Academic Board

DRAFT Approved Minutes for ESALA Academic Board, 7th January 2011

Venue: Meeting Room 1.07, UoE Main Library, George Square

Committee Website:

1.0 / Attending
Mr. Andrew Baxter (ECA Library), Prof Stephen Cairns, Dr EllaChimelewska, Mr DouglasCruikshank, Prof. Richard Coyne, Ms. Suzanne Ewing (MArch Programme Director), Mr Derek Fraser, Mr Leslie Forsyth(Head of Architecture, ECA), Dr. Soledad Garcia Ferrari (UG Programme Director), Dr Miles Glendinning, Mrs. Olwen Gorie( Secretary, ESALA Administrator), Ms. Giovanna Guidicini, Dr. John Lee, Mr. John Lowrey (Head of Architecture, UoE), Ms. Fiona McLachlan (Chairperson, Head of ESALA), Mr Ross McLean, Mr John Payne, Mr. Liam Ross, Mr. John Stuart Murray (Head of Landscape Architecture, ECA), Dr Chris Speed, DrDimitrisTheodosopoulos,
Ms. Penny Travlou, Dr. Ola Uduku, DrCatharine Ward Thompson, Dr. Dagmar Weston, Prof. Iain Boyd Whyte
2.0 / Apologies
Iain Scott, Jim Lawson, Paul Jenkins, Lisa Moffitt, Leigh-anne Pieterse, Moira Seftor, Rosie Hall, Chris Lowry, Remo Pedreschi.
3.0 / Approval of draft minutes (12.10.10)
Approved with no corrections. Board agreed that draft minutes will be posted online but under closed business. / OG
4.0 / Matters arising (not otherwise on Agenda – refer summary report issued 2.12.10)
4.1 / 4.3.1 Plans from Arch design theory and from T&E have not been received. Design Theory group noted still in progress; Agreed that both subjects would not be included in thethis will need to feed into a future ESALA academic plan as we need to complete this cycle for this year.
[SE arrived]
4.2.1 / 4.5.1 (eca Stage 3 students) Noted that ECA Registry contacted Stage 4 students; Stage 3 students will be contacted in Spring 2011 with same options letter. Head of ESALA noted that meeting with Yr 3 UoE students but only one attended; any queries to be considered when this group return in Semester two 2012.0. ESALA Stage 2 students will be advised about their options including the MA ACCE early in February.
Head of ESALA noted she and the ESALA Administrator met with MArch Stage 2 students and that issues raised were passed to the Programme Director; agreed actions were being taken forward.
4.2.2 / Head of ESALA noted she and the ESALA Administrator met with MArch Stage 2 students and that issues raised were passed to the Programme Director; agreed actions were being taken forward.
4.3 / 4.5.2 MArch admissions - admissions information sheet had been drafted; comments requested from Programme Director and Heads.
ACTION: Final guide to be issued shortly by ESALA Administrator. / OG
4.4 / Carried Forward Matters carried to next meeting
6.1 Carried forward to next meeting
6.4 Carried forward to next meeting
[DT arrived]
11.0 Carry forward
4.5 / 8.0 Fee for Landscape Students – action still required to instigate fee for Landscape students to use workshop.
ACTION: Teaching Board to prepare short paper on access to workshop and related facilities. / OG/FM
5.0 / Head of ESALA Report
5.1 / APMR – Review on 01 Dec was cancelled; revised date is possibly 19th January but not yet confirmed.
[Note now confirmed as 2619/Jan]
5.2 / Geddes Honorary Professors – Head of ESALA reported that she circulated nomination for Robert Camlin before Christmas; the process was on hold until there was more clarity on possible costs associated with the post. Any costs of the appointment should be met by activities of the appointment; it was noted the position was honorary.
Action: Board agreed to take forward – with view to starting in September provided this is cost neutral.
Action: SE to circulate remit to ESALA staff list. / JLo / SE
5.3 / SCHOSA – Head of ESALA reported that most schools in England and Wales are having to consider the future funding of programmes were taking a position on where funding should be (either part 1 or part 2). In England and Walesif block grants to Arts and Humanities are removed from 2012. The RIBA proposed to lobby in favour of continued funding for Part 2 as the lesser of two evils. UG teaching grants removed. Board discussed this and suggested it was important to (a) find what the University position is regarding humanities and social sciences; also (b) we should be reluctant to take a position based on England and Wales when the position in Scotland may differ. ASSA Heads of Schools will also discuss.
Action: agreed at next SCHOSA meeting to support 5 year funding in Scotland.
** FM this doesn’t quite tally with the above note?** / JLo (As rep at SCHOSA)
5.4 / Staffing – Head of ESALA noted there were still number of uncertainties regarding staffing. On a positive note the Board was advised of a new post in UoE (Lecturership in Architectural Technology). Colleagues asked to circulate.
Action: OG to circulate Job Description to ESALA email list.
A second position intended at lecturer/senior lecturer level is likely to be advertised shortly. Head also reported that Delia Wendel will be returning to UoE this year. / OG
5.4 / Merger – Head of ESALA reported that a number of activities were taking place; still waiting for a formal decision which is likely to be in the forthcoming (Jan/Feb).
5.5 / Away Day – Head of ESALA noted there would be an ACE/ECA away day open to permanent staff and some technical staff. This is on 12th January from 1.30pm in the Informatics Building
Action: notify OG on attendance if not already done so. / All
6.2 / ESALA Forward plan
Head of ESALA noted the ESALA plan feeds into theformat is based on the outline provided for annual cycle of planning in the University. This is done at subject level, school level and then feeds into college (CHSS) planning round. This cycle it is expected that ECA (Schools of Art and Design) are included in the CHSS planning round.
Head of Architecture (ECA) noted that this would could feed into ARB and RIBA submissions; the plan is helpful for internal review.
Comments on the plan were requestednoted:
-Agreed we should have some clarity on what the purpose is of this plan, in particular internal or external audience. Board agreed we need an internal plan (ESALA, ECA, ACE); an external plan could come from this but it should not be the same document.
-Can we look at what is distinctive about ESALA in comparison with other Schools; what is our brand? Noted this referred to within the Strategic aims but could be fleshed out.
-Statements on core values and strategic vision could be more precise in future plans.
-Review of the plan: there is no set timeframe to develop this and so can be reviewed on a rolling basis and suggested it is looked at again after the ESALA Away Day in March 2011
-Some staff felt we needed greater vision as a priority to assist with recruiting students. Other staff felt the current position was workable although acknowledged it was an interim position. Board agreed that the nature and identity of ESALA and what it is is not clear and ; this is tied into merger discussions e.g. do we roll in PGT; do we keep the name, what is ECA, ESALA, ECA, position of landscape architecture etc. this should be discussed at Away Day and PGT issues to be taken forward by PGT working group
-Noted there are issues stemming from the fact we are not yet one School covering all academic programmes.
1. All members invited to email specific comments to Head of ESALA ()
2. Board suggested this plan go to the ESALA Strategic Planning Group (whilst we are separate institutions.)
Action: Head of ESALA/OG
3. Review Plan after ESALA Away Day in early March
Action: Head of ESALA to set up a working group from members of Academic Board
4. What is ESALA?
Action: OG/Head of ESALA to include in Away Day Programme
Action: PGT working group to take forward issues related to PGT; this should should be in discussion with the Outreach Board and MArch Programme Committee
Agreed: The Academic Board should remain the key forum to bring this discussion together. / ACTION
All by
6.2.5 / -Noted there are issues stemming from the fact we are not yet one School covering all academic programmes.
1. All members invited to email specific comments to Head of ESALA ()
2. Board suggested this plan go to the ESALA Strategic Planning Group (whilst we are separate institutions.)
Action: Head of ESALA/OG
3. Review Plan after ESALA Away Day in early March
Action: Head of ESALA to set up a working group from members of Academic Board
4. What is ESALA?
Action: OG/Head of ESALA to include in Away Day Programme
Action: PGT working group to take forward issues related to PGT; this should should be in discussion with the Outreach Board and MArch Programme Committee
Agreed: The Academic Board should remain the key forum to bring this discussion together. / All by
xxxx fm to fill blanks – og checking air con xxxx
General discussion about status of ESALA; merger has stalled development of ESALA including integrating landscape architecture programmes.
Research – felt collaborative research, work required within ESALA and how practice based staff can contribute.
CWT noted that we are the only LA programme in Scotland; the school is therefore fairly unique because of this.
SG - To know what ESALA is to know what ESALA is doing at present.
ACTION: Head of ESALA to integrate LA into the main plan and circulate to board; then a smaller group would look into the plan after the away day.
6.3.31 / Landscape Architecture Plan
HoE noted that the Landscape Architecture plan had been received after the draft Academic plan and they had not yet been integrated.
Head of LA outlined key points in noted their Plan
– noted increase in recruitment and development of PGT programmes at masters level was key (section 2).
- EMILA programme will go to ECA Boards; Board recommended this also go to ACE PG committee for approval
Action: EC (Rep on ACE PG committee) to liaise with Head of Landscape Architecture (ECA) to submit EMILA proposal to ACE PG committee
Head of LA noted that there was not adequate clarity in the student intake planning process. It was noted that there are overall targets that institutions work to and this should be raised with ESALA SPG in the first instance
Action: HOE to raise with SPG in February.
General discussion :
(a)- merger has stalled development of ESALA including integrating landscape architecture programmes.
(b) - CWT noted that we are the only LA programme in Scotland; the school is therefore fairly unique because of this.
(c) •Research – collaborative research, work is required within ESALA and how practice based staff can contribute.
(Refer 7.0)
ACTION: Head of ESALA to integrate LA into the main plan and circulate to board; then a smaller group would look into the plan after the away day.
Action: ESALA Plan going to SPG should note this / EC/ JSM
ACTION: Head of ESALA to integrate LA into the main plan and circulate to board; then a smaller group would look into the plan after the away day. / FM
7.1 / Report from Research Board
Convenor of the Research Board noted the Board was working well with the ACE Research Board.
ACTION: The Board noted the Report. HoE Requested that future summary report should include actions for other committees (Outreach, Teaching, Academic)
Practice based research meeting was cancelled due to snow . Board agreed and that this would be taken forward by Head of ESALA and JB –scheduled on a Friday lunchtime fitting with the ESALA Research seminar series.
[Subsequently scheduled for Friday 4 March]
ACTION: CS to co-ordinate with Andrew Patrizio, Head of ESALA/JB / IBW
8.0 / Report from Outreach Board
Noted that Chris Speed would be acting as convenor in semester two (10/11). CS talked to report prepared by previous convenor. The Board had a significant remit and was working with a number of uncertainties but noted that we should see more actions by the early summer.
Specific points from the report were discussed:
8.2 developing ESALA’s own publication “Architecture &”
– ‘Ampersand’ was mooted as a brand; it was noted that publications would be one way to develop the ESALA identity by showing what we do via forum of publications. xxxx FM– is this accurate? xxxx
9 End of Year Exhibition
– MArch Programme Director reported that the final year students indicated they wished to create a web based publication as the traditional degree show exhibition format was not seen as accessible on a number of levels. The web based format would be a virtual degree show; a web based archive would be kept.
In general, several Board members noted that we do need to consider the audience; this needs to be more of a focus for the Outreach Board and to date the audience did not seem to have been considered. Outreach Convenor noted that the Board will be looking at the different channels and this will include the audience.
Head of ESALA reminded colleagues that there will be some funds for Outreach work in 10/11.
Action : The Board noted the Report.Points raised to be consider by Outreach Board / CS
8.1 / Specific points from the report were discussed:
8.2 developing ESALA’s own publication “Architecture &”
– ‘Ampersand’ was mooted as a brand; it was noted that publications would be one way to develop the ESALA identity by showing what we do via forum of publications.
8.2 / 9 End of Year Exhibition
– MArch Programme Director reported that the final year students indicated they wished to create a web based publication as the traditional degree show exhibition format was not seen as accessible on a number of levels. The web based format would be a virtual degree show; a web based archive would be kept. In general, several Board members noted that we do need to consider the audience; this needs to be more of a focus for the Outreach Board and to date the audience did not seem to have been considered. Outreach Convenor noted that the Board will be looking at the different channels and this will include the audience.
8.3 / Head of ESALA reminded colleagues that there will be some funds for Outreach work in 10/11.
Action : The Board noted the Report.Points raised to be consider by Outreach Board / CS
9.0 / Report from Teaching Board
Board agreed to appoint Ella Chmielewska as Programme Director for MA Architecture in Creative and Cultural Environments (ACCE) for a three year term.
Head of ESALA reported that JLo agreed to take on role of convenor for the Teaching Board, effective immediately.
10.1 / Support/Technical & Admin Staff Report
ESALA Administrator reminded the Board that colleagues from across admin, technical and support had agreed to feed in a single report to the Academic Board. They also feed in to other ESALA committees.
Workshop staff awere meeting to discuss workshop provision in ECA and ACE; there was a merger related committee set up to look at this but this was progressing slowly and the ESALA group would continue to meet. There are pressing issues relating to access for Landscape students (referred to above).
AB reported on Library – Noted initial discussions between Heads of both ECA and UoE libraries; merger document noted that the ECA library would become a site library. Noted some concern about the level of professional support on site at ECA; this was being fed into the discussions. Board noted was keen to support the discussions and give academic input. IBW was ACE academic contact person and he would be included in discussions going forward. It was also noted that the changes in staffing in the ACE library over the past 2 years should be included in the discussion.
ACTION: Add Library to agenda for Board / OG
10.2 / AB reported on Library – Noted initial discussions between Heads of both ECA and UoE libraries; merger document noted that the ECA library would become a site library. Noted some concern about the level of professional support on site at ECA; this was being fed into the discussions. Board noted was keen to support the discussions and give academic input. IBW was ACE academic contact person and he would be included in discussions going forward. It was also noted that the changes in staffing in the ACE library over the past 2 years should be included in the discussion.
ACTION: Add Library to agenda for Board / OG
11.0 / SSLC Report
Carry forward / JLaw/CLow
12.0 / Reports from Working Groups
• PGT- Head of Architecture (ECA) reported this was at early stage of discussions regarding how PGT programmes and their interface with MArch and in relation to ESALA
• ACCE – Head of ESALA reported there was a plan in place for 2011/12 year 3 and draft for year 4 in 2012/13. Tthe programme is working with existing courses at present; noted that there were only a small number of students likely to join ACCE in 2011/12.
ACTION: Whole group to convene to tie up and circulate discussions progress after consulatations with specific staff over Christmas. Final report to be submitted to next Teaching Board
• Discussion paper MArch and PGT programmes
Action: Head of ESALA requested that specific comments should go to the PGT working group and to the ESALA MArch committee (Email: and ). This paper should form part of the discussions in the working group.
International Exchanges
Paper was presented to the Board which summarised present position; this paper will be passed to Teaching Board. It was noted that the paper does not state thatindicates existing ECA exchanges but that these should remain in existence; the Head of ESALA noted that the existing exchanges do not fit the ESALA structures and so they cannot be offered to students at present.
ACTION: Teaching Board Convenor to look at programmes fit around exchanges; both UG and MArch to be considered. Existing exchange partners need to be advised that there may be a problem offering some exchanges in 2010/11.
ACTION: To be discussed by Architecture Heads/Assoc Heads / EC
Teaching Board
12.1 / • ACCE – Head of ESALA reported there was a plan in place for 2011/12 year 3 and draft for year 4 in 2012/13. The programme is working with existing courses at present; noted that there were only a small number of students likely to join ACCE in 2011/12.
ACTION: Whole group to convene to tie up and circulate progress after consultations with specific staff over Christmas. Final report to be submitted to next Teaching Board / EC
12.2 / • Discussion paper MArch and PGT programmes
Action: Head of ESALA requested that specific comments should go to the PGT working group and to the ESALA MArch committee (Email: and ). This paper should form part of the discussions in the working group. / All
(LF / SE to note)
12.3 / • International Exchanges
Paper was presented to the Board which summarised present position; this paper will be passed to Teaching Board. It was noted that the paper indicates existing ECA exchanges but that these do not fit the ESALA structures and so they cannot be offered to students at present.
ACTION: Teaching Board Convenor to look at programmes fit around exchanges; both UG and MArch to be considered. Existing exchange partners need to be advised that there may be a problem offering some exchanges in 2010/11.
ACTION: To be discussed by Architecture Heads/Assoc Heads / Teaching Board
13.0 / A.O.B
• David Skinner lecture – 10th March 2011, open to ESALA academics and students.
• Merger away day 12 January
• Assessment review session - 19 January at 3:30pm: noted this is an open forum for discussion. (Outreach Board will be scheduled earlier on 19/01).
• Simpson Visiting Critic – Prof Andrea Kahn will visit 11/12/13 January and lecture Thursday 13th January in Old College lecture theatre, 6pm.
• RIBA Smart Materials Workshop – Friday 11th February, main lecture theatre at 2pm. Bob Shiel (Bartlett) leading this. Aimed at MArch students; open to all
[ Entrance with ticket - will be available free from Moria Seftor].
• Bill Tucker memorial lecture – 16th February, ECA Main lecture theatre, 7pm
• ESALA Away Day 2 March (afternoon)
13.1 / • Merger away day 12 January
13.2 / • Assessment review session - 19 January at 3:30pm: noted this is an open forum for discussion. (Outreach Board will be scheduled earlier on 19/01).
13.3 / • Simpson Visiting Critic – Prof Andrea Kahn will visit 11/12/13 January and lecture Thursday 13th January in Old College lecture theatre, 6pm.
13.4 / • RIBA Smart Materials Workshop – Friday 11th February, main lecture theatre at 2pm. Bob Shiel (Bartlett) leading this. Aimed at MArch students; open to all
[ Entrance with ticket - will be available free from Moria Seftor].
13.5 / • Bill Tucker memorial lecture – 16th February, ECA Main lecture theatre, 7pm
13.6 / • ESALA Away Day 2 March (afternoon)
Head of ESALA requested that any agenda items for future meetings should be sent to / All

2010/11 Schedule of Meetings