Safeguarding Best Practice - DBS:

Disqualification by Association Applicant Declaration Form

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

Disclosure Number: / Date:
Post Title Applied for:
I have read and understood the DFE guidance on disqualification through association.
Either : 
I declare, to the best of my knowledge, that I am not aware that there is anyone living or working in the same household as me about whom I should provide relevant information as set out in DFE guidance.
I declare, to the best of my knowledge, that I am aware that there is someone living or working in the same household as me about whom I should provide relevant information as set out in DFE guidance.
Full name of Associated Disqualified Person (if applicable):
Date of Birth of Associated Disqualified Person:
Relationship to staff member
Please set out details of relevant information below.
You may be asked to a meeting to discuss this further with your line managers. If the matter has not been reported to OFSTED your line manager may need to do so. This could lead to suspension on full pay, a waiver being granted by OFSTED, or disqualification.
Failure to provide this information could be a disciplinary matter.
Has this been reported to OFSTED?  / Yes / No
If yes please attach Waiver decision

This declaration will be retained on your HR file

If you do not already have an OFSTED waiver your Headteacher will need to assess the level of risk and notify OFSTED of your need for a waiver. If OFSTED do not agree to a waiver you may be disqualified from teaching. Where the risk level is particularly high your Headteacher may decide to suspend you from school, pending OFSTEDs decision. LBBD regards this as a neutral act.