c) /

Grass Cutting

Cllr Connor had enquired regarding the grass next to 39 Beechmast, which was scruffy and in need of mowing. It was noted that this area included a small patch of land where the water board dug a hole and filled temporarily with chippings, never fully reinstating it. The Clerk had tried on many occasions to get the Water Board to reinstate this area but had not been successful. It was agreed that Mr Agley would reinstate this area of land. It was noted that the grass was often not cut as it required strimming and there was sometimes cars parked very nearby.
[Action: Mr Agley]
Neighbourhood Plan Report
TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS. Faye Hobbs (Gravesham Planning) had agreed to look into this.
[Action: ongoing]
The Clerk had not yet written to Karen McGarry and Gerry Pemberton to thank them for delivering the leaflets to all households in the village but she would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
Sustainable Development Statement. Cllr Haslem and Cllr White to work on this.
[Action: Cllr Haslem & White]
[Action: Cllr Haslem]
A meeting had been held with Gravesham Borough Council on 28th April, Cllr White, Cllr Haslem, Cllr Banks, Mrs Pemberton had been in attendance. It was felt that the result had been constructive. There was a not too long action note which would be circulated to attendees. Cllr Haslem would also email all Vigo Councillors and Cllr Shelbrooke.
Cllr Haslem would go through the comments made on the Draft Plan by GBC. The Draft Plan would then be amended as necessary, hopefully in time for the June meeting, with formal signing off at the July meeting.
Local Authority Planning Applications and Projects / Covenant 3 Applications
CHURCHSIDE: The Clerk had written to the resident (copied to both the resident’s solicitor and the Parish solicitor). The letter from the Parish Council had stated that remedial work should be carried out by 31st July 2015. The resident had emailed the Clerk on 6th April to acknowledge the letter, to thank the Council for taking the time to consider their application, and to say they would be in touch in due course.
[Action: ongoing]
TIMBERBANK: This cladding had been replaced in a style similar to the original, which would receive approval should the resident apply. No request for covenant approval had been received. It was agreed to file this matter.
HIGHVIEW: COV 3: Application to put a pitch roof on existing porch (as the flat roof had started to leak). The Clerk had asked for a diagram as agreed, no response had been received as yet. It was agreed to file this until the resident contacted the Clerk with a diagram or drawing.
COV 3 TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had sent the Covenant Approval letter as agreed.
COV 3: DOWNSWOOD: The Clerk had sent the Covenant Approval letter as agreed.
RETRO COV 3: TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had written giving retrospective approval as agreed.
COV 3: CHURCHSIDE: The Clerk had sent the Covenant Approval letter as agreed.
COV 3: HIGHVIEW: APPLICATION TO REPLACE WINDOWS. The Clerk had sent the Covenant Approval letter (giving specific details regarding style of windows as agreed).
COV 3: HIGHVIEW: APPLICATION TO REPLACE WINDOWS (illustrations provided). The Clerk had sent the Covenant Approval letter as agreed.
RETRO COV 3: THE COVERT: The Clerk had written giving retrospective Covenant Approval as agreed.
Covenant Breaches / Enforcement
COV 3: BRAMBLEBANK Fence Height (to the side) and Land Enclosure (to the rear): No contact had been made by the resident to arrange a site meeting. The Clerk was to write to the resident as a matter of urgency, giving dates that were suitable for the Parish Council.
[Action: Clerk]
CHESTNUT LANE: The Clerk would email the resident with a list of dates for a site meeting.
[Action: Clerk]
BRAMBLEBANK: The Clerk had written to the resident as agreed. The resident had asked for a small extension to respond to the Council as they were waiting for a tree surgeon to quote for the work. The Clerk has asked that the resident make a decision and inform the Parish Council by 8th June latest.
[Action: ongoing]
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had yet to liaise with the resident regarding a meeting with other residents to discuss the garage block disrepair.
[Action: Clerk]
CHESTNUT LANE: The Clerk had not yet obtained a copy of the covenants for the resident but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: LARGE TREES IN BREACH OF COVENANT. The Clerk had not yet sent copies of correspondence to the resident but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
THE PADDOCK: COV BREACH: No response from the resident regarding a site meeting – the Clerk would email with a list of dates that were suitable for the Parish Council.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: OVERGROWN HEDGE. It was agreed to write to this resident regarding the covenant breach. The matter would also be reported to Kent Highways as the overgrowth was impeding the footpath.
[Action: Clerk]
Green Belt Review
A response had been received from GBC. Mr Ferrin (Gravesham Rural Residents Group) had emailed a proposed response which had been drafted by Bob Lane (Shorne Parish Council) – this had been circulated to all Councillors and was agreed. The Clerk was to respond to Mr Ferrin.
Mr Ferrin had asked if Parish Councils could give either a Councillor or the Clerk delegated responsibility to agree further mailings / meetings, as this would cut down drastically on red tape and the need for having correspondence passed through Council Meetings. Vigo felt that they would not delegate this responsibility, but would be happy to get whole Council approval for mailings etc. by emailing all Council Members rather than waiting for monthly meetings.