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School RTO calendar for quality system
School RTO name / QCAA number
Calendar year / National provider number
RTO manager / Chief executive (principal)
Name / Name
Signature or emailaddress / Signature or emailaddress
Date / Date
QCAA template as at August2016
About this template
Every registered training organisation (RTO) must have a documented quality management system (QMS) to systematically monitor their training strategies and practices. The QMS must therefore be dynamic, i.e. be updated as needed to capture continuous improvement and best practice changes. Further, the QMS must be of an auditable standard, meaning that it contains verifiable information and meets the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. Use of a school RTO quality system calendar contributes significantly to a QMS.
Who should use it
This resource is one of a series developed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) to help Queensland’s school registered training organisations develop RTO management systems. Its primary purpose is as an example.
Queensland school RTOs may use this document to assist with their quality assurance processes and systematic monitoring of RTO operations. Its use is not mandatory, and it may be modified freely by school RTOs for their own use. However, schools must ensure that, if modified, the document continues to meet the requirements of the current regulatory Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. These standards form part of the VET Quality Framework (VQF).
Other people or organisations wishing to use these QCAA materials must obtain permission. Please see the copyright notice on the QCAA website at
How to use it
- Review and insert the relevant date from the current senior education profile calendar (SEP):
- Adapt this schedule and activities to reflect your school calendar and operations.
- Systematically review all resources, ensuring that they are in line with the current Standards.
- Adjust the schedule to reflect the resources or tools that you use to support each month’s quality management activities.
- The principal, as the chief executive of the RTO, is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the school RTO complies with the VQF and all other applicable conditions of registration. Obligations of the school RTO Principal can be found here:
- The RTO manager, as a high-managerial agent, must have sufficient authority delegated by the principal to ensure that the RTO complies with the Standards at all times. The RTO manager will be involved in all RTO activities outlined in this schedule.
This section lists key resources with hyperlinks (current at the time of publication). Adjust these lists in any way that suits your QMS.
Table 1: External resources
Title / Link1.1 / Training Packages / training.gov.au
1.2 / Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015: /
1.3 / VQF information /
1.4 / ASQA general direction — Retention requirements for completed student assessment items /
1.5 / Learner survey /
Table 2: QCAA resources
Title / Link2.1 / School Portal /
2.2 / VET section of the QCAA website
- QCAA VET secure restricted website access
2.3 / RTO registration and audits
- Changing RTO scope of registration
- Change to RTOdetails
2.4 / School RTO management resources
- Guidelines and factsheets
- Management resources
- Policies and procedures
2.5 / Training and assessment resources
- General guidance
- Trainers assessors
- Training & assessment models
2.6 / VET forms /
2.7 / SDCS resources /
2.8 / SEP calendar /
2.9 / Ask the VET team a question /
Table 3: School RTO internal resources
The following are recommended resources for school RTOs to develop. In many cases, QCAA provides samples or templates for school RTOs to complete and customise. QCAA recommends you to insert hyperlinks to the latest versions in the table below.
Title / Link3.1 / School RTO quality checklist
3.2 / Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS)
3.3 / Trainer and assessor profiles
(one per person)
3.4 / Staff professional development plan
3.5 / Assessment validation plan 2015–2019
3.6 / SET plans
3.7 / Subject selection information
3.8 / RTO’s marketing policy and procedures
3.9 / Student information policy and procedures
3.10 / Quality indicator data analysis
3.11 / Student feedback / questionnaire responses
3.12 / RTOM-approved student handbook
3.13 / Complaint and appeals policy and procedure
3.14 / SDCS data
3.15 / Register of qualifications and statements of attainment issued
3.16 / Quality indicator report template
3.17 / Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation regulatory requirements relevant to the qualifications
3.18 / Certification and the USI policy and procedures
3.19 / Industry engagement policy and procedures
3.20 / Transitioning policy and procedures
School RTO quality system
Abbreviationsand acronyms
Term / ExplanationAQF / Australian Qualifications Framework
PD / Professional development
RTO / Registered Training Organisation
SDCS / Student data capture system
the Standards / Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
TAS / Training and assessment Strategy
USI / Unique Student Identifier
VET / Vocational Educationand Training
VQF / VET Quality Framework
Activities carried out throughout the year
Activity and typical resources / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager
- Print and award qualifications and statements of attainment within 30 calendar days of the learner (with a verified USI) being assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product, or:
when a student leaves the school
when a student transfers to another school.
- Maintain register of qualifications and statements of attainment issued.
- Manage any late student enrolments or early departures — late enrolments must be in accordance with their SET plan and the appropriateness of the qualification and/or accredited course.
- Monitor and respond to Training Package updates.
- Update RTO details as required.
- Register for QCAA VET workshops at:
- Schedule validation activities according to your validation plan.
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date & sign when complete
Conduct induction stage 1 for new VET staff
- Verify:
vocational competencies (at least to the level of every unit being delivered and assessed)
current industry skills
knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning
development of PD plans/needs
supervision arrangements (if required).
- Complete and verify trainer and assessor profile/s.
- Update TAS document/s to reflect the new trainer/assessor.
- deputy principal (timetabling)
- trainers
- assessors
Review policies and procedures for returning VET staff
- Verify:
current industry skills
knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning
development of PD plans/needs
effective industry engagement and current school validation processes
systematic monitoring and evaluation of RTO compliance operations.
- Review and verify trainer and assessor profile/s.
- Update TAS document/s.
- trainers
- assessors
Provide advice to students
Ensure all VET students have been provided with sufficient advice regarding the appropriateness for them of the qualification and/or accredited courses they are to be enrolled in (as per Standard 5.1). /
- deputy principal
(timetabling and SET plans) - heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Check all students enrolled have USIs
Students enrolled in VET qualifications should acquire their Unique Student Identifiers (USI) if they do not already have one.
Check for training package updates
- Check modification history of Training Packages to see if there are any changes.
- Update or register for training.gov.au notifications.
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Update SDCS
- Enrol all new VET students in Years 10, 11 and 12 in SDCS into correct units of competency as per the date given in the senior education profile (SEP) calendar.
- If qualifications or units are not yet on SDCS, enrol as soon as possible once SDCS has been updated.
- Ensure the RTO implements and maintains:
AQF Issuance register
registers for any other legislated requirements relevant to qualifications offered. /
- trainers
- assessors
- SDCS operator
- SDCS supervisor
Request access to school-specific reports within the restricted area of the website
See your organisational administrator.
Review current scope of registration
Check your registration on TGA and the School Portal at the beginning of Term 1.
Implement validation plan
Carry out validation plan activities as scheduled for Term 1.
Activity and typical resources / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Check school RTO information
Review school RTO information on training.gov.au. /
- principal
- deputy principal (responsible for the senior school)
SubmitNotification of change to organisational details if required. For example, changes must be notified:
- within 30 days for changes to a third-party agreement
- within 90 days for a new principal, RTO manager or public enquiries officer.
Conduct induction stage 2 for new VET staff
- effective industry engagement
- current school validation processes.
- trainers
- assessors
Complete overall quality assurance
Evaluate current RTO management system to ensure the school RTO is fully compliant with the Standards. Ensure your review covers these key areas:
- verification that timetabled VET teachers meet national legislated requirements
- school RTO quality system calendar
- RTO quality checklist
- trainer and assessor profiles
- validation plan
- collection and verification of all USIs enrolled with the RTO.
- principal
- RTO Manager
- as required
Review and approve each management tool:
- meet to discuss and sign-off, as required by each document.
Update VET data in SDCS
- Enrol all new VET students, check for late enrolments or amendments.
- Maintain:
AQF issuance register
complaints and appeals register
other registers as required.
- Review current QCAA guidelines and factsheets, including:
SDCS and transitioning students. /
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- SDCS operator
- SDCS supervisor
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Consider VET qualifications to be offered next year
- current scope of registration
- quality indicator data analysis
- other student feedback
- suitability and availability of qualified trainers and assessors.
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Conduct induction Stage 3 for new VET staff
- all other areas not already covered
- sign-off on the staff induction checklist for filing.
- trainers
- assessors
Complete and submit the Annual Declaration on Compliance
Due by 31 March to QCAA. /
- principal
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Review current scope of registration
Check your registration on TGA and the School Portal at the beginning of Term 2.
Implement validation plan
Carry out validation plan activities as scheduled for Term 2.
Apply for new qualifications to be offered nextyear
Review resources:
- marketing and transitioning policy and procedures
- RTO scope of registration
- current TAS documents
- trainer and assessor information
- industry engagement policy and procedures.
- principal
Implement systematic monitoring and quality assurance of training and assessment strategies and practices
Check modification history of Training Packages to see if there have been any changes and follow transition procedures, as required. /
- trainers
- assessors
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Prepare your Quality indicator report/s
Collate data from student survey reports from the previous year. /
- trainers
- assessors
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Implement systematic monitoring and quality assurance of assessment
Meet with other trainers and assessors for validation processes. /
- trainers
- assessors
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Review resources:
- trainers and assessors policy and procedures
- industry engagement policy and procedures
- assessment validation policy and procedures
- TAS documents and supporting assessment documentation
- validation plan.
Check and finalise Quality indicator report/s
Check and finalise student survey reports from previous year. /
- trainers
- assessors
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Update any new VET data in SDCS
Review the guideline SDCS and transitioning students. /
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- SDCS operator
- SDCS supervisor
Review staffing and quality assurance processes for Term3
Review resources:
- trainer and assessor policy and procedures
- assessment validation policy and procedures.
Issue mid-year certification, if required
- Only issue qualifications or Statements of Attainment to students who have a verified USI.
- Update qualifications register for qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued.
- VET admin officer
Review resources:
- certification and the USI policy and procedures
- register of qualifications and statements of attainment issued.
Complete and submit your Quality indicator report/s
Due by 30 June to QCAA.
Follow the instructions emailed to RTO Managers by QCAA (usually sent in May). /
- trainers
- assessors
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- SDCS operator
- SDCS supervisor
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Update any new VET data in SDCS
Review current QCAA guidelines and factsheets, including:
- Entering VET data in SDCS: VET data reporting guide
- SDCS and transitioning students.
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- SDCS operator
- SDCS supervisor
Dispose of retained student assessment from previous year
Ensure disposal is in accordance with ASQA general direction—Retention requirements for completed student assessment items. /
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Prepare subject selection information for students
- information booklets
- web information for subject information sessions
- information for next year.
- all advertising meets the requirements of Standard 5
- all information provided to students (and parents) meets the requirements of Standard 4.
- deputy principal
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Review QCAA resources:
- student information prior to enrolment, e.g. Blue cards for sport and recreation VET studentsfactsheet.
Review your RTO internal documentation, including:
- marketing policy and procedures
- RTO-Manager-approved marketing and advertising material
- student information policy and procedures
- current training and assessment strategies
- current VET information on student drive (and website).
Review current scope of registration
Check your registration on TGA and the School Portal at the beginning of Term 3.
Implement validation plan
Carry out validation plan activities as scheduled for Term 3.
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Implement systematic monitoring of RTO compliance —operations and quality management system
Review resources:
- school RTO quality checklist
- relevant policies and procedures
- current subject selection information
- current TAS documents
- current information for VET on student drive (and/or website).
- principal
- trainers
- assessors
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Implement systematic monitoring of RTO compliance — humanresources
Review resources:
- trainers and assessors policy and procedures
- trainer and assessor profiles
- staff PD plans.
- trainers
- assessors
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Implement systematic monitoring of RTO compliance—training and assessment strategies and practices
Review staffing and quality assurance processes for Term 4. /
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- trainers
- assessors
Review resources:
- TAS documents
- trainers and assessors policy and procedures
- trainer and assessor profiles
- industry engagement policy and procedures
- assessment validation policy and procedures
- assessment documentation.
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Update any new VET data in SDCS
Review current QCAA guidelines and factsheets, including:
- Entering VET data in SDCS: VET data reporting guide,
- SDCS and transitioning students.
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- SDCS operator
- SDCS supervisor
Check modification history of Training Packages
Identify any changes. /
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
Review resources:
- transitioning policy and procedures
- marketing policy and procedures
- QCAA changing RTO scope of registration
- trainers and assessors policy and procedures
- current TAS documents
- current trainer and assessor records, e.g.trainer and assessor profile
- staff PD plans.
Activity / Typical RTO staff involvedin addition to RTO manager / Date sign when complete
Update any new VET data in SDCS
Review current QCAA guidelines and factsheets, including:
- Entering VET data in SDCS: VET data reporting guide
- SDCS and transitioning students.
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- SDCS operator
Give quality indicators student questionnaireto current students
Review resources:
- relevant policy and procedures
- learner survey
- QCAA Quality indicators factsheet.
- trainers
- assessors
- heads of departments
Continuing registration: systematic monitoring and evaluation
Review school RTO quality checklist. /
- principal
- heads of departments
- qualification coordinators
- trainers
- assessors
Review current scope of registration
Check your registration on TGA and the School Portal at the beginning of Term 4.
Implement validation plan
Carry out validation plan activities as scheduled for Term 4.
Prepare learner surveys
- Prepare your surveys.
- Determine appropriate dates for distribution and collection for Years 10, 11 and 12.
- heads of departments