Preparing for Clinical Coaching: Module 1 - Resources & Personal Styles

Purpose: The learner willuse their self-awareness of personality, learning, conflict management and Critical thinking styles and strengths to support and improve experiential learning for the novices that they coach, within the parameters of agency protocol, resources and program framework.

Contact Hours:Contact hour credit is awarded only for completed worksheets. This continuing nursing education activity was approved by The Vermont State Nurses Association’s Committee on Education an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Committee on AccreditationCompletion of this activity is recognized for 5.0 contact hours. Approval valid through ______. Assigned VSNA #______

Complete the following pages as directed in each section. If you do not have internet access at your home, you can use public or medical library computers to access identified web sites. Staff in your Education Department may be able to assist you in finding both web sites and articles to use within this assignment.

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Please track and document the time required for completion of this self-learning module ______

Disclosures: This offering is made available by VNIP, a not-for-profit organization that develops transition into practice support for nurses and other care providers. All completion records are maintained in the VNIP office. The planning committee has reviewed the disclosure forms and found no real or perceived conflicts of interest. There is no commercial support for this learning module.

Mail completed forms to: VNIP, 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089. Your learning module will be returned with the certificate of completion. A $25 processing fee is charged if this module is completed independent of a VNIP preceptor workshop.

Learning Objectives and Evaluation form
Through completion of this independent study module, participants will achieve the learning objectives that are listed in the chart below. When you have finished the worksheet, please complete this evaluation of the objectives and module.

This learning activity enabled me to: /
  1. Determine strengths and needs of the preceptor program at their workplace

  1. Categorize own personality style preferences.

  1. Categorize learning style inclinations

  1. Explore the components of determining conflict management style

  1. Select key concepts pertaining to integration of generational differences in the workplace.

  1. Describe how you can help the novice develop Critical Thinking skills

  1. Correlate their past precepting experiences with how to improve the experience for new staff

The learning objectives were related to the general purpose of the learning activity
This was an effective format for presentation of this material.

Additional comments/suggestions:

Policies and procedures for precepting, students, and orientation

Find and read your agency policies for student management, competency assessment, orientation, and/or preceptor program. (you may need to look in job descriptions for role expectations).

How is the role of the preceptor defined in your agency policy?

What other roles are outlined and defined?

Are there defined expectations and requirements for healthcare and/or nursing students in your agency?

In your opinion, what are the most important guidelines within these protocols?

What might be missing or have need of further development/updating?

Web assignments:

Workshop participants are asked to access the web pages listed below for article retrieval and self assessment tools. Explore all web sites for further info and print results as desired for your personal use.

If you find ‘web surfing’ challenging, please contact someone in your Education Department for assistance and/or guidance to help you in accessing resources (or possibly your librarian).

Learning Style inventory – Complete one or both of these learning style assessment tools, then print and review your results.

  1. Index of Learning Styles -
  2. VARK Questionnaire - - click on Questionnaire.

Based on this assessment tool, my dominant learning style is ______

Conflict Management Style assessments:

Read the information posted on the web site: and see if you can determine your dominate style from these descriptions/explanations.

The best, non-commercial, web-based, self-assessment tool that I have found is on asite offered, for personal use only, by the Mennonite church. You can access the web site & complete the conflict style inventory at -

Based on this exploration of information, when faced with conflict, I am most apt to ______

Personality Type – pick an item from one column or the other for each row, then count the number of items selected from each side. The higher number in a block tells you which aspect is dominant for you.

(or print out the tool and explanation at: )

How you're ENERGIZED.

Easily distracted
Tolerate noise and crowds.
Talk more than listen. .
Meet people readily – join in many activities
Blurt things out without thinking
Parties recharge your batteries
Hates to do nothing. Always on the go
Likes working or talking in groups.
Seeks the center of attention and/or action.
Extrovert / Concentrate easily.
Avoid crowds, seek peace and quiet.
Listen more than talk.
Proceed cautiously in meeting people
Think carefully before speaking.
Time alone recharges batteries
Loves quiet time, reflective
Would prefer to socialize with 1-2 at a time
Content being on the sidelines.

How you GATHER information...or what you pay attention to

Learn new things by imitation & observation
Focus on actual experience.
Tend to be specific and literal
Give detailed descriptions.
Behave practically.
Rely on past experiences.
Likes predictable relationships.
Appreciate standard ways to solve problems.
Value realism and common sense.
Sensing / Learn new things through general concepts.
Focus on possibilities.
Tend to be general and figurative
Use metaphors and analogies.
Behave imaginatively.
Rely on hunches.
Value change in relationships.
Use new and different ways to solve problems
Leap around in a roundabout way
Value imagination and innovation.

How we make decisions and reach conclusions...

Have truth as an objective.
Decide more with my head.
Question others' findings - they might be wrong.
Choose truthfulness over tactfulness
Deal with people firmly, as needed
Expect world to run on logical principles
Note pros & cons of each option
See others' flaws...critical
Tolerates occasional queries as to emotional state
Feelings are valid if they're logical.
Thinking / Have harmony as a goal.
Decide more with my heart.
Agree with others - people are worth listening to
Choose tactfulness over truthfulness.
Deal with people compassionately.
Expect the world to recognize individual differences
Note how an option has value - how it affects people
Like to please others; show appreciation
Appreciate frequent queries as to my emotional state
ANY feeling is valid.

The LIFESTYLE you adopt.

Prefer life to be decisive, imposing my will on it.
Prefer knowing what they're getting into
Enjoy finishing things
Work for a settled life, with my plans in order.
Dislike surprises & want advance warnings.
See time as a finite resource
Take deadlines seriously.
Like checking off "to do" list.
Feel better with things planned.
Settled. Organized.
Judging / Seek to adapt my life and experience what comes along
Like adapting to new situations.
Enjoy starting things
Keep my life as flexible as possible - nothing missed
Enjoy surprises, like adapting to last-minute changes
See time as a renewable resource
See deadlines as elastic.
Ignore "to do" list even if made one
Would rather do whatever comes along
Tentative. Flexible. Spontaneous.

Based on this assessment tool, I believe that my personality style is ______

For the following articles, identify the concept/s mentioned that strike you as new knowledge, most important component, not valid for you, etc.

Integrating Generational Perspectives in Nursing Weston, Maria J. 2006 OJIN Vol. # 11 No. #2, Manuscript 1. available:


How might this impact your practice of nursing and/or precepting?

Critical thinking issues - On line resources/articles:

Please select two articles on Critical Thinking to read and respond to.

Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment by Noreen C. Facione & Peter A. Facione can be found at: and there are several articles/web sites linked at: and

First publication related to Critical Thinking

Title: ______

Key Concept:

How might this information impact your professional practice and/or role as a preceptor?

Second publication related to Critical Thinking

Title/location: ______

Key Concept:

How might this information impact your professional practice and/or role as a preceptor?

In relation to Critical Thinking skills, my greatest strengths include:

I may need to work on improving my capability related to:

What techniques will you use to help others develop their Critical Thinking capability?

What positive incident have you experienced or witnessed related to precepting or being oriented to a new workplace/role?

What insights did you gain from this experience, how might it impact your performance in the future, especially as relates to precepting or orienting new staff?

Describe the most difficult or negative experience that you have witnessed or experienced?

How might the difficult or negative experiences have been handled differently?