TVTerms Worksheet:(15)

CAMERA SHOTS:(Use headroom for #s 1 through 4, and sometimes #s 8 & 9)

1. LONG SHOT (WRITTEN AS:___LS______):Head to Toe (with headroom)

2. HOLLYWOOD SHOT (3 / 4 SHOT) (WRITTEN AS:HWS_):top of Knees to head (with headroom)

3. MEDIUM SHOT (WRITTEN AS:___MS):Waist to Head (with headroom)

4. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: (WRITTEN AS:__MCU_): Full Shoulders and Head (with headroom)

5. CLOSE UP:(WRITTEN AS:_CU__):Head Shot (Just head, or can include neck and top of shoulders)

(No headroom)

6. TIGHT CLOSE UP: (WRITTEN AS:_CU-Tight): “fill the frame” with the face (no headroom)

7. EXTREME CLOSE UP: (WRITTEN AS:_XCU_): “fill the frame” with one body part (eye, ear, etc.)

8. 2-SHOT: (WRITTEN AS:_2-Shot_): 2-People in a shot (Type of shot dictates headroom)
3-SHOT: (WRITTEN AS:_3-Shot_): 3-People in a shot (Type of shot dictates headroom)

9. OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT (WRITTEN AS: _OTS) Shot over the shoulder of a talent
(the type of shot dictates headroom)
10. WIDE SHOT: (WRITTEN AS: WS__) Wider shot covers large area
(Sometimes Used as a “Cover” or “Safety” Shot)

11. ESTABLISHING SHOT: (WRITTEN AS : ES): wide shot that is
used to set the scene.


1. TILT: Just the camera moves up or down (vertically)

2. PAN : Just the camera moves left or right (horizontally)

3. DOLLY: Entire camera apparatus (tripod) moves in or out

4. TRUCK:(similar to a tracking shot in movies): Entire camera
apparatus (tripod) moves left or right

5, ARC: Truck done in a semi-circular motion

6. ZOOM: Just the lens moves in (closer) or out (farther away)

7. FOCUS: Adjust the lens so the shot is more or less clear
TV Control Room Terms:

1. TAKE: Switch from one shot to another (no overlap or effect in between)

2. DISSOLVE:Switch from one shot to another
(slight overlap of the 2 shots in the middle)

3. FADE:(IN OR OUT): A dissolve that involves black (Begin and end shows with a fade)

4. WIPE: Switch from one shot to another with a special effect in the middle

5. SUPER: (SUPERIMPOSE):Graphic or shot is inserted over another shot.

6. KEY: Command used to “call for” inserting something into a shot.

7. SPLIT SCREEN: 2 or more shots are on screen at the same time.

8. READY CUES: Director’s warning to crew members about what is
coming up next so they are ready to perform their function.
9. CUE: Command used to get talent to talk or start action

10. GRAPHICS: Words or pictures

. ------CHARACTER GENERATOR (CG):creates digital graphics

---ROLL: graphics move vertically ---CRAWL: graphics move horizontally

11.“STAND BY”:A mic is on (Be quiet, hold your position); Get ready to start, etc.