Version II - Calming the Vagus Nerve
(10th cranial nerve)
The Latin word vagus means literally "wandering" (the words vagrant, vagabond, and vague come from the same root). Besides output to the various organs in the body the vagus nerve conveys sensory information about the state of the body's organs to the central nervous system. 80-90% of the nerve fibers in the vagus nerve are afferent (sensory) nerves communicating the state of the viscera to the brain. This exercises helps you use techniques in Applied Energy Medicine to calm the vagus nerve and relax the body and the organs to which it is connected. (I would suggest you go on line and type in “vagus verve” to see the various illustrations of how this nerve travels through the body.)
Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet uncrossed and flat on the floor.
Rest your hands, palm up, in your lap. Take several deep cleansings breaths into your body focusing your attention on the chest/heart area of the body.
When you feel ready, take your attention up to the top of your head.Allow your attention to connect with your body and energy at this point. Simply pay attention to any sensations, visuals, etc. you may experience, without judgment.
Project positiveity and a calming presence onto area of your head as you allow this energy/color to sink into the middle of your brain (hippocampus area, center/middle of the head). Then, allow this calmness to float toward the medulla (brainstem, located in front (anterior) of the neck’s cervical vertebrae).
In a relaxed state, keep your attention in the center and the brain stem. Think thoughts such as freedom, ease, peace and I am one with my body, mind and spirit. I am peaceful, calm, at ease and well. As you think these thoughts visualize the vagus nerve being filled with this energy, (colors may come to your mind’s eye, this is perfectly normal). Thoughts such as peace, love, strength, deep understanding, wisdom and ease are all healing thoughts which stimulate the body and this nerve in a calming positive manner. Healing phrases such as “I am open to my wisdom and love. I know what to do. I am safe. I trust my body and my life. My body is safe and secure. I am loved and supported by all” are often helpful.
When you are ready, allow the energy to keep moving down the Vagus Nerve and supplanting the colors/energy and healing words and slogans into the nerve itself. See the color/light and power of the feelings proved by these healing words saturate not only your beautiful brain but the nerve and the organs it stimulates.
All it all to flow down the entire nerve, paying attention to the heart, and the stomach organs—filling them with positive thought, energy and love as well as the Vagus Nerve. “I am safe. I am healed and whole. I am loved. All is well in my body and in my world. I always trust myself. I trust my body. I trust God.”
You may repeat the process several times in one session if you like, place your hands on your heart or stomach and feel the energy. Part of the reason that the Vagus Nerve is reactive is because we have lost touch with our body and our nervous system is overloaded. Even if you’re an athlete and in great shape, we can push our bodies too hard and so this process brings normalcy back to your system---body, mind, and spirit. You may also place your hands on the back of your neck and the top of your head during the process if you like. Visualize more energy and healing going into the body at these points.
If you like, to conclude this exercise place your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Feel the energy coming into your hands. When ready, place your hands on your chest (heart) or stomach and say a little prayer such as this.
Thank you God.
Thank you precious body for all that you do for me.
I love you (state your name)
I honor you (state your name)
I am safe, grateful and at peace in my world. Amen.