Dear Safe Environment Training Applicant:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding applying to become a trainer for Safe Environment Trainer with the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. No particular educational background is needed to be a Safe Environment Trainer using the Called to Protect™ videos. Successful trainers may be clergy, religious, employees or volunteers, but they all share a commitment to sexual abuse prevention.

Qualities of a Successful Safe Environment Trainer:

§  Comfortable speaking in front of large crowds / §  Comfortable with discussing sexual issues
§  Level headed when under stress / §  Able to make a time commitment
§  Emotionally and psychologically stable / §  Able to maintain confidentiality
§  Compassionate towards others / §  Motivated to participate in the program
§  Reasonably objective about sexual abuse / §  Willing to attend annual training updates

All trainers will participate in a 16 hour Train-the-Trainers program that will prepare them to lead a three-hour session in a parish, school, or social service organization.

Training dates and times are located on the Diocesan website at:

If you feel that you meet the qualifications of a Safe Environment Trainer please fill out the attached application and return it to the Diocese Pastoral Center.

Diocese Pastoral Center

400 E. Monroe Street (or) Fax application to 602-354-2468

Phoenix, AZ 85004-2376

Attn SET Office


Jennifer King

Jennifer King, MA

Safe Environment Coordinator

Diocese of Phoenix

2005-2006 Safe Environment Trainer

Name (Please print)
Street / PO Address
City / State / Zip
Email Address
Home Phone / Work Phone
Application to be a trainer for ______Parish School
Type of position you serve in: Employee (Title)______Volunteer
Languages you are competent to teach in English Spanish Other ______
Describe why you are interested in being a Safe Environment Trainer for the Diocese of Phoenix.
Describe how you feel about discussing sexual misconduct and abuse.
Are you able to handle emotional situations without becoming emotionally involved yourself?
If yes, describe how and/or experience in doing so.
Describe your public speaking / facilitation experience.
Applicants Signature / Date
Pastor / Parish Administrator / Principal Signature / Date

Please return signed application to the Diocese Pastoral Center:

Diocese Pastoral Center

400 E. Monroe Street (or) Fax application to 602-354-2468

Phoenix, AZ 85004-2376

Attn SET Office