Date: 19th February 2007


1.To seek approval of Executive for the revised scope of the capital building project at Viewley Hill Primary School and to the budget adjustment as a result of the project changes.


  1. The Viewley Hill Primary School capital building project forms part of the Children,

Families and Learning Capital Building Programme 2006/2009, which was approved by Executive at its meeting, held on 4th August 2006.

Approved Scheme
  1. The scope of the project as reported was to adapt, refurbish and extend the main school entrance and admin block to improve access for the disabled and provide a warm and welcoming entrance to the school building. This will include;

staff room/meeting/PPA room

staff, Children’s and disabled toilets

head teacher’s office

school office

admin store

induction loop

new entrance lobby with disabled user friendly doors

improved access to the main school building

parking bays for drivers with disability

A reprographics room

  1. The funding allocation identified for this project in the report was £182,233, to be met from formulaic funding allocation in 2007/08 included in the Council’s Capital Programme. The costs at this time were only an indicative allocation as drawings were still being developed and full cost estimates were not available.

Changes to Scheme – Revised Project

  1. During the feasibility process led by Building Design Services, it was concluded that the whole of this area of the building was in poorer condition than previously indicated in the condition survey. The area of the building requiring refurbishment works was also much larger than originally envisaged and required an extension to the staff room. The existing covered walkway was also in need of full replacement. This included the attached doors and screens to the existing entrance porch and the replacement of the adjacent paving at new levels to provide level through access. New entrance lobbies were also incorporated into the scheme, together with the replacement of the existing windows to the admin, headteacher’s office and staff room to improve energy efficiency and security. Asbestos removal has also been allowed for. The cost of the project is consequently significantly more than the initial budget set against this project.

6.The main issue is that this is a project involving refurbishment and adaptation of an existing building initially identified in “poor condition” requiring more comprehensive works and to a significantly larger area of the building on the results of detailed surveys. Following this re-evaluation of the scheme it is considered that the comprehensive scheme offered the best long term solution.


  1. The costs also increased to meet Part L of the new Building Regulations which require that every capital building project involving building extension work has to include consequential costs on environmental sustainability measures. This is a minimum of 10% of the cost of the extension work. On this project the cost, £20,000, has been set against the replacement of an existing entrance porch and increased thermal efficiency of this part of the school.

Revised Project Costs and Funding

  1. The revised Viewley Hill Project has now been through the Building Design Services feasibility process and the cost estimates are shown in the table below.

Table 1: Project work and costs

Type of Work / Original Scheme £ / Additional Work £ / Total
Extend and adapt main school entrance staff room and Admin Block, DDA works and Disabled Car parking / 182,233 / 235,017 / 417,250
Consequential Improvements / 20,000 / 20,000
Total / 182,233 / 255,017 / 437,250
  1. The Authority has autonomy from the DfES to plan the spending of its formulaic funding over a number of years to enable larger and more creative schemes to proceed. The increase in funding can be met from the approved Capital allocation to Schools and the Council from the DfES. The school is now also contributing a sum of £66,000 from its Devolved Formula Capital.
  1. The revised funding profile on this project is shown in Appendix 1, with all funding identified from existing resources.
  1. There are no revenue implications from this project. All running costs and day-to-day maintenance and repairs are the responsibility of the school and governors met through the school budget share. Therefore there is no impact on the Council. The improved energy efficiency of this part of the building will reduce fuel costs and increase sustainability.

12. Subject to approval, the scheme is due to start in June 2007 and will be completed by December 2007 with work implemented through Building Design Services. This will allow the contractor to make use of the school Summer holiday period.


13.A number of options have been considered as part of the appraisal process. These are as follows:

Option 1 – Do nothing:

This would not achieve the objectives of improving the Council’s teaching and learning provision.

Option 2 – Implement a scheme based on initial budget.

This would only provide for a reduced scheme and would not address the issues at the school. A further phase of works would be required at a future date.

Option 3 – Implement Comprehensive Scheme - Preferred option:

This provides a comprehensive approach to tackling issues identified at the school. It will address current accessibility and DDA issues, provide suitable staff workforce reform office for staff in this area of the school. A welcoming secure entrance will be provided for parents, pupils and visitors to the school. In addition the Council will be contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions by replacing some of the school windows with new more efficient windows and an insulated porch to one of the existing entrance lobbies.

14.CFL officers in conjunction with Building Design Services have assessed risks associated with individual projects as schools/project feasibility studies are completed. These are:

Late approval of project and or funding

Delays in receiving planning approval

Delays in delivery of materials or furniture/equipment

Lack of available resources to manage the project

OFSTED inspection

SATs tests disrupted

Work not being completed on time

Work not being completed within budget

Work will continue to address and mitigate risk as the project proceeds to completion.


15. All funding for this project has been identified from existing capital Programme resources and the LA Planned Maintenance budget, which is part of the Dedicated Schools Grant paid into authorities. (See Appendix 1 for details). This report is based on the funding provided by DfES to improve the Education Infrastructure of the Authority. This is provided as Supported Capital Expenditure (Revenue) and Supported Capital Expenditure (Capital) – Capital Grant. The source of the funding is identified in the DfES allocation letter of 20th December 2005.

16. This project has implications for the Hemlington Ward.


17. It is recommended that Executive;

i)Approves Option 3 and the revised scope of the work to incorporate the staff room extension, replacement covered walkway, refurbishment works and the consequential sustainability improvements.

ii)Approves the revision in the funding allocation to the Viewley Hill School project Option 3 and the impact on the overall CFL Capital Building Programme.


18. Agreement of the recommendations are sought to enable the priority projects to be implemented and funding spent within the appropriate DfES time scales.


19. The following background papers were used in the preparation of this report:

Approval DfES letter of funding allocation 2006/2007 dated 20th December 2005

Middlesbrough School Organisation Plan 2004/2009

Middlesbrough School Asset Management Plan 2005/06

Overview and Scrutiny Board 3004/2005 3rd Quarters Capital Outturn dated 8th March 2005

Executive Report, Children, Families and Learning Capital Programme 2005/2006 dated 28th June 2005

Budget Clinic Report, Children, Families and Learning dated 1st November 2006

Executive Report, Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) – Access Initiative Funding 2006/07 and 2007/08 dated 4th August 2006

AUTHOR: Terry Sutcliffe, Head of Service, Capital and Assets

TEL NO: 728105



Appendix 1

Viewley Hill Primary School – Capital Building Project 2006/2007

Revised Budget Profile:

Budget Source / 2007/08
Formulaic Funding / 313,122
Formulaic Funding (Schools’ c (Access Initiative) – SAI / 39,694
Planned Maintenance Budget ( (Dedicated Schools Grant) / 18,434
School Devolved Formula Capital / 66,000
Net Expenditure / 437,250