Sterling Youth Soccer Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2012, 7:00PM


David Jolie, President ()

Maggie Agurkis, Treasurer ()

Carol Ribeiro, Secretary/CORI ()

Jeanette Lundgren, Registrar ()

Karen Jolie, Uniform Coordinator ()

Pi Amkhamavong, Player/Coach Development ()

Michael Demilia, U14/Mountain Club ()

Bryan White, U12 Coordinator ()

Wendy Sanders, U6 Coordinator ()

Gregg Frantz, U10/Sponsor Coordinator cc()

Sterling Youth Soccer Associate Objective:

The object of this association shall be to promote the sport of soccer; to establish and maintain a soccer training and education program; to affiliate with and cooperate with other similar organizations for the purpose of advancing the soccer effort; and to enter teams into competition by participating in any organized league or unscheduled competitive programs..

  1. Action Items from the previous meeting were reviewed. Items completed are:
  2. Dave reviewed the SYSA bylaws against those posted on the web site and will make changes as needed for consistency.
  3. Maggie investigated the steps for filing back years of the Form PC. Four previous years will be filed along with payment for each year, along with Form 990. Current year’s Form PC will be filed May 2012.
  4. Dave and John created an equipment refreshment budget item and Maggie added it to the current budget.
  5. John posted registration and tournament dates on the SYSA site.
  6. Carol got access to the CORI system and has Jeanette’s CORI records.
  7. A committee was formed to recommend registration pricing for 2012 (recommendations follow).
  1. President’s Report
  2. Dave presented his recommendations for Board roles and responsibilities. After a review and discussion of the recommendations,

A MOTION was seconded and APPROVED to amend the bylaws to include 14 Board of Directors positions: President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, U6 Coordinator, U8 Coordinator, U10 Coordinator, U12 Coordinator, U14+ Coordinator, and three additional Directors to be filled annually. In 2012 these Directors will be Field Coordinator, Trophy/Uniform Coordinator and Sponsor Coordinator.

  1. The SYSA policies were noted as being the operational procedures (such as rules and guidelines around playing up or down an age level). These differ from the bylaws which are the rules for the creation of the organization.
  2. After discussion it was agreed that registration dates for U6 will be April 1 – July 30 and for U8+ will be April 1 – June 1.
  3. Registration fees and their relation to uniform and other costs were reviewed. Overhead is about $21/player. The average cost for U6/U8 is $60. Fees currently charged are below our costs and much lower than other clubs are charging. Fees should be closer to $50 for the younger age groups and $75/80 for travel teams. It was agreed that sponsor names will no longer be placed on U10+ uniforms. U6/U8 will still have team sponsor names on uniforms. U6 will have on sponsor at $500 (Davis Farmland) and U8 should have a total of $1000 in sponsorship (currently bank pays $500). In the past we have not budgeted for equipment renewal and coach/player professional development. Fee changes will help us budget for both items. After review of President’spricing recommendations,

A MOTION was seconded and APPROVED to set U6/U8 registration at $60, and U10+ at $60 with an additional $25 Uniform Fee and a late fee of $25 for all age groups.

  1. The U8 Coordinator open position will be filled by Nancy Terlato. Dave Jolie will hold the U10 Coordinator position.
  2. A Player/Coach Development committee will be formed to provide recommendations to the Board. The committee will consist of Pi, Mat, and Mike.
  3. The group discussed adding a check box to identify players interested in indoor soccer, but it was agreed that this would not be added at this time.
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Maggie shared the SYSA Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Budget Overview, and Profit and Loss Budget vs Actuals, all as of March 14, 2012. Net income is currently -$2470.00 due to addition of the Equipment Budget/Development line item of $2500. This also does not reflect the change in Registration fees for 2012.
  1. Registrar’s Report – CORI fileshave been given to the Secretary for follow up. Fees and forms on the SYSA site need to be updated for 2012 prior to April 1.
  1. WAYSA Report – Nothing to report.
  1. Mountain Club –Season start is April 1, 2012. The next meeting is May 29 and would be a good time to discuss player development for those interested. Meeting will be at Mike Demilia’s house. It was noted that Paxton and Rutland have heavily invested in their programs and it recommended that we do the same (development).
  1. Sponsor Coordinator – A Sponsorship committee will be formed to provide recommendations to the Board. The committee will consist of Gregg, George, Audra and Mike. Gregg shared that Lawn signs for team sponsorship can be purchased for $10-$12 per person and a half page Landmark add (black and white non-profit rate) is $540. Karen mentioned other clubs have sponsorship from groups such as the New England Revolution. Carol suggested possibly partnering with the Revs to do a Sterling Soccer Revolution Night as a future discussion item.
  1. Field Coordinator – Nothing to report.
  1. Uniform Coordinator –The uniforms for 2012 will be updated. We will try to get the same quality of uniform we have currently. Samples will be reviewed at the next meeting. The budget for uniforms is $25/player for shirt and socks. Mike offered to get Karen the information regarding what the Mountain Club uses for their new uniforms.


□Dave to edit the bylaws on the web site for consistency, put the SYSA policies on the web site, and amend the official bylaws with the additional Director positions. Carol will investigate and report on the process for submitting amended bylaws to the state.

□Maggie will send the missing Form PCs for the previous four years along with the 990.Carol will get Maggie a copy of the MA Annual Report filed by her 501c3 organization as a reference so we can determine if a filing is needed for SYSA.

□Carol will update the CORIs prior to the start of the next season.

□The newly formed Sponsorship Committee will provide recommended sponsorship levels to the Board.

□The Registration postcard is needed for distribution at the Kindergarten enrollment May 11, 2012.

□Dave to check with the Selectman on a banner for the center of town advertising SYSA / registration.

□The newly formed Player/Coach Development Committee will recommend to the Board a plan for development as well as the budget needed.

□Jeanette and Dave will update Sportspilot for the new registration fees and uniform and late fees, as well as the start and end dates and uniform sizing. The physical form on the site will also be updated by Dave. All items must be updated by April 1, 2012.

□Karen to share uniform samples with Board at next meeting. Mike to provide Karen with Mountain Club new uniform info.

□The next meeting of the SYSA Board of Directors is April 18 at 7PM at First Church.