Video: Cancer Warriors
Video: Cancer Warriors
- Is endostatin like other drugs (act as a poison)?
- What is chemotherapy?
- How do patients feel after a chemotherapy treatment?
- Does chemotherapy always work?
- How many times a week does Duane have to get endostatin treatments?
- Who discovered endostatin?
- How many years did it take?
- What originally were cancer drugs used for?
- Are these drugs toxic to all cells in your body?
- What are the side effects of these drugs?
- What is another problem with chemotherapy?
- What does endostatin do differently?
- Do cancer cells need a food supply to live?
- What kind of cells did Folkman inject into the thyroid gland?
- Why did he do it?
- What did the tumors do that was surprising?
- What happened when they put those same tumor cells in the mouse?
- What was the difference between the mouse and thyroid gland?
- What question arose out of his observation?
- What did he notice that was around tumors that he removed?
- What does angiogenesis mean?
- How can a tumor grow?
- What does a tumor do to get a blood supply? (according to Folkman)
- Did other scientists agree with him?
- When does angiogenesis take place in the body?
- What idea of Folkman’s was met with the most resistance?
- Did most researchers see tumors inside the body like Folkman?
- Are there blood vessels in a cornea?
- What happened when tumor cells were placed in the rabbit cornea?
- What happened when the tumor was removed?
- What is the next question to investigate?
- Is separating or purifying a molecule a tedious process?
- Which proteins come out first? Last?
- How long did it take?
- What happened when they inserted the protein in the rabbit cornea?
- What was the next question he asked?
- What did he call these, yet non existent, chemicals?
- Where did he look for the molecules first?
- What would happen if the pellet had an inhibitor?
- Are all discoveries in science come from a well though out plan?
- What was growing in one of his cancer cell culture?
- What did the fungus do to the cancer cells?
- What happened to the cells closest to the fungus? Farthest?
- What did he hypothesize?
- Did the fungus inhibit angiogenesis?
- Did they continue looking for better inhibitors?
- Where did Robert D’amato start looking for a better inhibitor? What types of drugs?
- What time in a woman’s life is angiogenesis crucial?
- What did thalidomide do?
- When thalidomide was placed on the egg what happened?
- For thalidomide to be active what has to happen?
- Did it work now?
- Why are metastases bad?
- Can cancer cells travel around the body? How?
- In what circumstance do metastases come to life and grow?
- What did Noel Bouck discover?
- Can the inhibitor be found in the tumor itself?
- Where did he decide to look next?
- How long did it take to find?
- What did they name the chemical?
- What did they name the other chemical?
- Is endostatin a cure?