General Information
Name / Date of BirthAddress
Postal Code / Email
Home Phone / Cell Phone
Previous Registration Number
Referee Classification Requested
Referee History
Year You Began Officiating / Class ObtainedLast Year You Officiated
Location (Prov/State/District & Country
From the list below, please select all that apply:
☐ / Youth Recreational / ☐ / High School☐ / Youth Competitive / ☐ / College & University
☐ / Senior Recreational / ☐ / Tournament
☐ / Senior Competitive / ☐ / National
If you are transferring to Ontario, you must attached a photocopy of your previous referee documents in English, French or provide a certified translation from any other language (at your expense) to English.
If you are requesting a reinstatement, please explain (use additional sheet if required):
District Match Official / May officiate soccer in the youth recreational divisions and in amateur soccer at the Youth or Senior Levels.Regional Match Official / May officiate soccer in any category of amateur soccer and as an assistant referee in non-amateur soccer.
Provincial Match Official / May officiate soccer in any category of amateur soccer, or if recommended, act as a match official or assistant referee in non-amateur soccer and inter-provincial games
Nominated National Match Official / A Provincial Match Official who is selected by the province to be considered for National status by Canada Soccer.National Match Official / May officiate soccer at any level of game nationally, including non-amateur and inter-provincial games.
Match Official & Personal Identification Documents
Submit photocopies of all available documents with this form and forward by mail to the address listed above. Applicable documentation includes:
- Referee Identification Card of Book
- Referee Assessments
- Fitness Test Results
- Reference Letter from Recognized Soccer Association
- Passport or Birth Certificate
- Driver’s License (with Photo)
I request permission to register as a Match Official in Ontario. I certify the information I have provided to be true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information I provide will be verifies with the relevant soccer authorities.
Signature / DateAuthorization
The above mentioned Match Official has been approved to officiate in Ontario as a Choose an item. Match Official, subject to the completion of such tests and evaluation as may be necessary.
Signature / DateNicky Pearson
Manager of Match Officials Development