General Meeting, November 5, 2011

Birchwood Hotel, Traverse Bay, MB

1. Call to order by the president Chris Aldridge at 7:04 pm

2.  Welcome of new members and introductions. Present at the meeting were: Chris Aldridge, president, John Curwin, Vice-President, J.-P. Guenette, Secretary/Treasurer, Darren and Barbara Kania, John Rempel, Jack Brisco, Isabelle And Norm Brunel, Dan Rogers, Gerry Dybish, Maurice Choptain, Tyson Choptain, Wayne Raymond, Norm Huzel.

3.  Adoption of the Agenda. Added to the agenda: under events, Take a friend snowmobiling and Safety Day: Under New Business: VBSD is 50 years old and Recognition Programme.

Motion:”That the agenda be adopted with the proposed changes.”

Moved by: Norm Brunel Seconded by: John Curwin


4.  Minutes of the last meeting. Motion: “That the minutes of the October 6 meeting be adopted with the following change: The minutes were not a building committee meeting but a Board of Directors’ meeting.” Moved by: Gerry Dybish Seconded by: Norm Brunel


5.  Correspondence/Communication Received: a. cheque from BRP for $380.00 claiming that the previous one had not been cashed. b. insurance invoice for the groomer, drag and clubhouse. c. information about the Snoman 1st Anuual Congress.

6.  Treasurer’s Report The treasurer presented a report of the revenues and expenses from April 1 2011 to October 31, 2011. A copy is attached to the minutes. Motion: “That the treasurer’s report be adopted as presented.” Moved by: J.-P. Guenette Seconded by: Darren Kania


7.  Unfinished Business The position of secretary is open. Anyone interested call the president Chris Aldridge.

8.  Committee reports: a. ERSA report: The report is for the last three ERSA meetings

- As of this year each club member becomes a member of Snoman. Each member will receive a card which will be good to receive some discounts for purchases from participating businesses

- October 28 and 29 was the Snoman 1st Annual Congress. On Friday evening was the annual meeting was held and on Saturday workshops were held ending with a banquet in the evening. It was a great success.

- A new system for tacking the groomers during grooming season will be used for the coming season. It’s called Solara and it replaces the trackstick sytem that was used previously.

- No increase in the price of snopasses is schedule until the 2013-2014 season.

- Sticker color on the snowmobile will stay white for this season but Snowman is trying to get MPIC to change the color every year.

-Snoman contingency fund of $128 000 will be added to the fund, the new amount for this season will be determined later.

-The payout per kilometres groomed for an A drag for the 2010-2011 season was &11.40 per kilometres groomed.

- Each club received three kiosks used to display Provincial map, Eastern Region map and advertising. Each club will received $200.00 per kiosk for putting them up. If the club does not, it will be fined $200.00 per kiosk. If a club does not want to put them up, in order not to be fined, must return the kiosks to Snoman.

- ONE insurance Co. is underwriting the 3rd party liability insurance for Snoman.

- Northstar Hillclimbers got approval from Snoman and ERSA to open a trail from Yellow Brick Road in Belair to Grand Marais. It will join with the trail that crosses the lake to Gimli.

- The Eastman Snopals will be opening the Kings Trail this season.

- The new executive for ERSA for the coming season is: Paul Burch, president, Tonya Kemball, vice-president, J.-P. Guenette, secretary, Glen Ell, treasurer. The Snoman reps are:Paul Burch and Tonya Kemball and Brad Wall is the alternate.

- Clubs are encouraged to used the trail counters. It is a good source of information to be used when requesting extra funds from government and for promotion.

- The PDF will received the same amount as last season i.e. $28 292.45.

- The newly elected Snoman Board of Directors for the 2011-2012 season is: Alan Butler, president, Paul Burch, vice-president, Tom Schindle, secretary, Albert Wyborn, treasurer.

- The PDF money will be divided equally among all the clubs that file an application with a project for trail improvement.

b. Groomer Maintenance. Almost $11 000 has been spent on the groomer to get it in perfect working condition for the coming season. All the work is now completed except for the installation of the brusher on the drag which will be done before the end of November. c. Groomer Shelter. - A long discussion took place as to whether or not there should be a club house component included in the plans when building the groomer shelter. The pros and cons were presented. Maurice Choptain presented a written rationale why a clubhouse should be considered. For his Clubhouse Resolution see addendum 1. At the end of the discussion the following motion was made: Motion: “That the club incorporate the clubhouse component together with the groomer shelter component in the design of the building.`` Moved by Maurice Choptain Seconded by: Gerry Dybish


- It is possible to receive from the RM of Alexander a building grant of $5 000 to $10 000. The

club will be applying for the grant.

d. Groomer:

No report.

e. Trail Maintenance and Signage:

-The signage is progressing and more signs will be installed in the days to come. It is hoped that

the CN, Ridge and North Star trails will be graded before the opening of the snowmobiling

season. Over $2 000 is available from the Provincial Development Fund for that purpose.

An Application has been made.

-The three kiosk have been installed which brings in a revenue of $600 to the club from Snoman.

f. Clubhouse Maintenance.

No report

g. Advertising.

Deferred to next meeting.

h. Membership Report (see addendum 2)

-regarding the new membership drive, for the raffle, the prize was change from $250 to $50.

Motion: “That the membership drive raffle prize be change from $250 to $50”.

Moved by: Gerry Dybish Seconded by: Tyson Choptain


i. Website Administrator

The website is not working properly and needs to be redesigned. It is suggested that someone

has to be hired to do the job properly. The following motion was made:

Motion: “That the website coordinator spend up to $500 to hire someone to redesign the clubs


Moved by: Tyson Choptain Seconded by Gerry Dybish


j. Events

Recap of the Mug, Bud & Spud

- need to find a better way to set up the prizes

- need to reorganize the way the meals are served.

- a thank you letter was sent to all the sponsors of the event and already some positive

comments have been received.

- generally the comments received about the event were very positive.

Other events:

-  Club rides will be planned during the season. One suggestion was that a ride should be a “Ladies Day” where the men do the BBQ etc and then at some other time have one for “Men’s Day”.

-  In order to promote snowmobiling and the club, club members should make it a point to “Take a Friend Snowmobiling” at least once during the season

-  In keeping with the International Snowmobile Safety Week, VBSD will hold its First Annual Safety Clinic on January 21, 2012 at Hillside Power products. More details to come

9.  New Business

-  there are 39 Soman Raffle books distributed to the members. For every ticket sold, the club receives $1.00. Members are encouraged to sell tickets. Besides the possibility of winning a brand new snowmobile it’s a good fundraiser.

-  The VBSD club will be 50 years old in 2012. Everyone is invited to put on their thinking caps and suggest some activities for a celebration.

-  The club should try to find a way to recognize officially all those who donate to the club either in money or in kind.

10.  Date of next meeting will be December 10, 2011, at 7 PM at the Birchwood.

11.  Adjournment at 9:58, moved by Tyson Choptain, seconded by Isabelle Brunel.


Clubhouse Resolution (by Maurice Choptain)

The Victoria Beach Snow Drifters is engaged in an ambitious project to construct a building on a leased site to meet the various needs of the Club.

The design of the building has been tasked to the Groomer Shelter Committee. However, the Committee has never been given any specific terms of reference on what kind of facilities and is currently focusing on the maintenance need component of the club to house the groomer and facilitate better storage and maintenance of the unit as well as storage for signage etc.

A club is made up of two components; the maintenance component and, the club or social component. The maintenance component is being very well represented by members Norm, John C,and John R. and have been working very diligently on what is needed for this component.

To the general membership however, the Club component is their primary concern and since membership is the life of the Club their needs cannot be ignored and need to be addressed as well.

One should not be exclusive over the other but be inclusive to each other.

Our current clubhouse is becoming a liability.

I have been reminded by a member of the Club who was asked by another member if we are just a 'maintenance club'.

For young people with families, the social aspect of the club is most important to them and they will volunteer for activities that benefit their children. One only has to look at all the sports clubs to confirm this. We just provide the umbrella under which this can be made possible.

One of the critical needs is a clubhouse as an anchor. Our new site is large enough now to host large events outside with easy access by either vehicle or snowmobile. And with our groomer right there grading of the site is simply accomplished.

A clubhouse component to our building will also enhance greatly chances for grants, in fact without a social aspect to the building it is highly unlikely we would even qualify for grants.

We need a proper more accessible club house and this provides a perfect opportunity if we are to hold ourselves as an inclusive club and maintain and grow our membership.

I therefore, motion that the Victoria Beach Snow Drifters incorporate the clubhouse component together with the groomer shelter component in the design of the building.


Membership Report (by Maurice Choptain)

New this year - members signing up with local club are automatically members of Snoman our Provincial umbrella organization which gives eligibility to discounts from all SnoFund Partners and subscription to SnoRider Magazine


3 family 5 single memberships signed up at Mug event of these 2 are new

Campaigns 2011 - 2012 membership drive

Last year we tried some new ways and it had generated some new members which in turn enhanced our most recent fundraising event which lead to new members being signed up.

I will be following up again this year with the mailings and would like to add a new marketing option.

Hosting a raffle of a $250.00 gift certificate at a snowmobile dealer of choice as incentive for existing members to bring in new members.

One entry if a member brings in one new member. Three entries if a member brings in two new members and five entries if a member brings in three or more new members.

Draw would be held at January 2012 meeting

1. New member drive raffle (NEW) General Meeting Approval needed

1 entry for 1 new member referral

3 entries for 2 new member referrals

5 entries for 3 or more new member referrals


$250.00 gift certificate to snowmobiler dealer of choice

draw to take place January 2012 meeting.

2. Postal mailing of membership application to all current members. 38 @ .52 = $19.76

3. Mass mailing to VB, Belair, Traverse Bay postal stations.

Cost: $ 82.32 (last yr we signed up 3 new members through

this program - paid for itself)

4. Pamplet holder with applications located at Saffies, Traverse Bay Corner, Hillside Store, and Belair Store & Idle times Resturant

Cost: 4 pamplet holders at $19.00 each total $76.00