April 17th / Cheerleaders to see a Cheerleading competition at Bliss Carmen Middle School
April 18th & 19th / Professional Dev. Days – No School for Students
April 20th / Spring into Action Assembly
April 21st / Middle Level Activity Night 6:30 – 8:30 pm
April 22nd / Calithumpianspresentation to Middle Level – Careers Here NB 10:30 am
April 29th / Final Quebec Gr. 8 payment due (balance)
May 4th (Date change) / Cookie Dough Orders Arrive (letter to be sent home with time)
May 6th / Branch AGM for Teachers, no school for students
May 13th / Grade 8 Quebec Trip
May 16th / No School for Students – Branch AGM Meetings
May 20th / Career Fair (note date change)
May 23rd / Victoria Day – No school for students
April 2016
Principal: Tammy Gee
Vice-Principal: Iona Brown
Administrative Assistant: Marilyn Allaby (506) 368-2900
All students will receive an education that will help them to develop their potential as community members and life-long learners in a changing world.
Important notice from Social Development
Activity Night
We are organizing an Activity Night for MiddleLevel students on Thursday, April 21st from 6:30-8:30. There will be an open gym, dance and 3 video game rooms with a Wii and air hockey table. Parent volunteers are needed to help supervise the activities and we alsoneed 4 game systems.
If you can help supervise or lend game systems for the evening, please let us know. Thank you!!
3-5 Clubs
3-5 Artand Lego Club with Ms. Farrell and Ms. DeMolitor runsfrom Thursday, April 14th - Thursday, May 5th inclusive. Please remember to pick up your child at 4:15 sharp. If alternate pick up arrangements are necessary, we ask that you send a note with your child that day to ensure their safety.
District News
We are currently accepting applications for replacement support staff positions within our district. Casual Educational Assistants, School Intervention Workers, School Administrative Assistants, Library Workers, Bus Drivers and Custodian application packages can be found on the Anglophone West School District website at the following link: Employment Opportunities Forms . For more information please contact Karen Kozak, Human Resources Officer with the Office of the Superintendent, 453-8143 or .
SWS Home and School
The Municipal Electionsare being held May 9and as part of that ballot peoplewill vote for our new DEC (Department of Education) member. There are 3 candidates for our area, Marty Forsythe, Wallace Carr and Bernie Phillips. It is extremely important that people get out and vote as this person will represent Sunbury West School.A huge thank youto Elizabeth Nason who is stepping down this year.Elizabeth dedicated many years of service as our DEC Rep and was extremely passionate and effective in this role.
Student Writing
Germ by Abby Gr. 2
I drew a germ. The germ is green and red. I have a strip of red. A girl went to the bathroom. She didn’t wash her hands. That is how she got the germ. She got sick 3 days later. She was sick for two weeks! The next week she was not sick. She learned a lesson. Always wash your hands!
My bird by Willow Gr. 2
I have a bird named Robin. He is a robin. He has green eyes and a gray body. That is really what a real robin looks like. Robin can fly really far. He can spread his wings really far apart. He loves to eat worms. It’s gross. I can’t stop him from eating them. Okay I will tell you how I got Robin. On Monday, I was walking in my yard. I saw robin in a rope. It’s leg was stuck in the rope. So I untangled the knot and kept him. He loved me! I feed him every day even some treats. I played with him every day and gave him a cage. It was not boring. It was so fun for him. He was soooo cute! I love him! He is the best pet a girl could ever have. He is soooo strong he could lift me up because he is soooo big! I love him. The end!
Tri County Complex News
7 Week Soccer Program- Kids in K-8 on Wednesday Nights from May 18th –June 29th. Program will run from 6pm-7pm at the SWS Soccer Field and cost is only $15!!! YOU MUST PRE REGISTER
GRADE 5 PARENTS. If you missed the deadline for Grade 6 French Immersion and still want to register your child please call Janice at 444-4035. If you have any questions about this program please feel free to call the school.
Reminder to parents: Bus changes are based on emergency needs only and are not meant for play dates or parties. Please respect this District policy.
Thank you very much to the St. Columba Catholic Church as well as Kailee Sproul, Tate and Joey Braedley. They worked very hard at the St. Columba breakfast fundraiser and raised $200.00 for our school breakfast program.