Webcast Presentations
How do I submit a proposal to present a webcast?
It is very important that our webcasts be very practical, engaging and of the highest quality. Not everyone’s ideas will be accepted – but all cutting-edge, evidence-based, high quality articles and/or your tried and true experience are welcome! All webcasts that are viewed by participants will generate a commission ($) for the webcast developer.
Step 1: Submit your idea
(a) Describe your idea of a webcast in 50-300 words (mention which broad topic your idea fits under).
(b) Specify 3 clear objectives (The participant will be able to…).
(c) Provide a brief description of your qualifications in less than 200 words (no need to attach a resume` or CV).
Send to with Webcast Proposal in the subject line (i.e.,. Oct 1). It may take up to 2 weeks before you receive a reply. All webcast ideas are treated confidentially and will be shared internally only as needed to obtain feedback on your idea. Your unique ideas are recognized as your intellectual property. (~Oct 15)
Step 2: Develop your idea
If your idea is approved for development into a webcast you will be sent a simple agreement. Upon receipt of your signed agreement a Supporting Success PPT template will be sent to you. You will be given a timeline of 4 weeks to complete your PPT, develop 10 assessment questions, complete the 3 required CEU forms and select any handouts you would like for participants to be able to download. After submitting this information you will then receive $50 via PayPal in recognition of the time you have devoted to develop these items. (~Nov 15)
Step 3: Approval of your developed idea
You receive a reply regarding your PPT within one month with specific feedback/revisions, as needed (~Dec 15). You will have 2 weeks to make the necessary changes to your PPT and resubmit. When completed, you will receive a Certificate of Continuing Education for 6 hours for the time you spent to research your presentation. After approval you will be provided specific directions on webcast recording. It’s easy! You will have 2 weeks to make this recording. (~Jan 15)
Step 4: Approval of your presentation
Your webcast will be reviewed internally. If necessary, you may be directed to re-record your presentation in the case of poor audio quality, distractions, poor use of visuals, inappropriate comments, etc. The webcast will then be captioned (~Jan 30) and you will have 2 weeks to review the captions and recommend any necessary changes. (~Feb 15)
Step 5: Payment
Presenters that produce good, practical webcasts that are well received by participants deserve to be compensated!After the first 6 webcasts are purchased, the webcast developer will begin to accrue $10 into an ‘SSCHL account’ for every $20 webcast purchased. Total amounts that exceed $50 (6+ webcasts) will be paid out via PayPal on a quarterly basis (within the week following April 1, July 1, October 1) or by December 31st. After 2 years (8 quarters) your webcast will be reviewed regarding the need for updating, continuing or discontinuing. SSCHL reserves the right to purchase any webcast after 2 years for an agreed upon fee based on popularity to date.
Extenuating circumstances to delay the above timelines will be allowed when necessary, but it is important to respect the timelines to the maximum of your ability to do so.