June 17, 2005
James J. McNulty, Secretary
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street
Harrisburg, Pa. 17120
Re: PMO II – Docket No. M-00011468 F0006 - Revisions to Pennsylvania Carrier-to-Carrier Guidelines for Hot Cuts
Dear Secretary McNulty:
On April 6, 2005, Verizon Pennsylvania Inc. (“Verizon PA”) submitted to the Commission revised “Carrier-to-Carrier Guidelines Performance Standards and Reports” for Verizon PA (“PA Guidelines”), to conform the PA Guidelines to the January 2005 “Carrier-to-Carrier Guidelines Performance Standards and Reports” for Verizon New York Inc. In its order dated June 2, 2005 in the above referenced docket, the Commission approved the revised PA Guidelines.
The revised PA Guidelines as approved by the Commission are set out in a “plain text” format as Attachment 2 of Verizon PA’s April 6, 2005 submission. No further changes to the revised PA Guidelines are needed for compliance with the Commission’s order. Attachment 2 therefore can serve as the “compliance filing” document required by the Commission’s order. A copy of the revised PA Guidelines is available on Verizon’s website at http://www22.verizon.com/wholesale/clecsupport/content/0,16835,east-performancemeasures-pa,00.html.
If you have any questions about this letter, please call me.
Very truly yours,
Daniel E. Monagle
Via UPS Overnight Delivery
cc: Louise Fink Smith
Joseph Witmer
Cheryl Walker Davis
Verdina Showell
Dale Kirkwood
Via Electronic Mail
cc: Pennsylvania Carrier Working Group