Respondent. / Case No.
Order for Hearing
On Temporary Matters

On this date, the Court is presented with an application seeking the establishment of temporary orders. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a hearing on temporary matters shall be held on the ______day of ______, 2012 at ______p.m.

The court will also rule on any pending application for temporary allowances, based upon Child Support Guideline Worksheets, Affidavits of Financial Status and other documents in evidence, as exhibits at the hearing. Copies must be furnished to opposing counsel 5 days prior to the hearing.

Hearing time is limited to _____ 30 minutes total or _____ 60 minutes total. Each side may use one-half of the time for witness testimony, cross-examination and argument. Each party must testify before any other witness is called. Other testimony may be presented by affidavit or deposition. No more than five affidavits may be submitted by each side. Signed mental health professional and medical reports will be admitted without foundation. Copies of all affidavits, depositions, professional / medical reports must be furnished to opposing counsel five days prior to the hearing. They should be presented as exhibits at the hearing. No testimony will be taken from minor children and they should not be in the courthouse at the time of the hearing.

For those cases pending in Black Hawk County or Dubuque County, the parties are advised of the requirement that they participate in mediation on temporary matters before the date of this hearing. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation or rescheduling of the hearing date. The parties are directed to the Order re: Mediation previously entered in this matter.

No telephone testimony will be allowed. See In re Estate of Rutter, 633 N.W.2d 740 [Iowa 2001].