VI Infant Teacher Procedures Checklist

VI Infant Teacher Procedures Checklist

VI Infant Teacher Procedures Checklist

Referrals originating from parents and doctors to the LEA (Local Education Agency)

LEA must make referral to ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) no more than 7 days from referral

LEA Child Find follows up with ECI within 45 days on action taken

Referrals originating from the ECI Program

received Referral Documents from ECI Case Manager

Copy of Eye Report of Document that contains required information

Copy of Basic family contact information

Notice & Consent to refer to LEA for Evaluation

Consent for Assessments and Evaluation

Copies of any relevant medical records

Check that the Family resides within the LEA boundaries before proceeding

Conduct VI specific evaluations (Include information provided by parents/caregivers)

Functional Vision Evaluation

Learning Media Assessment

Orientation & Mobility Evaluation

Evaluation completed within 45 days of ECI receipt of initial referral

Send copy of Evaluation Reports to ECI upon completion

Participating in the IFSP to Review the Assessments

Have a discussion with the ECI case manager to review all completed VI and O&M assessments and recommendations for services.

Respond to ECI 10-day notice of all IFSP meetings

Communicate Meeting time and location with O&M if appropriate

If child qualifies, prepare service recommendations and proposed goals for IFSP

Complete VI related paperwork annually

VI paperwork (to include ECC)

TSBVI Information given to parents/guardian

Consent for Release of Confidential Information (TEA)

Provide copy of Federal/State/Local agencies that serve the visually impaired

Bring District registration Packet for the family or notify school of parent registration

Facilitate getting the completed packet and other LEA documents to the registrar (LEA of residence provides services even if the setting is outside of the district’s boundaries.)

Proof of Residence in the District

Birth Certificate or letter that parents are in the process of obtaining one

Social Security information, if available

Immunization records (The LEA cannot refuse to register an infant because of the lack of immunization records.)

September, 2016

Providing the Program Service

LEA requires registration completed and receipt of IFSP prior to beginning services

Report information to PEIMS personnel related to first day of service

Order any instructional materials needed to support the program on Quota Funds

Provide the TVI and O&M, if appropriate, services as specified in the current IFSP, all year, up to no more than 2 consecutive weeks without service (subject to parent need)

Coordinate with O&M to mutually reinforce the IFSP goals & objectives

Participate in Annual and 6 month IFSP Reviews

(only need to sign review but not attend, if VI/O&M services remain the same.)

Review 6 mo. review document within 5 days, if you did not attend in person

Update FVE/LMA and O&M assessments annually

Document visits with required information, and send the originals to the ECI monthly

_Maintain LEA eligibility folder on infants (referral documents from ECI, evaluation reports, copy of progress notes, eye report, ECI procedural safeguards/consent to test and to provide services, TSBVI & Release of Confidential information, and all IFSP documents)

Referral to PPCD

Work with ECI case manager to facilitate the family transition (begin planning at 2)

Then meeting with the district appraisal staff (at least 90 days before transition)

Update all FVE/LMA, and if appropriate, obtain updated O&M evaluation prior to the scheduled appraisal

Make sure an Eye Report and VI “special factors” documentation form is up-to-date and complete prior to FIE

Participate in the LEA assessments to provide assistance to the appraisal staff in modifying materials and procedures to optimize the testing results


Work with LEA Child Find contact 1 mo. prior to student’s 3rd birthday so the home campus can schedule an ARD

Discuss the PPCD services, and the ARD procedures with the family

Assist in the writing of PLAAFP and draft IEP goals and objectives for VI specific skills to propose at the initial ARD meeting

Coordinate with O&M, if appropriate, to participate in the ARD

Prepare ARD paperwork, including VI goals and objectives

Attend the ARD

Facilitate a smooth transition to PPCD programs or other services