Mandatory Disclosure


The following information is to be given in the Information Brochure besides being hosted on the Institution's official Website.


Mahaveer Institute of Technology & Management

Vill.- Gulupur, P. O.- Kathawara,Raibareli

Mobile No. 9415524494



Dr Mohammad Kamil

Vill.- Gulupur, P. O.- Kathawara,Raibareli


Members of the Board and their brief background.

1.  Sri Ganesh Singh Industrialist Chairman

2.  Sri Deshraj Singh Industrialist Vice Chairman

3.  Mr. Dinesh Pratap Singh Industrialist Manager/ Secretary

4.  Mr. Ram Khelawan Industrialist Member

5.  Mr. Ram Sugher Singh Business Member

6.  Mr. Ramdhani Singh Agriculture Member

7.  Mr.Rishi Kumar Dixit Service Member

8.  Mrs. Suman Singh Service Member

9.  Mr.Brajraj Singh Agriculture Member

10.  Mr.Jagdev Singh Service Member

11.  Nominee of UPTU Lucknow Member

12.  Nominee of AICTE Member

13.  Nominee of Gvt. of UP, Deptt. Member

of Technical Education

14.  Director, Mahaveer Institute of Service Member-Secretary

Technology & Management

Members of Academic Advisory Body.

1. Mr Dinesh Pratap Singh


Mahaveer Jankalyan Sewa Sansthan

2. Prof. P. K. Yadav

Pro. Vice Chancellor

Rohil Khand University,Bareilly, UP

3.  Prof. S. K. Singh

Head Deptt of Business Administration,

Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi.

4.  Prof. Sanjay Kr. Srivastava

Director (IBM), CSJM University, Kanpur

5.  Prof. A.K.Sarkar

Head & Dean

Dept. of Business Administraion

MJPR University, Bareilly

6.  Prof. Ajay Singal


University of Allahabad

7.  Prof. Udai Salunakhe


Prai.LN Welingker

Institute of Management, SIAN, Mumbai

8.  Prof. Roshan Lal Raina

IIM, Lucknow

9.  Prof. R.K.Gupta

Panjab Technical University, Chandigarh

10.  Mr.Ajay Anand


11.  Dr. Yuvraj Digvijay Singh

12.  Mr. Sukhulal Chandwani


13.  Raja Harshendra Singh

Raja Chandapur

14.  Dr. Amarika Singh

Dean IET Lucknow

15.  Director

Mahaveer Institute of Technology & Management

Frequency of the Board Meetings and Academic Advisory Body:

The Governing body will meet twice in a year to discuss the past performances and the future activity plans, to guide the College towards greater achievements. The Academic Advisory Body, at present met once in the year during the month of May/ June.

Organizational chart and processes

Nature and Extent of involvement of faculty and students in academic affairs/improvements :-

The Institution believes that:

·  Education is the key to upward economic mobility.

·  Management, Technology and creativity are vital components for our national standard of living.

·  Continuous improvement is essential to remain competitive.

·  A diverse workforce will produce superior results.

·  In excellence and competitiveness.

The nature of involvement of faculty and students in academic affairs/improvements in the College is quite participative and interactive. Each faculty member is a coordinator to teams of students and teacher that support the process of infusing managerial qualities amongst the students. This has helped the College to develop processes, which not only enable sound development of all the stakeholders i.e. the students and teachers but also gives a learning exposure to the students. The faculty and students are provided free access to Internet to develop updated teaching modules and enhanced learning. Thrice in a semester, students are required to give feedback is homogenous and all the teachers are apprised of the criteria beforehand.

Areas of focus:-

·  To provide students necessary hands-on-experience by arranging their vocational training oin reputed Industries, Institutions, and R & D institutions.

·  To invite leading educationists and professionals to deliver lectures on recent and emerging topics.

·  To make students to work on industrial problems as part of their course work and projects.

·  To develop healthy teachers and students interaction.


Name of the Programmes approved by the AICTE


Name of the Programmes accredited by the AICTE


v  Name and duration of programme(s), if any, not approved by AICTE and being run in the same campus.


v  For each Programme the following details are to be given:

·  Name -MBA

·  Number of Seats -60

·  Duration -2 years

·  Cut off mark for admission during the last 2 years -NA

·  Fee -Rs.66000.00

·  Placement Facilities -Since this is first batch and hence the Placement facilities shall be provided in due course

·  Campus placement in last two years with - Nil (first batch)

minimum salary, maximum salary and

average salary.

v  Name and duration of programme(s) having affiliation/collaboration with Foreign University(s)/Institution(s) and being run in the same Campus along with status of their AICTE approval. If there is foreign collaboration, give the following details:


v  For each collaborative/affiliated Programme give the following MBA Programme affiliated with Utter Pradesh Technical University. NA

·  Programme Focus - .

·  Number of seats -

·  Admission Procedure - .

·  Fee -

·  Placement Facility -

·  Placement Records for the last three years with minimum salary, maximum salary and average salary_ Annexe III . -

v  Whether the Collaborative Programme is approved by AICTE? If not whether the Domestic/ Foreign Institute has applied to AICTE for approvel as required under notification No. 37-3/Legal/ 2005 dated 16 may 2005

Institute doesn’t have any collaborative programme, it is running full time MBA programme which is approved by AICTE.


·  Number of faculty members:

o  Permanent Faculty - 5

o  Visiting Faculty - NIL

o  Adjunct Faculty - NIL

o  Guest Faculty - NIL

o  Profile of each faculty with qualifications, total experience, age and duration of employment at the institute concerned

S. No. / Name of Faculty / Designation / Qualification / Experience / Date of Birth / Duration of Employment
1 / Mr. Pushpraj Dubey / Lecturer / MBA / 1Year / 16/01/1984 / 1month
2 / Mr. Saurabh Srivastava / Lecturer / MBA / 2 Year / 13/03/1978 / 1month
3 / Mr. Nikhil Kr. Srivastava / Lecturer / MBA / - / 14/09/1987 / 1month
4 / Miss Priyanka Singh / Lecturer / MBA / - / 09/07/1986 / 1month

o  Number of faculty employed and left during the last three years NA

o  Profile of Director/Principal with qualifications, total experience, age and duration of employment at the institute concerned.

Sl. No. / Name of Director / Qualification / Experience / Date of Birth / Duration of Employment
1 / Dr. Mohammad Kamil / Ph.D. MMS / 19Year / 14/01/1968 / 3 month

o  Whether student assessment of faculty is in force. Shall be put in force once the first batch commences its lectures


v  Details of fee, as approved by state fee Committee, for the Institution.

Rs 66000.00

v  Time schedule for payment of fee for the entire programme.

In two equal installments per year.

v  No. of fee waivers granted with amount and name of students.


v  Number of scholarship offered by the college, duration and amount

NA (First batch),

v  Criteria for fee waivers/scholarship.

Scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit.

v  Estimated cost of boarding and Lodging in Hostels.

Rs. 24000.00


v  Number of seats sanctioned with the year of approval.

60 Seats, year of approval 2009-2010

v  Number of students admitted under various categories each year in the last three years.


v  Number of applications received during last two years for admission under Management Quota and number admitted.

Nil (first batch)


v  Mention the admission test being followed, name and address of the Test Agency and its URL(website).

UPSEE organized by U.P. Technical University.

I.E.T. Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow.

v  Number of seats allotted to different Test Qualified Candidates separately [AIEEE/UPSEE(State conducted test/ University tests)/Association conducted test]

51 to UPSEE qualified candidate, 9 Management quota seats filled on the basis of Merit, Vacant seats were filled on the basis of eligibility norms and merit as the entrance conducted by Utter Pradesh Technical University has a poor response.

v  Calendar: As per UPTU Schedule

·  Last date for request for applications.

·  Last date for submission of application

·  Dates for Group Discussion (GD)/Interviews

·  Dates for announcing final results

·  Release of admission list (main list and waiting list should be announced on the same day)

·  Date for acceptance by the candidate (time given should in no case be less then 15 days)

To be finalized by State Govt. Entrance Test conducting body.

·  Last date for closing of admission.

·  Starting of the Academic session.

·  The waiting list should be activated only on the expiry of date of main list

·  The policy of refund of the fee, in case of withdrawal, should be clearly notified.

In case of withdrawal the fee submitted is refunded after clearance from different departments/sections.


v  Describe each criteria with its respective weightages i.e. Admission Test, GD, Interview etc.

Admissions are made on the basis of merit obtained in the UPSEE conducted by State Govt.

v  Mention the minimum level of acceptance, if any, for any criteria.


v  Mention the cut-off levels of percentage & percentile scores (section-wise and/or total as case may be) of the candidates in the admission test who are called for GD/Interview


v  Mention last two years cut-off percentage & percentile (section-wise and/or total as the case may be) of the candidates called for GD/Interview.


v  Display marks scored in Test, GD, Interview etc. and in aggregate for all candidates who come for GD/Interview etc.

Marks were not provided by the Test conducting body only list of selected candidates was provided. List was also displayed by the entrance examination conducting body in its website and News Paper.

Item No I - IX must be given in information brochure and must be hosted as fixed content in

the website of the Institution.

The Website must be dynamically updated with regard to X -XIII.


v  Downloadable application form, with online submission possibilities.

Application form available in the College website


v  List of candidates whose applicable have been received along with percentile/percentage score for each ofthe qualifying examination in separate categories for open seats. List of candidates who have applied alongwith percentage and percentile score for Management quota seats.

The applicants were selected through the merit finalized by UPSEE conducting body and on the basis of eligibility criteria.


v  Norms adopted for calling the candidates for Group Discussion/Personal Interview. (It has to be strictly inorder of merit.)


v  Attributes for evaluation in GD/Interview.



v  Composition of evaluation team with the brief profiles of members (This information be made available in the public domain after the admission process is over)

Admissions were made under management quota in free seat category.

v  Score of the individual candidates called for Group Discussion and Interview in each of the components including the test and in total, arranged in order of merit.


v  List of candidates who have been offered admission in each category.


v  Waiting list of the candidates in order of merit to be operative from the last date of joining of the first list candidates, category wise.


v  List of the candidates who joined within the date vacancy position in each category before operation of waiting list.


Note : Suppression and/or misrepresentation of information would attract appropriate penal action.