Veritas Classical Schools

Humanities Germantown Campus

High School Assignment Sheet #2

Germantown -- Due Tuesday, 9/7/10 Mr. Hess, Instructor

o  Literature:

1.  Read chapters 5-7 in the Scarlett Letter completely before answering the following questions on notebook paper in complete sentences:

a.  Why does Hester stay in New England instead of escaping her punishment by returning to England or going elsewhere?

b.  How does Hawthorne describe Pearl’s appearance and behavior?

c.  In Chapter 5, much is made of Hester’s penitent lifestyle: she remains where her sin is known, she keeps the “A” in plain view, she does charity work, etc. By “earthly punishment,” “the torture of her shame,” she seems to be seeking martyrdom. Read Philippians 3:13, 14; Isaiah 43:18, 19; Ephesians 2:8-9; and Galatians 3:2, 3. What do these verses say about Hester’s and her town’s attitude about continual shame and penance? Will these things cleanse her?

d.  Many of the people Hester deals with treat her with “quiet malice,” insults, and repugnance. Why are they doing this and what are they saying about themselves and Hester?

e.  In the last paragraph of Chapter 5, Hester is horrified and fights against an impression she continually feels. What is this impression? Read 1 John 1:8-10. How does this apply to the feeling that Hester sometimes gets?

f.  Read Matthew 7:1-5 and Romans 2:1-3. In light of these verses, what is the danger of judging the way Hester is being judged?

o  History: Read chapter 2 in United States History. Complete Activities 1-3 and Activity 5 in the Student Activities in United States History. See your Grammar assignment before you start working on the Activities.

o  Grammar: Read Lesson 1.2-1.4 in Grammar for Writing and complete Exercises 1-4. Using the techniques you have just read, complete the writing assignment in your Student Activities in United States History Activity 1, question #6. You will turn in a short outline along with the rough draft of the paragraph assigned.

o  Vocabulary: Prepare for a quiz over Lesson 1 in Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop G text. The quiz will contain all twenty vocabulary words and will comprise of definitions, synonyms and antonyms, plus the correct spelling of each word! No word bank will be given.

o  Bible:

§  Read chapter two in “Encountering the Old Testament” thoroughly. It might be wise to break it down into days and take a few notes to help you remember what you read for our discussion in class. As a way to review your reading, answer the Study Questions on page 57.

§  Memorize the twelve tribes of Israel. Be careful not to get this confused with the twelve sons of Jacob. Make sure to know the difference in the two.

I have reviewed my student’s work, and all assignments are complete as outlined on this assignment sheet.


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