Real SSN Access Request


Researchers requesting data with real social security numbers (SSNs) in Data Access Request Tracker (DART) need to complete this form. Submit this form to your IRB and Associate Chief of Staff for Research for review and signature and then upload the completed, signed form to DART with your data request.

New projects preparing an initial IRB submission should include the form with the IRB submission.

Existing IRB approved projects should submit the form along with a copy of the approved protocol, Informed Consent (or waiver), and HIPAA authorization (or waiver) for required signatures. If the current IRB approval does not include real SSN access, the project may also need a protocol amendment.

Projects previously approved by ORD for real SSN access are not required to submit this form. However, these projects are required to upload a Microsoft Word document in DART stating “This project has approval from ORD for real SSN access.”

Contact with any questions.

This form is required for research requests for real SSN data requested through DART. Complete the information below

and submit this form for approval by your IRB Chair and the Associate Chief of Staff for Research.

Section A. Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator:

Project Name:

Check the boxes below that indicate why this project requires access to data with real SSNs. Include the page number where this information is located in the protocol.

Link to primary data collection / p. / Use of VA data available only with real SSNs / p.
Recruit subjects / p. / Link to non VHA data sources (specify) / p.
Use VistAWeb, CAPRI, TIU Notes / p. / Other reason (describe) / p.

Note: Electronic or hand written signatures are accepted VA Information Resource Center

September, 2014

Real SSN Access Request

I affirm the reasonschecked above are consistent with the protocol submitted for IRB approval.

Signature, Principal Investigator / Date

Section B. IRB Chair

Name of IRB Chair: Gerald Treiman, MD / Project’s IRB #:
IRB Committee Name: University of Utah IRB

Check the boxes below to indicate which documents have been submitted and approved for this project.

HIPAA Authorization / Yes / N/A / Waiver of HIPAA Authorization / Yes / N/A
Informed Consent / Yes / N/A / Waiver of Informed Consent / Yes / N/A
Protocol / Yes / N/A

I affirm that the documentscheckedaboveare consistent with the use of real SSN data and the Human Subjects Sub-committee (IRB) has determined access to real SSN data isjustified for this research project.

Signature, IRB Chair / Date

Section C. Associate Chief of Staff for Research(ACOS-R)

Name of ACOS-R: Laurence J. Meyer, MD, PhD / VA Facility Name: VA Salt Lake City Health Care System

I affirm that the Privacy Officer has reviewed the protocol and that legal authority exists for use and disclosure of individually-identifiable information, and that the Information Security Officer has reviewed for security measures to protect SSNs in accordance with this facility's standard operating procedures.

Signature, ACOS-R / Date

Note: Electronic or hand written signatures are accepted VA Information Resource Center

September, 2014