Little Angels

Early Learning Center

Personnel Handbook

Revised 1-23-2016

Classrooms are located at

People’s United Methodist Church

103 N. Alpine Parkway, Oregon, WI 53575

Center Phone: 835-1945

Office Phone: 835-3755 ext 26


Little Angels Christian Early Learning Center will teach children about a loving and available God in a safe, fun, and stimulating environment, which promotes cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development and kindergarten readiness skills.

Equal Employment Opportunity

It is the policy of Little Angels Early Learning Center to provide equal employment opportunities without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, and national origin. This policy covers all phases of employment, including but not limited to recruitment, employment, placement, promotion, demotion, layoff, recall, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation.

About Our Programs:


Tuesday/Thursday AM=8:30-11:00 or PM=12:00-2:30 (Labor-Memorial Day)

Students must be turning 3 prior to Dec. 31stof the enrollmentyear.

Classes are limited to 14 students to 2-teacher ratio.

Expanded Preschool:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30-11:00 (Labor-Memorial Day)

Students must be 3 turning 4 before Dec 31st of the enrollment year.

Classes are limited to 16 students to 2-teacher ratio.


Monday- Thursday plus 1 Friday a month AM=8:15-11:15 or PM=12:15-3:15

Students must be 4 on or before Sept 1st of the enrollment year.

Classes are limited 17-20 students to 2-teacher ratio and run

Sept-early June)

(Final decision it made at school district level, not our site.)


Monday-Friday 7:00 am -5:30pm year round (Labor Day-Labor Day)

Students must be 2 prior to their first day of care, last day of care is the Friday prior to their Labor Day the year they enter 5 year old kindergarten

Parent Advisory Committee

The center’sParent Advisory committee members may consist of People’s United Methodist Church staff, PUMC volunteers, a parent volunteer from each classroom, the center Director. This committee establishes the policies; the teaching staff carries out the program. Preschool policies are reviewed each year at the May Parent Advisory committee meeting. Copies of the personnel handbook are availableat the centerupon request.

Committee meetings are held regularly throughout the school year, at a time and date agreed upon by committee members at the fallmeeting. Parents are welcome to attend any of these meetings. Executive sessions of the committee are scheduled as needed for personnel discussions; if possible the teaching staff will be excluded from executive sessions of the committee. Suggestions or concerns about the preschool staff should be offered in person or in writing to the Parent Advisory Committee Representatives.

Organizational Structure for the Parent Advisory committee:

Voting member: Member of the church’s Children and Youth committee, and up to 2 parent representatives from each of the preschool, 4K and childcare classes

Non-Voting member: Center Director

Employment Procedures

The Children and Youth Representative of thePeople’s United Methodist Church Staff/Parish Committee and the Little AngelsEarly Learning Center Director will be responsible for hiring and dismissing teachers. PUMC/LA will not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, creed, handicap, political persuasion, nation origin, ancestry, or any other factor covered by law against an employee or applicant for employment, in regards to hire, tenure, condition or privilege of employment, except where there is a bona fide occupation qualification.

When openings exist on the teaching staff, LAwill announce the openings on Craigslist, in local newspapers and church communication. As LA grows and more classrooms are added, when openings occur promotions will be considered for staff members who meet the necessary requirements. A written job description will be available to applicantsand verbal discussion of the same will be held during interviews. The Children and Youth Representative of the People’s United Methodist Church Staff/Parish Committee or the Director will make contacts with all those they interviewed. This contact will include confirmation or denial of hire, date of hire, pay rate and setting a date to complete all necessary forms and orientations.

All new staff shall serve a 90 working day probationary period, to begin on the date of hire. At the end of the probationary period, staff will be considered either permanent or terminated. The 90-day period excludes any days not working with the children.

Volunteer-Staff Orientation

The Director is responsible for orientating new staff within one week of employment (our prior to volunteering). New staff is expected to review all written operating policies and become familiar with its rules through verbal discussion with the Director and assigned classroom teaching staff. Documentation of this orientation will be placed in the employee’s staff file. The Orientation must cover the following:

Center Policies and Licensing Rules (HFS 46, Wisconsin Rules for Group Child Care Centers).

Training in emergency situations (including fire and tornado evacuation procedures and the operation of fire extinguishers).

First aid procedures.

Job responsibilities in relation to the job description.

Training in:

  • recognition of childhood illnesses, infectious disease control, hand washing procedures, and universal precautions for handling body fluids.

Schedule of activities of LAELC.

Review of child abuse and neglect laws and reporting procedures.

Review of procedure for ensuring the whereabouts of all children at all times.

Child management techniques.

Integration of children with disabilities.

Review of SIDS risks and procedures

Forms to Be Completed

The following forms shall be completed and stored in individual staff files. These staff files will be stored in the locked file cabinet in the preschool classroom. The staff member is responsible for informing the director of any changes needing to be made on the forms.

  • Staff Record Form. There shall be written records of experience, current educational training and continuing education (including transcripts) and other documentation on file.
  • Background Information Disclosure Form. A criminal background investigation will be performed on every teacher. Information obtained will remain confidential, but must be considered when evaluating initial continued employment.
  • Staff Health Report. A physical exam is required for each teacher at the time he/she is initially employed by the school. The employee is responsible for the cost of their physical exam unless approved by the employer and preschool committee board. The physical exam shall be done within six months prior to or within 30 days following the start of work. The report will be dated and signed by a medical professional who can certify:
  • The person is free from illness detrimental to children
  • The person is physically able to work with young children
  • Negative reaction to TB test is noted.
  • CPR Certificate. Each staff member will show proof of having a current CPR and First Aid certificate within 6 months of being hired. It is their responsibility to keep this certificate current.
  • Orientation Form. Written documentation of the orientation.
  • Registry Certificate. All teaching staff and directors must possess a Registry certificate, or complete and submit an application before hiring is finalized.
  • I-9 and copies of identification.
  • W-4 Form. All staff will be responsible for completing the required tax forms (W-4) at the onset of employment and will be solely responsible for revising such forms as changes in personal situation arise.


Recordsfor the children, teachers, and teacher assistants will be kept in a confidential file, which is stored in a file cabinet in the director’s office. Staff is expected to maintain this information in confidence and not discuss it or release it to persons outside the Little Angels Early Learning Center unless prior written permission has been obtained from the parties involved. Staff will also refrain from discussing confidential information concerning staff, the center, or its families amongst themselves unless it has direct bearing to the welfare of the children.

Time Off:

The preschool, expanded preschool and 4K programs ofLittle Angels Early Learning Center follow the Oregon Public School District calendar. The LA Parent Advisory committee will set the first and last day preschool session in January before the open enrollment and registration period begins for the upcoming school year.Due to our programmatic schedule, a “natural” unpaid lunch break occurs between classes. Teachers choosing to leave the building for lunch must arrive back to the center at least 15 minutes prior to the start of their second class.

Preschool, expanded preschool, float persons, and office manager will receive 20 hours ofpersonal timeper year (as they are working school year schedules).The full-time child care teachers will receive 5 sick/snow days per year (beginning after their 90 working day probationary period). After 1 year, they will receive 1 week of paid vacation, after 5 years they will receive 2 weeks of paid vacation. After 10 year they will receive 3 weeks of paid vacation, this is in addition to their sick/snow days.

Our 4K teachers are paid salary, they are required to work class hours, attend district meetings, full team planning meetings, open houses, and evening programs. The 4K assistant teacher will have the summer off, and will be paid a rate of $12/hour on days that they are able to sub over the summer.

Our 4K lead teacher is also the current center director, she is paid salary, and will receive 3 weeks of paid vacation and 5 sick/snow days as she will be working year round. (This will be revisited if/when these roles are spilt.)

The Little Angels Early Learning Center Parent Advisory committee must approve leave of absences.

Breaks for Childcare Teachers:

If you are working your scheduled 6:45-3:15 or 9:15-5:45 shift, you are eligible for one paid 15-minute break and one unpaid 30-minute lunch. Lunches are scheduled to be completed before 1:00 pm on a daily basis. If you need to change your scheduled lunch time, please speak with the office and float staff upon arriving the day of the change to ensure coverage can be met. Staff can leave the premises for their lunch break, but are expected to stay on the grounds for their 15 minute breaks.

If you need to use the restroom or are feeling overwhelmed and need to step out of the room outside of your break or lunch time, please call the office/float person and they will come to the room for you. This needs to be limited to no more than 5 minutes unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Failure to comply will result in written a warning for each offense; multiple written warnings is grounds for termination

Inclement Weather:

Our programs follow the Oregon School District (OSD) calendar. It is the parent’s responsibility to watch/listen to the news media for the Oregon/Brooklyn School district on questionable days. Please see the scenarios for how Little Angels (LA) will handle delays and cancellations.

OSD does:LA-4K will:Childcare will”

Closed for the dayCloses for the dayClose for the day

Delayed StartNO AM programmingDelayed start of 1-2 hours

Early ReleaseNO PM programmingClose Early

Staff is not required to report on day that school is canceled due to the weather, and hourly employees will not receive pay unless they use their personal time.


Absences with advanced warning: Each staff member will be responsible for arranging substitute teachers for themselves. These substitutes must have a volunteer form, volunteer orientation form, and Background Disclosure form on file, meet the minimum job requirements for your role, and be approved by the director. Ask our other teachers and/or office staff if they are available first, if not a list of approved substitutes is available in the office.

You must fill out a request off form for doctor appointments, court appointments, vacation days, mental health days, ANYTIME that you would like to take the day off with advanced notice.These requests need to be reviewed to ensure there are not multiple teachers taking off at the same time. They will be approved or rejected based on a first-first serve basis keeping child-teacher ratios in mind.

If you are calling the morning of: please call the director and she will locate a substitute for your absence. Please do your best to call with at least 2hours’ notice.

Failure to comply will result in written a warning for each offense; multiple written warnings is grounds for termination


When hired you were given your schedule. You are required to be in attendance for your scheduled shift. If you call in for more than 4-partial or 2-full shifts in a 30-day period, you will be required to turn in a doctor’s excuse for future absences. This excludes pre-arranged absences or multiple days to the same illness. “Making up” your missed hours will be allowed only if they can be made up the week you missed, at a time when need extra help, and must be approved by the director or assistant director of operations first.

Excessive calling in (more than 4 partial days or 2 full days) in a 30 day period while on your 90 working day probationary period will result in a written warning; multiple written warnings is grounds for termination.

We are working with children and other adults; staff is expected to follow the illness policy listed in the parent handbook. If you are sick, please stay home. If feel that you are not able to function in your classroom mentally or emotionally but are not sick, then it is your responsibility to locate an approved substitute. The families we serve and our staff members are counting on you being in the room ready and willing to work.

Staff Meetings:

All staff is required to attend the monthly staff meetings held in the evening during the school year. In addition to this, the director is required to attend the Parent Advisory Committee Meeting.

The classroom teachersare required to attend scheduled Open Houses and Back-to-School Nights, and offer at least two parent/teacher conferences during the school year.

After-Hours Functions

Preschool and 4K teaching staffis required to attend our after-hours programmatic functions these include the Spring Open House (summer if needed),August Back-to-School Night, as well as the winter and Graduation programs for parents. Teachers will be compensated at his/her hourly rate for hours workedduring those events.


Each group childcare center shall have a written program of activities which are suitable forthe developmental level of each child and each group of children. The program shall provide each child with experiences which will promote all of the following:

1. Self-esteem and positive self-image.

2. Social interaction.

3. Self-expression and communication skills.

4. Creative expression.

5. Large and small muscle development.

6. Intellectual growth.

7. Literacy.

Note: With parental consent and consultation, it is recommended that centers who care for children whohave an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) coordinateprogramming activities with the local school district or Birth to Three agency.

The program schedule shall be planned to provide a flexible balance each day of:

1. Active and quiet activities.

2. Individual and group activities.

3. Indoor and if the center is in operation more than 3 hours per day, outdoor activities.

Routines such as toileting and eating and intervals between activities shall be planned toavoid keeping children waiting in lines or assembled in large groups.

Child care workers shall give children individual attention.

Children are to be engaged, involved, and encouraged. They should not be left to free-play all day. It is the teacher’s job to plan and implement activities to promote their growth. The teacher’s should model the behaviors they expect, get on the floor and play with the kids, and teach the children to clean up after themselves.Failure to comply will result in written a warning for each offense; multiple written warnings is grounds for termination.

Rest/Nap Time:

Straight from the license rule book:

  • A child under 5 years of age in care for more than 4 hours shall have a nap or rest period.
  • Childcare workers shall permit a child who does not sleep after 30 minutes and a child whoawakens to get up and to have quiet time through the use of equipment or activities which will notdisturb other children.
  • Each child who has a nap or rest period shall be provided with an individual bed, cot, sleeping bag, 2-inch thick mat, crib or playpen which is placed at least 2 feet from the next sleeping child. Cribs or cots may be placed end-to-end if a solid partition separates children and an aisle not less than 2 feet in width is maintained between cribs and cots.
  • Each child shall be provided with an individually identified sheet and blanket or sleeping bagwhich may be used only by that child until it is washed.

Our float/office staff with assist with setting cots up for napping on a daily basis.