Hong Kong
Second Plenary Meeting 2009
Date: Saturday, 10th Oct, 2009
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Venue: La SalleCollege Library
Present:Rev. Bro. Patrick Tierney, Jennie Wen (LSC), Alex Chan (CSK), Rosanna Chan (JSPS), Betsy Chan (CSKC), Chen Yau-hip Louis (CGHC), Lucia Cheung (SJPS), Paul Ip (LSC), Eric Ku (DLS), Susanna Kwan (SJC), Jenny Lam (CSK(LS)PS), Alice Lau (CSK(LS)PS), Wilfred Lau (CSK), Emily Leung (LSPS),Hesione Leung (LSC), Irene Leung (SJPS), Lily Leung (CSKC), Christopher Lo (SJC), Edith Loong (LSC), Howard Lui (CSKP(LS)S), Edith Ng (DLSNT), Poon Man-yiu Terrence (DLSNT), John Shek (CGHC), Millie Tam (SJPS), Paul Tam (SJPS), Cecilia Tang (LSC), Samson Tang (CGHC), Tong Wun-sing (LSC), Wong Kwok-chuen Wallace (CSK), Robert Wong (LSC), Wendy Wong (LSPS), Talon Yeung (CSK(LS)PS), Yu Kai-tung Winter (CSKC)
1. Opening Prayer
Rev. Bro Patrick led the opening prayer by conducting a series of slide show on ‘A Call of Peace’ with the background music “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace”, a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. He informed members that October 21 has been chosen to be the day for peace. He further encouraged member schools to put up display boards to celebrate the occasion.
The Chairman then thanked Mr. Paul Tam for his help in producing the PowerPoint.
2. Minutes and Matters arising
Minutes from our last meeting were adopted. As the matters arising had been included in the agenda, they would be discussed accordingly.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Wendy Wong informed members that the APLEC 7 account had been transferred to the mother’s account in summer as there had not been any transaction since April, 2009. The amount will be shown in the next Treasurer’s report.
The Treasurer also explained that the status of our Lasallian Family Fund was in healthy condition. There was a donation of $5,000 from the CSKPTA and the sum was deposited in the current account.
4. Presentations by Hong Kong Lasallian Formation Team
Ms. Alice Lau reported for the Team which went to TagaytayCity in Manila over the summer for the Lasallian Formation course which aimed at preparing future leaders for Lasallian mission in PARC.
Mr. Christopher Lo reported for the Team that went to Ipoh in Malaysia. The aim was to nurture staff in Christian Brother Schools to pass on the Lasallian spirit. Topics covered included Life of our Founder, Reflection and Application. Sessions were conducted by both Brothers and lay partners.
Mrs. Hesione Leung added that PARC would be providing formation programmes for teachers, parents and students. Materials catering for the teachers would be of the top priority and she therefore invited members to help out in compiling materials to be executed in May.
Ms. Edith Loong, a member of the Advisory Board, wrapped up all reports by explaining the following:
Rationale: All organizations should be faithful to the mission statement which has been formulated to become the primary task for all involved. They are to get fully committed and to pursue the mission statement. They would have to provide personal experience to enrich others and to enlarge the resources.
3 main themes to be developed by the Formation Teams:
-Founding Story: Draw similarities of our Founder’s life and apply to challenges in our daily lives
-Core Lasallian Values
-Lasallian Educational Mission
Division of Labour: Work distribution (See Appendix A) has already been set up among all the 8 schools in Hong Kong to prepare the materials.
Stages of Work:
-Initial Stage: Collect materials from all schools. Any schools producing materials about our Founder or Lasallian mission, be it in large or small scale, are encouraged to send the materials to Rev. Br. Patrick.
-Second Stage: Materials collected will be compiled into Modules to be shared by schools. Individual schools can adapt the materials for their own use as all materials would first be presented in English medium. Any Chinese schools producing any translations are requested to send the copy back to the Team. The Core materials will be suitable for adaptation to suit different audiences including primary or secondary school teachers and students, parents, old boys or other organizations.
-Initial Trial: will be conducted in May, 2010.
Ms. Loong further explained that the Hong Kong region, together with Singapore and Malaysia, are all currently under the Penang District. The other 2 districts are also undertaking similar programs and hopefully resources produced will eventually be shared among districts.
She finally addressed her gratefulness to Rev. Br. Mark Murphy, Head of Lasallian Services, for his guidance and that the same should be accredited to Rev. Br. John D’Cruz for being a good mentor in the guidance of all the formative work and the initial establishment of a formal Lasallian Teacher Formation Day. She also expressed her thanks to Rev. Br. Thomas Lavin and Rev. Br. Patrick for their continuous support.
Rev. Br. Patrick informed all members that, with the help of the LEC, a Lasallian Formation Fund is now in the process of establishment. Each school would probably need to contribute an amount to start the initial funding.
The chairman then raised the question whether the Modules could be adapted into a one-hour or 30-minute segment. Ms. Loong ascertained that each theme would have more than 1 module in the forms of video clips, texts, pictures or PowerPoint edited in different time segments.
Ms. Loong also added that the Team is now looking for a translation company in Shenzhen to do all the translation work.
Rev. Br. Patrick concluded that Rev. Br. John would be coming to HK at the end of October. The joint teams will make some arrangements to meet him. He also thanked the team for giving members the direction to pursue.
5. Lasallian Family Website Presentation
Mr. Louis Chen has taken up the post of the Webmaster of the Lasallian Family Office Homepage.
A Website Committee has been set up with the webmasters of each member school be invited to join in.
New features:
Gateway icon: All past issues can easily be accessed.
Formation program: A sample of “Support of Leadership / Spirit” from the Philippines has been posted up.
Expanded version in the future: All APLEC minutes will be posted up.
Highlight of the Month:
All updates of each member school can be found in detail and in both mediums by clicking onto the pictures.
The webmaster of each school will have to decide their own Highlight of the Month.
Each school will need to form a small team to help the webmaster who in turn will help Louis in updating the Lasallian Family Office Homepage.
6. Visit of Brother Superior General and General Councillor in March 2010
Rev. Br. Alvaro Rodriguez, our Brother Superior General and Rev. Br. David Hawke, our General Councillor, will be visiting Hong Kong from March 24 to 27, 2010.
Rev. Br. Alvaro is on his second term as Superior General. He visits every sector once every 7 years.
Tentative schedule:
Date / Time / ArrangementsMarch 24
(Wed) / 2:30 p.m. / Arrival Time
Evening / Meeting with Brothers
March 25
(Thur) / a.m. / District Council Meeting: Brothers from Malaysia, Singapore & HK will all meet in this council.
p.m. / Hong Kong Lasallian Family Gathering
Evening / Light Buffet Dinner: Kick off at 6 p.m. & finish by 9 p.m.
March 26
(Fri) / To be arranged / Visits to Schools
Meet LEC, APLEC, or Lasallian Youth members
March 27
(Sat) / a.m. / Free
Evening / Departure for Rome
Rev. Br. Patrick reminded members when Brother Superior visited Hong Kong seven years ago, the Lasallian Family Gathering took place in LSC and Group Representative from every school, Alumni, PTA and students met in the Gymnasium.
The APLEC 7 delegates agreed to form the Preparatory Committee for the Lasallian Family Gathering on 25th March, 2010. They will choose a Coordinator at their first meeting.
Ms Edith Loong will be responsible for arranging accommodations for the District Council members and both she and Mr. Paul Ip will also look after any catering requirements.
Br. Superior and Br. David will be staying in the Brother quarter in LSC, while other Brothers will need accommodation arrangements. The booking will need to start early.
Possible Schools for visits: CSKPS, SJP, CSKC, CGHC & DLS
7. School Updates
SJC / Feb 7Oct / 135th Anniversary
Green & White Open Day
ESR in progress
Will end at Oct 14
An Old Boy, Mr. Kao Kun, Charles had won the Nobel Prize in Physics
LSC / Nov 26
Oct 10 / Annual Speech Day; Guest of Honour: Rev. Br. David Hawke
Opening of the new track & field
Achievements: Bronze medal in the 50th International Mathematics Olympiad held at summer in Germany
Championship in Young Financial Planners competition held by HKSBC
CSKC / Nov 27
Dec 12 / Speech Day & Prize Giving Ceremony;
Guest of Honour: Prof Anthony Cheung Bing-leung
40th Anniversary Dinner at HK InternationalTrade & ExhibitionCenter
ESR: No information about the exact date.
7. School Updates(Cont’d)
DLS / Nov 15 / The 3-year transition period of turning into a co-educational school has been completed.The Old Boys had raised a fund of ~$20,000 for Lasallian formation programs.
Old Boys will be raising fund for the DLS Development Fund
CGHC / All classrooms are installed with computers and projectors.
PA system is installed for the whole school in every classroom.
Website opened.
CSK(LS)PS / Feb / Acting Supervisor: Ms Loretta Yu
A Campus TV has been set up.
The Greenhouse construction is still in progress.
A booklet in memory of the late Rev. Br. Herman will be produced.
LSPS / Nov 6
Jan 22-24 / The existing PTA will be incorporated into LSPS PTA Ltd. as of this date.
Biannual Variety Show
The Principal of DPS will lead 23 teachers to visit the school for their Staff Development.
SJPS / Sept 30 / Swimming Gala
The School is in its second year of merging into a whole-day school.
8. AOB
To standardize the Chinese version of the prayer and the name of our Founder, the following decisions have been reached:
The standardized version will be uploaded on the Lasallian Family Office website.
As some schools have been using their own translation, it would be difficult to change to the standardized version at once. Each individual school has the discretion as to which version to follow.
The Chinese writing of our Founder will be standardized as: 聖若翰.
There is not yet any standardized Chinese version for “Let us remember that we’re in the holy presence of God”. The translation job will be left to Mrs. Emily Leung and Mr. Paul Tam.
The Chairman updated members that all Catholic schools inHong Kong, following former Bishop Zen’s instructions, have so far refused to become IMC. The next court hearing will be in November.
9. Date of next meeting Date: Jan 30, 2010
Time:2:30 p.m.
Venue:LSCSchool Library
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Ms. Jennie WenRev. Br. Patrick Tierney
Appendix A
Schools responsible for collection & compilation of materials for the 3 themes
Themes / Schools / Person-in-chargeFounding Story / Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School
La SallePrimary School / Ms Alice Lau
Mrs. Mandy Catlin
Core Lasallian Values / De La Salle Secondary School
St. Joseph’s College / Mr. Terence Poon
Mr. Samson Tang
Mr. Christopher Lo
Lasallian Educational Mission / Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College
La SalleCollege / Mr. Wallace Wong
Mrs. Hesione Leung
Advisory Board Member / Ms Edith Loong
LasallianTeacherFormation Day for Hong Kong Lasallian schools
School / Person-in-charge / DateDe La Salle Secondary School / Mr. Terence Poon / 14th May 2010
Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School / Ms Alice Lau / 15th May 2010
La SallePrimary School / Mrs. Mandy Catlin / 19th May 2010
La SalleCollege / Mr. Tong Wun Sing /
Mrs. Hesione Leung / 19th May 2010
Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College / Mr. Wallace Wong / 26th May 2010
GongGeneHangCollege / Mr. Louis Chen /
Mr. Samson Tang / 26th May 2010
St. Joseph’s Primary School / Ms. Millie Tam / One ½ day in May 2010
St. Joseph’s College / Mr. Christopher Lo / May 2010
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