Vestry and Church Leadership Retreat WORKSHOPS

Reading The Bible For All It’s Worth with Tom Philips /
10:15 am and 1:30pm in the Winchester Meeting Room (Lake Side)

Proper 28 from the Book of Common Prayer reminds us that… all holy Scriptures is written for our learning and calls us to… hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, (the Scriptures) that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life. How do we answer this call in the congregation? We do so through preaching, teaching, bible studies, classes and more. There is a desire to make The Word of God accessible for all people. To encourage faithful study, to grow in understanding and allow this precious word to be not only in our minds but written on our hearts. Join in a workshop exploring inductive Bible Study giving a solid approach to make this a priority in the life of the church and people.

Tom Phillips is the Executive Director of The Emmaus School of Biblical Studies. (ESBS) Tom was at the forefront to see ESBS founded in 2006. Tom earned a B.S. in Geology from Western Carolina University and is a graduate of YWAM’s DTS and SBS programs in Lakeside, Montana. Emmaus Ministries exists to disciple and equip the Body of Christ with the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ through Inductive Bible study, authentic relationships, and community life. For more information check out…

Counting to God with Douglas Ell /
10:15am & 1:30pm in The Winchester Meeting Room (Road Side)

The stunning new scientific evidence for the existence of God, presented in plain English. This workshop will amaze you and arm you with information on the relation between science and faith, that you can use to convince doubters and strengthen the faithful. Doug will share his personal journey from atheism to belief by following the evidence of modern science. Check out the website at

Doug Ell is a successful attorney who graduated early from MIT with a double major in math and physics. His legal training and work, combined with his academic science background and a lifetime of independent study, has given him a uniquely grounded approach to science, religion, and philosophy. He is available for workshops and seminars in your local congregation. Contact Doug by email at or by phone at 202-861-6623.

with The Rev. Charlie Holt

St. Paul’s Meeting Room
Part 1 at 10:30am / Part 2 at 1:30pm.

At the heart of the Christian faith stand the Cross, the Resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus Christ. These three redemptive acts shape the character of Christian formation for the Church and the individual follower of Jesus.The three components of the Christian Life Trilogy are: The Crucified Life; The Resurrected Life; The Spirit-filled Life.

The Rev. Charlie Holt is a gifted leader in the church, Rector at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Lake Mary. He has a passion to see the Church in the United States reconciled, reformed and renewed for vital Gospel mission to the world. Find out more about Charlie at

Amaryllis Sánchez Wohlever, MD.
10:30am & 1:30pm in the St. Francis Oratory Chapel.
The greatest adventure in life is growing in our knowledge and love for Almighty God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This workshop will challenge you to deeper faith and devotion and help you to help others in the journey of Spiritual Formation until Christ is fully formed in us.

Amaryllis Sánchez Wohlever, MD says… My life was transformed years ago through a heartfelt prayer on my knees. Since then, my work as a family doctor turned into a ministry as I learned to care for people from the heart. I strive to care for the soul and minister to the spirit while treating the body. Like Mother Teresa urged, I now live to do "small things with great love."