Invite to stall holders

We are on the move again, this year we have been lucky enough to secure the grounds of Pashley Manor in Ticehurst. This is a fantastic location, at the north of our catchment area and in a very affluent area so we hope this year will be another great success.

The Fabulously Vintage Fair will be held on Saturday 17th September 2016 and will be open to the public from 10am – 4pm, there will also be a ticketed early evening event (details tbc) The vintage/ retro inspired day aims to engage with new audiences throughout our catchment area as a whole. We will be fundraising through the hire of stalls, workshop participant donations, raffles, a tea room and children's games and displays of vintage vehicles.

Following the success of last year, we hope this year will be an even bigger success. Last year we attracted over 1,100 visitors and we hope to attract even more this year. We intend to have a variety of unique stalls so there is a diverse offering.

Venue: The grounds of Pashley Manor Gardens, Ticehurst, Near Wadhurst, East Sussex, TN5 7HE

Map of Rother and Hastings Location of Pashley Manor Gardens

We are looking for:

  • Vintage/ retro/ retro inspired stallholders
  • Produce stalls – eg artisan breads, jams, chutneys
  • Vintage vehicle owners
  • Musicians and dancers and any other entertainers
  • Vintage food and drinks vendors

The marketplace for the stalls will be held in 1 large marquee each stall will have a 6ft table, with 3ft behind, please let us know if you need any extra space. All stallholders are encouraged to dress ‘vintage’ please!There will be tea rooms, a large dedicated children's area, raffle, crockery smash, music, entertainment and much more.

Facilities and refreshments

Within the marquee we will have a changing area if customers wish to try on clothes.

There are toilets available away from the marquee and there will be a staff/ volunteers and stall holders area for refreshments. This may not have tea/ coffee facilities.

Set-up and parking

You may set-up on Friday the 16th of September, we must be off site by 6pm, or you may set-up from 8am on Saturday the 17th. Pashley Manor is a private residence and the grounds will be locked overnight. We will have an evening event in the marquee so stallholders will need to leave by 5:30pm please. Please note the event doesn’t finish until 4pm and we expect all stallholders to stay for the duration of the day, unless there is an emergency of course!

There is a large parking field where you will be able to leave your vehicle for the duration of the event. If you did have a stall last year you will be pleased to hear there is a vehicle track running around the field so although you can’t drive onto the field the distance to transport your wares is very short! If any stallholders have a vehicle over the size of a transit van could you inform us in advance so that we can allocate a parking space on hard ground rather than on the grass.


The cost for a stall is £30, in addition we ask each stall holder to donate a prize to our raffle. Any profits you make on your stall are yours to keep.

For food and drinks vendors we do not charge a pitch fee, we simply ask you to donate 20% of your takings on the day to the Hospice and a £30 deposit.


Social Media: Extensive advertising on Facebook (over 5,500 followers) and Twitter (over 1,600 followers). We ask all stallholders to like and follow us and we will return the favour and can share updates before the event. Facebook event page, followed by over 800 people last year.

Website: Front page banner and dedicated page.

Flyers and posters: Distributed through our extensive network throughout Hastings and Rother and can also be provided to stall holders to distribute; to include all retail shops.

Press: Feature articles in all local press, parish and church magazines.

Hand out: On the day attendees will be given a flyer with details of workshops, stalls etc. This will be available beforehand and publicised on social media and the Hospice website.

This list is not exhaustive and more will be added as the date gets nearer. Please note the above is all subject to change.

Your requirements:

To ensure the set-up goes smoothly please complete the form below and return via email to

Your Name and/or Company Name
Contact Number
Email address
Contact number
Your Website/Facebook Link/Twitter
Detailed Description of your goods or service (indicating if you are a stallholder or entertainment)
Table needed? / Y/N
Set-up date and time:
Public Liability Number
Please indicate what raffle prize you will donate
Anything else?

We have a no fur policy.

Upon acceptance of your booking we will confirm your stand. You can pay by sending us a cheque with your application, made payable to ‘St Michael’s Hospice’ to Marketing team,St Michael’s Hospice, Donation Centre, Unit 1, Queensway Avenue South
Queensway, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 9AG

You can also pay direct to our bank, please only do this once we have confirmed your booking:

Sort Code 30-97-66 Account Number 01446754

Please let us know when you do so we can attribute this to your booking.

We do hope this year’s Fabulously Vintage Fair is a successful and fun event for everyone involved. If you have any questions or queries please get in touch with us!

With kindest regards,

Bruni, Emma , Chloe and Trudi

Marketing Team (07827 912621) or via Facebook