As per the TAFE Queensland Student Rules students may submit a written application requesting re-evaluation of an assessment result.
Instructions for the student:
· Please take this form to any Customer Services Centre within 10 days of notification of your final assessment result.
· If you are still dissatisfied with the decision of this re-evaluation process, you will have a further right to appeal. Refer to the TAFE Queensland Student Rules.
Student Name: / Student No: / Region / Campus:
Email Address / Contact Phone No.
Qualification Code and Name / Unit Code and Name
Teacher/Assessor’s Name / Date notification of assessment:
Reason/s for requesting re-evaluation:
Student’s Signature: / Date:
Re-evaluation (Student to be notified within 7 days of the re-evaluation decision)
Name of Assessor undertaken re-evaluation: / Date of Re-evaluation:
Result amended: / Amended Result: / PLA Code: (if applicable) / Semester/Year:
☐ No
(Advise student in writing within 7 days) / ☐ Yes
(Process Amended Result Request form. Refer student for refund)
Assessor’s Feedback (if no change to result)
Assessor’s Signature: / Date:
Education Manager’s Signature: / Date:
Admin Use Only
Result Amended (use REAS Amendment Code in ISAS): / Yes No / //
Student Notified in writing of outcome: / Yes No / //
Name: / Signature: / Date:
PRIVACY STATEMENT: TAFE Queensland is collecting the information on this form to use and disclose for the following purposes: to process and manage your enrolment, attendance, and progress of your training; to report completion of assessment items to relevant external agencies and parties; to undertake administrative tasks essential to the functioning of TAFE Queensland; and to manage future enrolments at TAFE Queensland institutes. As a matter of routine your personal information (including attendance details, progress, and results) will be disclosed to the following people, agencies, and organisations: If you are a school based apprentice or trainee or VET in Schools student – Your school, the Queensland Studies Authority, and the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (for your results only). If you are enrolled in training paid for by your employer, or in which you consent to release information to your employer – Your employer. If you are an apprentice or trainee – Your employer/host employer. If you are under the age of 18 – Your parent/guardian (unless you have advised TAFE Queensland that you are estranged from them, you are classified as independent, or it is otherwise inappropriate to give them the information). All students – National Centre for Vocational Education Research and the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in accordance with the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and associated legislative instruments, and the Queensland Studies Authority in accordance with the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002.Personal information collected on this form may also be disclosed to third parties with your consent or as permitted or required under a law. Your information will be stored securely. If you wish to access or correct any of your information, discuss how it has been managed, or have a concern or complaint about the way your personal information has been collected, used, stored, or disclosed, please contact your TAFE Queensland institute. For those students who require assistance in reading and understanding this Privacy Statement, the institute’s client services or student services staff and your teacher will be available to assist in explaining each section at the commencement of your training.
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