AS FROM LAW 136/2010
Kind attention of
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - Cittadella Universitaria
SS 554, km 4.500;
09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy
The undersigned_____[name and surname]_____Born in _____[town] _____ on the _____[date] _____
Address:_____ [town, country] _____,_____ [street/n.] _____
as authorised representative
Representing _____[legal name of the supplier] _____
Having its registered premises in _____ [town, country] _____,_____ [address] _____
Tel. n. ______Fax n. ______e-mail ______
Legal registration n. ______
VAT n. ______
in relation to the supply of goods/services, aware that false declaration implies civil and penal responsibility,
- that the dedicated bank account, according to art. 3, comma 7, of the Italian Law 13 August 2010, n. 136 is the following: IBAN (Country, CIN EUR, CIN, ABI, CAB, account number)
- that the person/s appointed for the above mentioned account is/are the following
Mr/Ms_____[name and surname]_____personal tax code
Mr/Ms _____[name and surname]_____ personal tax code
- that, the undersigned will comply with the rules as toart. 3 of the Italian Law 136 of 13/08/2010 related to traceability of financial transactions; if such rules are not complied with, the order/agreement shall be deemed void.
As for the acquisition of the Certificate of regular payment of the social security and insurance contribution in Italy
Check the appropriate:
- I declare that the company has its headquarters in ______and no branch in Italy
- I declare that the company has its headquarters in ______and also a branch in Italy: town ______address______VAT number______n. of employees number of INPS position______number of INAIL position ______.
[place], _____ [date]_____
The undersigned[1]
(signature and stamp)
Excerpt from art. 3
ART. 3 Paragraph 1- Toensurethetraceabilityoffinancial flowsaimedatpreventingcriminal infiltration, contractorsandsubcontractorsof thechainof companiesanddealers, including European public fundingin any wayconcernedin the works, services andsuppliesto a public administrationmustuse one ormorebank accountsor post office account, opened withbanksorattheItalianPosteSpa, dedicated, even if notexclusively, except as providedin paragraph5, inpublic procurement.Allfinancial transactionsrelating toworks, servicesand suppliesas well asthe managementofpublicfundsin the firstperiod mustberecordedon thededicatedaccountsand, except asprovided inparagraph3, shallbemade solely bythe instrumentof thebankorpost office, orbyotherpayment instrumentssuch as toallowfulltraceability of operations.
Paragraph 7-Theparties referred to inparagraph1 shall communicate, tothe contractingorgrantingadministrationthe identificationnumber ofdedicatedaccountsreferredto in thatsubsection 1,within sevendays ofthe opening of the dedicated bank accountor, in the caseofexisting bank accounts, from theirfirstuseinfinancial transactionsrelatingtogovernment procurement, andat the sametime, the personal tax codeof thepersonsdelegatedtoacton them. The samepartiesshallalsocommunicateany changes onthe submitteddata.
Paragraph 8- The contractingadministration, inserts in all contractsfor works, servicesandsuppliesreferred to inparagraph1, on resultofabsolute nullity of the contract, a clauseby whichtheyassumetheobligationsof thetracking offinancial flowsunderthe present law. Thecontractor orthe subcontractor whohasnewsof the failureofitscounterparty’s financialtrackingobligations as prescribed in thisarticlewillgive instant communicationto the contractingofficeandtheprefecture-territorial governmentof theprovincewhere the headquarters ofthecontractingorgrantingadministration are established.
PAR.9-bis. Failure to usea bank orpost office accountorothersuitablemeanstoallowfulltraceability of operationsiscause for terminationof the contract.
Trascrizione fonetica
- sostantivo
- standard
- rule
- norm
- regulation
- principle
- practice
- par
- guidance
- direction
- bogey
- instruction
- custom
- sostantivo
- standard
- rule
- norm
- regulation
- principle
- practice
- par
- guidance
- direction
- bogey
- instruction
- custom
[1]Please attach copy of a valid identity document of the undersigned.